Skills Guide

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Skills, or "buffs" as they are often called, are spells cast on a player to temporarily improve some characteristic of that player. A skill can be cast on the caster himself or on any other player in the game. Skills cost stamina for the player who is casting it but not for the receiver (unless those are the same person, obviously).

Each skill has an associated level which denotes the minimum level a player must be before being able to learn that skill. Certain skills also have a dependency tree which means that in order to learn a skill, a player not only has to be of the appropriate level, but he or she must also know the skills leading up to this skill. In practice, the player needs at least 10 skill points allocated to dependent skills. Example of such skills is Berserk which requires the player to first learn both Rage and Fury.

Skills are grouped into three categories: Offense, Defense and Special and the tables below lists all available skills. There are also a few skills that only exists through potions. These skills cannot be learned, only acquired by drinking a potion containing that skill.



Trading Skills

Since the minimum level for a skill only limits the learning of a skill and not the usage of the skill it is common that buffs are traded between players. A low level player can get access to otherwise inaccessible buffs by paying a higher level player. The usual method is to use the Buff Market, but other forms exists, such as lifetime service (pay once - get buffs for the rest of your life) or trading buffs for other buffs. However, there is no in-game mechanism to enforce lifetime service for trading buffs.

Skill Listing

Offense Skills

Level Icon Name What does it do?
1+ 0.png Rage +0.2% base attack per point.
1.png Stun +0.1% chance per point to half opponents chance to hit.
25+ 4.png Bloodthirst +0.2% chance per point to drain 5% of your opponents current HP per combat turn from your opponent.
5.png Enchant Weapon +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped weapon. (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses).
2.png Fury +0.1% base Attack and +0.1% base Damage per point.
75+ 3.png Berserk +0.2% base Damage per point.
6.png Holy Flame +0.2% extra damage vs. undead per point.
150+ 7.png Dark Curse +0.2% reduction of opponents defence per point.
200+ 30.png Ignite +0.1% per point chance per point that your opponent will be set on fire. Each successful hit thereafter will inflict between 5% and 10% extra damage.
29.png Shockwave +0.1% per point chance per point that your opponent will forfeit their next combat turn.
250+ 31.png Super Elite Slayer +0.2% per point reduction of damage, attack, defence and armor to super elite creatures.
32.png Wither +0.2% per point chance of a 50% reduction of your opponents HP at the start of combat.
300+ 34.png Deathwish +0.03% per point chance to instantly kill vs. creatures. (Excludes Super Elites)
33.png Shatter Armor +0.05% per point chance to reduce opponents armor by 75%.
35.png Spell Breaker +0.1% per point chance to remove a random buff from PvP target upon a successful attack.
400+ 47.png Keen Edge +0.1% per point to your attack for each complete set equipped.
48.png Spectral Knight +0.1% per point chance to reduce targets armor by 100%. (vs Creature only)
500+ 49.png Arterial Strike Gain additional 0.1% xp per point for every additional round of combat. (Note that this does not activate if conserve activated)
50.png Death Dealer For every 5 kills in a row, without dying, you gain +0.01% extra damage per point (Max 20% and vs. creatures only).
600+ 51.png Savagery 0.05% chance per point that your defense stat is added to your attack and your armor stat is added to your damage.
700+ 52.png Chi Strike 0.1% per point of your Health total is added to your damage.
53.png Shield Strike 0.1% per point chance that your defense stat is reduced to zero and your damage is doubled.
800+ 73.png Demoralize +0.25% per point chance to half the opponents enchancement levels for the battle. Note this skill only takes effect if you initiated the combat.
70.png Poison +0.1% per point chance that your opponent will be poisoned. Each successful hit thereafter will inflict between 10% and 20% extra damage.
900+ 74.png Iron Fist +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped gloves. (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses).
79.png Spell Leech +0.1% per point chance when you defeat an opponent in PvP that you initiated, you will steal a random buff. Note the remaining duration of the buff is reduced by 50% and will not take effect until the next combat. Note also if you already have the buff active, it will replace the existing buff you have active.
78.png Distraction +0.2% per point chance to obtain no gold from a successful combat. +0.05% per point chance to inflict double damage in each round of combat.
1000+ 118.png Coordinated Attack +0.05% per point added to Attack and Damage if every piece of equipped gear is part of a set.
108.png Undermine Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Breaker enhancement by +0.2% per point.
89.png Cursed Rune 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped rune. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.
105.png Anti Deflect +0.2% per point chance to prevent your opponent activating Deflect.
1200+ 109.png Overkill When you inflict 2 times or more of the starting hit points in the first round of combat, you have a 0.25% per point chance to gain 0.025% per point extra XP. (PvE Only)
111.png Smashing Hammer +0.05% per point added to your damage for each complete set equipped.
113.png Mighty Vigor For every 50 points of the skill, can equip items 1 level higher than your level.
115.png Fist Fight +0.1% per point chance that both players will lose the benefit of ALL skills at the start of combat. This skill takes effect before Sealed. (PvP Only)
1400+ 88.png Cursed Ring 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped ring. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.
106.png Sharpen Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Piercing Strike enhancement by +0.1% per point.
116.png Balanced Attack +0.05% per point added to Attack and Damage if every piece of equipped gear is the same level.
1600+ 146.png Heavy Weight Increases damage in combat by +0.025% per point providing you have at least 2,500 gold multiplied by your level in hand.
130.png Armored Strike +0.05% per point chance that your Armor stat is reduced to zero and your Damage is doubled. (PvE Only)
2000+ 173.png Invert 0.2% chance per point that opponent's Armor and Defense stats are switched (PvP only)
179.png Relentless +0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Attack (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences).
2500+ 174.png Reign of Terror 0.1% per point reduction to relic defender's Armor and Defense (only applies to Group Leader)
3000+ 175.png Critical Strike +0.1% per point to the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Critical Hit
3500+ 155.png Guild Berserker Increase the enhancement level of First Strike, Nullify and Breaker by 0.01% per point in Guild Conflicts only.
4000+ 180.png Guild Berserker +0.03% per point boost to Attack each time your opponent hits you (Max 5)

