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Revision as of 15:49, 27 August 2008 by Crystal79 (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Crystal79
Guild: The Pagan Knights
Guild Title: Queen of the Court
Allies: They are listed at the bottom on my profile
Enemies: Same as allies
Medals: At the bottom
Auction House: My current auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.





If you mess with my WIKI profile I will contact Hunted Cow and I will have them delete your account.



I have been on Fallen Sword since Feb. 9, 2008.
I am 28 years old, I live in Ohio. I am married to Shaydeling he also plays on FS. We have a little girl together.She is 10 months old.
I am also a full time college student majoring in Accounting Technology.
I am a very friendly, sweet, funny,and trusting person.
I also breed Water Dragon and Bearded Dragon send me a message for more info.

Name: Crystal
D.O.B.: 10/29/1979
Sex: Female
State of Origin: OHIO


I try to update my profile 1 time a week.
Date last update was August 27, 2008. EST

Guild History For The white dragon

Before Joining the The white dragon guild. I was in Lesser Demons guild I was there for only 1 week.
I have been in The white dragon for about almost a month now, after a week in the guild I have become one of the recruiters. After, almost 2 months of being a Recruiter I now help the huge TWD leadership team.
I was a bounty hunter for the TWD. Then I went to wyrm. Now it comes to an end of the TWD dragons for me and go and start my own guild.


XP earned for Guild = 4,568,028
Gold donated to Guild = 5,210,000
FSP donated to Guild = 1
Buffs given out to members = 112
Buffs given out to non guild members = 98
Other donations = I have donated the Giggles set.

Attack Groups

I have join 417 groups.
I have made 44 groups.

Guild History for The Pagan Knights


XP earned for Guild = 4,475,563
Gold donated to Guild = 9,300,000
FSP donated to Guild = 180
Buffs given out to members = 120
Buffs given out to non guild members = 120
Other donations = Everything I wear goes to the guild after I am done with

Attack Groups

I have join 25 groups.
I have made 10 groups.


I have captured 17 Relics some more than once.

Relic Name Picture Times Captured Time Held
Blue Chasm
1.gif 2 2 hour(s)
Krul Pyramid
2.gif 1 1 hour(s)
Udan Sun Orb
4.gif 1 1 hour(s)
Chaotic Symbol
5.gif 1 1 hour(s)
Moot Cyrpt
6.gif 2 2 hour(s)
Klar Worldstone
7.gif 1 1 hour(s)
Utapo Death Skull
11.gif 2 2 hour(s)
Pyramid of Procetion
8.gif 2 2 hour(s)
Kentlor Mine
17.gif 2 2 hour(s)
Sprit Bog
18.gif 3 4 hour and 20 mins(s)
Lookout Menhir
20.gif 1 1 hour (s)
Ruined Temple
21.gif 1 1 hour (s)
Serpent Tree
22.gif 3 3 hour (s)



I am currently at level 166 and Climb up the ladder.

Progress to next level:

Best Hits

Level 100 Crystal79 hits Azlore Deinonychus for 3011 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 103 Crystal79 hits Azlore Deinonychus for 3011 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 108 Crystal79 hits Possessed Voodoo Doll for 3023 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 110 Crystal79 hits Wood Elf Maid for 3172 damage. (Critical Hit)
Level 110 Crystal79 hits Dwarf Woodsman for 3301 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 119 Crystal79 hits Two Stripe Marauder Orc for 3162 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 120 Crystal79 hits The Burning Ethereal for 3257 damage. (Critical Hit)
Level 121 Crystal79 hits The Burning Ethereal for 3271 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 123 Crystal79 hits Gelatinous Fiend for 3377 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 130 Crystal79 hits Poison Frog for 3395 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 131 Crystal79 hits Poison Frog for 3490 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 134 Crystal79 hits Giant Fiddler Crab for 3355 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 137 Crystal79 hits Anklar Sand Worm for 4305 damage. (Critical Hit)
Level 141 Crystal79 hits Blood Mercury Fiend for 4379 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 142 Crystal79 hits Slother for 4494 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 144 Crystal79 hits Slother for 4522 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 144 Crystal79 hits Sabertooth Rockcats for 4541 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 141 Crystal79 hits Blood Mercury Fiend for 4379 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit) Level 142 Crystal79 hits Slother for 4494 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 144 Crystal79 hits Slother for 4522 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 144 Crystal79 hits Sabertooth Rockcats for 4541 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 145 Crystal79 hits Giant Grintz Bee for 4680 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)

Legendary Best Hits

Crystal79 hits Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary) for 2848 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)

Current Stats

Current Stats
PVP Rating:

Top Rated Stats

Top 100 Players for Month of Feb. - I am ranked out.

Top 250 Riches Players - need to build back up.

Top 250 PVP Ladder - Just to be in the top 250 I need a pvp over 1,973.

Top 250 Bounty hunters - I am 200 place with 900 points.

Top 250 Rising Stars - Currently I am standing at 3,759th. To be in the top 250 I need to be in the 1000s

Over All Top 250 Players of FS - I need to be over 296 level with XP of 256,727,194.