Defense Skills

Level Icon Name What does it do?
1+ 12.png Great Vigor +0.2% base HP per point.
25+ 13.png Absorb +0.1% chance per point that you will absorb 25% of the damage inflicted on you.
10.png Evade +0.1% base Defence per point.
8.png Fortify +0.1% base Armor per point.
75+ 9.png Enchanted Armor +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped armor. (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses).
11.png Rock Skin +0.1% base Defence and +0.1 base Armor per point.
150+ 15.png Aura of Protection +0.1% base Defence, +0.1% base Armor and +0.1% base HP per point.
14.png Deflect +0.25% chance per point that a player attacking you will automatically fail before combat starts .
200+ 27.png Force Shield +0.1% per point chance to reduce damage done to you to 1.
28.png Unbreakable +0.5% per point chance per point of equipment not taking durability loss during combat.
250+ 36.png Assist +0.05% per point chance of one of your allies assisting in combat vs. creatures. (Ally is randomly selected and adds 50% of their attack, defense, damage, armor and hp - note this also excludes allies whom are more than 25 levels above or below you.).
82.png Honor -0.2% per point xp loss in PvP (Does not work during bounties)
300+ 37.png Constitution +0.1% per point increase to your defense.
400+ 54.png Counter Attack Uses 0.25% extra stamina (per point) to add 0.25% to both attack and damage. (Both values are rounded up, vs. creature only)
55.png Summon Shield Imp Creates an Imp which can absorb 100% of damage. Each full absorb uses one of the Shield Imp's hit points. The Shield Imp starts with 3 hit points and gains one for each 50 points placed in this skill. The Shield Imp auto-debuffs when it reaches zero hit points. (Note Super-Elites can crush the imp in a single turn regardless of hit points remaining and it only works in PvE.
500+ 57.png Fortitude Defense stat is added to HP. (0.1% per point)
56.png Vision Lights up dark realms. More skill points allow more vision on the 'Map' screen. (Vision radius increases every 50 levels
600+ 58.png Flinch 0.1% per point decrease in enemies Attack stat
700+ 60.png Nightmare Visage 0.25% per point of your Attack will be transferred into Defense. (Great for offline protection!)
59.png Terrorize 0.1% per point decrease in enemies Damage stat
800+ 44.png Sanctuary +0.1% per point increase to your armor
46.png Dull Edge +0.4% per point reduction to creatures 'Piercing Strike' enhancement.
900+ 80.png Erosion +0.1% per point chance to reduce an attackers item durability to 1 if durability damage is inflicted. Note this skill only works in PvP, on non-Crystaline items and if you are defending.
71.png Avert Gaze 0.5% per point chance of not being affected by hypnotize.
77.png Enchant Shield +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped shield. (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses).
1000+ 97.png Smite 0.1% per point reduction to attackers armor when defending a PvP attack. (PvP Only).
117.png Balanced Defense +0.05% per point added to Defense and Armor if every piece of equipped gear is the same level.
122.png Bastion Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Protection enhancement by +0.2% per point.
86.png Side Step Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Dodge enhancement by +0.2% per point.
1200+ 96.png High Guard 0.05% chance per point that your attack stat is added to your defense and your damage stat is added to your armor.
98.png Barricade 0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Defense.
119.png Coordinated Defense +0.05% per point added to Defense and Armor if every piece of equipped gear is part of a set.
121.png Degrade Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Nullify enhancement by +0.2% per point.
1400+ 123.png Retaliate Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Disarm enhancement by +0.2% per point.
110.png Shame If successfully defending an attack, remove a percentage of additional +0.25% per point xp from the attacker. (PvP Only)
114.png Dispel Curse 0.2% chance per point that Dark Curse will not work against you. (PvP Only)
1600+ 154.png Anchored 0.05% per point Damage is added to your health during combat.
153.png Hardened 0.05% per point chance to prevent your opponent activating Shatter Armor.
136.png Armor Boost +0.05% per point to your Armor for each complete set equipped.
135.png Shield Wall +0.05% per point to your Defense for each complete set equipped.
2000+ 170.png Layered Armor +0.05% per point of every item's Damage stat is added to your Armor
181.png Aegis Shield +0.15% per point of Defense is transferred to Armor (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences).
2500+ 171.png Defensive Aura +0.05% per point of every item's Attack stat is added to your Defense
3000+ 172.png Fumble 0.1% per point reduction to attacker's Attack when successfully defending (PvP only, excludes Relic Combat, Max Level 175)
3500+ 145.png Allied Frenzy Increases the level range that Assist works by +1 level per point.
4000+ 178.png Healer +0.01% per point chance that your health will fully restore after any given combat round.
4500+ 183.png Stalwart Heart +0.03% per point boost to Armor each time your opponent hits you (Max 5).