Absorb 10 () 13_sm.gif Not for sale gold_button.gif
Enchanted Armor 124() 9_sm.gif 10,000 gold_button.gif
Treasure Hunter 124() 17_sm.gif 10,000 gold_button.gif
Adept Learner 124 () 19_sm.gif 10,000 gold_button.gif
Merchant 124 () 21_sm.gif 10,000 gold_button.gif

Selling Skills

I sell FSP for 98k each BTB only.

Buffs are free to the Guild ONLY'


Medal Name Progress
8_1.gif Adventurer (Bronze)
100 %
8_2.gif Adventurer (Silver)
0_1.gif Bounty Master (Bronze)
0_2.gif Bounty Master (Silver)
5_1.gif Loyalty (Bronze)
5_2.gif Loyalty (Silver)
5_3.gif Loyalty (Gold)
1_1.gif Recruiting (Bronze)

Bounty Politic

Bounty taken by Jingizu and marconezul only. ALL others will be bounty for attacking me.
I only attack inactive members.
If you attack me for my PVP OR GOLD.
I will bounty you and it will not be cheap.
I only take a bounty kills to clear your head, but there is a price.
I will give you all your gold back that I take from you back. I take the pot.
If I take more than 15 pvp I will give you half the pot.Less than 15 pvp' 100 for each.
If I take no gold from you the most I will give you is 1000 for repairs.
I am a nice person. You place a bounty on me it better be for 50000 gold or 1 fsp cause Jingizu and marconezul will take it.
Then they gives the fsp, pot, and gold he gives it to me.


I have been on the bounty board only 8 times and all times have been from clearing someone from the board board.

JOB Philosophy

IF you're messing with my guild, you're messing with me, if you're messing with me, you're messing with our allies.
Then we have a problem, and you're just SCREWED.

Bounties Collected

I have completed 60 bounties, but I have taken more than that.

Allies,Enemies and Buff Dealers


BeoSlayer -He is a good friend to me.
beosyn - He is a friend also.
ceecay - He sell Doublerx3 for 15k.
Celastrina - She is a friend that got the person that was harrassing me over the net kicked from the guild. She went to the GF and told the GF what was going on and she came back to me and told me that the GF kicked him for harassing me.
Jingizu- He clears my bounty hunter that clears me anyone puts upon me.
jmaisc - Buff Dealer and friend.
LANGL - He is a Doubler buff dealer.
marconezul - Clears my bounty.ALso GF of one of our Allied Guilds.
MaxDamage- Allied Guild memeber Friend.
OrinJaxx- A Old Guild mate.
Shaydleing - Is my husband, best-friend, and soul mate.
SkyWizard - He is one of my bounty hunters that clears me.
Wrathstar- He is a weird person, that has a big plans.


AThief - I am his bounty hunter.
Draven666- I am her bounty hunter.
Extreme1 - He is a friend I also cleared his bounty hunter and he got me on another game that is almost like FS.
japple-I am his bounty hunter.
jetplane-I am his bounty hunter.
JHSpunk -I am his bounty hunter.
Nesera - I am her bounty hunter.
jetplane - I am his bounty hunter.

Buff Dealers

Name of Dealer Name of Buff Level of Buff Price of Buff
MicaWrath Doubler 145 15
jmaisc Doubler 155 20
Alecterum Doulber 10k
boeffie Doubler 155 25k
deluch918 Doubler Times 3 8k
kenwyl Doubler 150 25k
aznmafiax Doubler 150 25k
Drow07 Doubler Times 3 10k
Burvelle Doubler Times 3 15k
maynoth Doubler Times 3 10k
ceecay Doubler Times 3 15k
dabomb3 Doubler Times 3 10k
pyro69 Doubler 150 25k
GTWolfman Doubler Times 3 8k
Serinth Doubler 125 15k
Fiction Doubler 15k
Langl Doubler 150 15k
valorsin Doubler Times 3 15k
Joe777 Doubler 150 45k


Completed Quests

Completed Name of Quest Level Location
quest_complete.gif Angry Natives 1 Mountain Path
quest_complete.gif Rat Slayer 1 Mountain Path
quest_complete.gif The Sacred Knife 1
quest_complete.gif Wrap Up Warm 1 Mountain Path
quest_complete.gif Taking Arms 2 Snow Forest East
quest_complete.gif Tassodans Lost Rune 2 Snow Forest East
quest_complete.gif The Price of Skulls 2 Snow Forest East
quest_complete.gif The Price of Skulls 2 Snow Forest East
quest_complete.gif Divine Vengeance 3 Fire Chasm (Level 2)
quest_complete.gif Failed Task 4 Elven Halls
quest_complete.gif Eternal Chant 5 Varas Dungeon
quest_complete.gif Venomous Thoughts 10 Elya Plains North
quest_complete.gif Behind Enemy Lines 12 Nomad Stronghold
quest_complete.gif Crypt Of Valsar 12 Krul Beach Forest East
quest_complete.gif Nomad Retribution 12 Otha Caves (Level 1)
quest_complete.gif Anvil Reign 15 The Mists North
quest_complete.gif Dreg March 15 Dreg Swamp
quest_complete.gif The Burnt Hut 15 Dreg Swamp
quest_complete.gif The Old Man 15 Dreg Swamp
quest_complete.gif Rag Doll 18 The Mists South
quest_complete.gif Thou Dost Jest! 19 Dreg Swamp
quest_complete.gif Building Bridges 20 Paladir Forest East
quest_complete.gif Forged Blade 20 Snow Forest North
quest_complete.gif Plagued Recharge 20 Paladir Forest West
quest_complete.gif Orb of Corruption 22 Paladir Passageway
quest_complete.gif Siege on Paladir 24 Paladir Forest West
quest_complete.gif Cleanse the Caves 25 Ramdal Caves (Level 1)
quest_complete.gif Spilling Blood 30 Forgotten Forest (West)
quest_complete.gif Lost Prince 32 Forgotten Forest (East)
quest_complete.gif The Last Forest Folk 32 Forgotten Forest (East)
quest_complete.gif Tortured Spirits Tome 32 Crystal Cavern (Entrance)
quest_complete.gif The Burning Abyss 34 Burning Abyss (Level 1)
quest_complete.gif The Forgotten Forest 34 Forgotten Forest (East)
quest_complete.gif The Wounded Adventurer 36 Dark Cave (Level 1)
quest_complete.gif Souls of the Lost 37 The Eerie Moors (North)
quest_complete.gif The Lost Chest 37 Luminous Den (Level 2)
quest_complete.gif Amazon Ambush 40 Amazon Encampment
quest_complete.gif Call of Fortitude 40 Celestial Forest (North)
quest_complete.gif Remnants of Corruption 40 Amazon Encampment
quest_complete.gif Gloomy Gem 45 Moot Forest North
quest_complete.gif Fated Abandonment 46 Moot Forest North
quest_complete.gif Allied Supplies 48 Utapo Flats North
quest_complete.gif Blazen Hallows 48 Moot Cave
quest_complete.gif Eldoras Path 48 Altar Forest North
quest_complete.gif The Burning Temple 48 Utapo Flats East
quest_complete.gif The Cull 48 Utapo Flats North
quest_complete.gif Drunkards Rambling 55 Slayers Forest North
quest_complete.gif Rare Search 55 Utapo Flats North
quest_complete.gif Forest of Herbs 65 Orcan Forest North
quest_complete.gif To kill an Orc, or two 65 Ragtall Forest Outskirts
quest_complete.gif Bulltoise Infection 70 Motaur Forests North
quest_complete.gif Call of Dregdon 70 Endlore Valley South
quest_complete.gif Hidden Ruins 70 Motaur Forests West
quest_complete.gif Maedron Guild 70 Endlore Valley East
quest_complete.gif The Fiends 70 Gebores Divide North
quest_complete.gif Battle at Frozelore 79 Frozen Lakes South
quest_complete.gif Skulls of Horror 80 Haunted Swamp (Ruins)
quest_complete.gif Scrolls of Old 85 Depths of Despair (Level 3)
quest_complete.gif Merchant Values 92 Pennalor Swamps (West)
quest_complete.gif Pieces of Two 92 Swamp Mountains (North)
quest_complete.gif Valuable Find 92 Swamp Mountains (North)
quest_complete.gif Strange Findings 103 Oland Briar (South)
quest_complete.gif Tribal Rights 105 Saneri Rocks (North)
quest_complete.gif The Idol 105 Enkmar Scrubland (South)
quest_complete.gif Village Protection 118 Gadrel Swamps (South)
quest_complete.gif Blacksmith Upgrades I 119 Gadrel Swamps (West)
quest_complete.gif The Three Magic Stones 120 Ethereal City
quest_complete.gif The Demon Bone 121 Ethereal Graveyard
quest_complete.gif The Ethereal Tavern 122 Ethereal Frontier
quest_complete.gif The Monolith 123 Ethereal Badlands
quest_complete.gif The Statue 124 Ethereal Plains
quest_complete.gif Rat Infestation 125 Jahd Swamps (North)
quest_complete.gif Lost Supplies 128 Werzel Islands (North)
quest_complete.gif The Lighthouse 128 Werzel Islands (North)
quest_complete.gif The Dekma Orchid 132 Dekma Jungle (East)
quest_complete.gif Sacred Shell 135 Reigma Beach (South)
quest_complete.gif Sand Curse 138 Anklar Flats (South)
quest_complete.gif Blood Attack 142 Metlair (South)
quest_complete.gif The Lost Child 144 Appela Mountains (North)
quest_complete.gif Slother Extermination 144 Appela Mountains (North)
quest_complete.gif The Chase 148 Grintz Forest (South)

Uncompleted Quests

Level 120
The Three Magic Stones

Up Coming Quests

All quest form level 150 to level 160


Where to find me