Special Skills

Level Icon Name What does it do?
1+ 22.png Deep Pockets +0.25% per point reduction in gold lost on failed combat vs creatures.
16.png Find Item +0.1% per point increase of creatures current drop rate.
61.png Quest Finder Increases the chance a quest item will drop. (If you fail to obtain an item, an extra roll is given for Quest Finder at a fixed percentage based on the points allocated to the skill. If this second roll is successful, you will obtain one of the available quest items drops (if any)).
17.png Treasure Hunter +0.2% per point additional gold from creatures.
25+ 19.png Adept Learner +0.2% per point increase in xp from creature kills.
18.png Defiance +0.25% per point reduction in xp lost when defeated in combat vs creatures.
75+ 20.png Librarian +0.1% per point chance to gain double xp from creatures.
21.png Merchant +0.05% per point chance to gain double gold from creatures.
150+ 23.png Last Ditch +0.2% per point chance to survive death in combat (once per combat).
200+ 24.png Animal Magnetism +0.2% per point chance to make certain creatures respawn at your location.
26.png Doubler At skill level 50+, 2x Stamina usage in combat in return for 2x gold/xp. At level 100+ 3x, and at level 150+ 4x. Note that stamina and xp loss are normal (not multiplied) if you lose a battle.
25.png Empower +0.1% per point increase to all currently active enhancements.
250+ 40.png Brewing Master +0.5% per point to the duration of potions when consumed while active.
39.png Conserve +0.05% per point chance that combat (vs. players and vs. creatures) will use no stamina. (Excludes group/relic combat)
41.png Four Leaf +0.1% per point chance that craftable items are discovered already 'Perfect'.
300+ 42.png Extend +0.25% per point increase to skills durations that are cast while this skill is active.
400+ 63.png Extractor Increases chance of success when attempting to extract Components from Resources. (A fixed +0.05% chance per point extra chance of success).
62.png Inventor Increases chance of success when attempting to Invent items/potions. (A fixed +0.05% chance per point extra chance of success)
500+ 65.png Buff Master 0.2% per point chance to half the stamina cost (rounding up) when casting skills on other players. (Does not work on self!)
64.png Inventor II Chance not to consume (or consume less) components when inventing items.
600+ 66.png Reflection 0.2% per point of enemy's inflicted damage is added to your next combat strike.
160.png Guild Buffer +0.25% per point chance to reduce stamina cost of casting buffs on guild members by 50% (rounding up).
700+ 67.png Light Foot 0.05% chance to use no stamina while moving on the world map.
68.png Mesmerize 0.1% per point chance to reduce a creatures armor and defense by 50% (vs. creature only)
800+ 76.png Resource Finder Increases the chance a resource item will drop. (If you fail to obtain an item, an extra roll is given for Resource Finder at a fixed percentage based on the points allocated to the skill. If this second roll is successful, you will obtain one of the available resource items drops (if any)). Note if you have Quest Finder active as well, this roll takes place after Quest Finder and only if Quest Finder fails to obtain an item.
166.png Quest Hunter Grants x2 kills towards Quest requirements at skill level 50, x3 at skill level 100 and x4 at skill level 150.
900+ 81.png Gloat +0.2% per point increase to gold stolen in PvP
75.png Sacrifice +0.04% per point additional xp and -0.25% per point less gold for defeating creatures in combat.
72.png Reckoning +0.2% per point chance of doubling a random skill level for the battle if you initiate the combat (Note that this skill does not work with Doubler or Counter Attack.).
1000+ 126.png Reinforce Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Sustain enhancement by +0.2% per point.
120.png Bodyguard 0.4% per point of XP lost that would be lost to a non-bounty board PvP attack is lost as gold instead, as long as there is enough unbanked gold. Gold lost because of Bodyguard is sunk: it does not go to attacker. Gold taken by attacker (and gold sunk as a result) is unaffected.
124.png Riposte Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Duelist enhancement by +0.2% per point.
101.png Severe Condition +0.25% per point of your attack, defense, damage and armor stats are transferred to your health at the start of combat.
1200+ 112.png Sealed +0.2% per point chance to negate 2 buffs during combat. Note this only affects skills that take effect during combat. (PvP Only)
107.png Righteous Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Holy enhancement by +0.2% per point.
102.png Epic Forge +0.5% per point increase to Hell Forge stat bonuses. Excludes bonuses to enhancements.
103.png Golden Shield +0.05% per point chance to double your armor and defense at the start of combat.
1400+ 125.png Stalker Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Elite Hunter enhancement by +0.1% per point.
100.png Ageless +0.2% per point chance of doubling your HP at the start of combat.
104.png Extractor II +0.05% per point chance to not destroy a resource when extracting components.
1600+ 159.png Epic Craft +0.5% per point increase to crafted stat bonuses.
137.png Gold Foot 0.05% per point chance to consume 2,500 gold from your hand instead of 1 stamina while moving.
2000+ 167.png Titan Doubler At skill level 50, doubles Stamina consumption during Titan combat to kill the Titan twice. 3x at skill level 100, 4x at skill level 150.
161.png All For One +0.1% per point increase to the Super Elite set bonus stat.
2500+ 168.png Teleport Allows the player to Teleport within their current realm. The 225 second cooldown is reduced by 1 for each skill level.
3000+ 169.png Invigorate +0.01% per point added to your Attack, Defense, Armor, HP and Damage for each piece of Epic gear equipped.
3500+ 177.png Gambler +0.1% chance per point that a random stat will be tripled while all other stats are halved at the start of combat.

Potion Only Skills

Icon Name What does it do?
145.png Allied Frenzy Increases the level range that Assist works by +1 level per point or "buff" that would stay active, this is a one-use potion.
134.png Block +0.01% chance that a player will take 0 damage in a combat round
131.png Brute Strength Enchant Weapon, Fury and Berserk buffs are increased by +1 level when cast for every 20 points in this skill
129.png Buff Enhancer +1 level to the buffs cast per 20 points (excludes Teleport, Merchant and Treasure Hunter)
83.png Cloak Hides your stats (Attack, Defense, Damage, Armor and HP) and equipped items from other players for 'x' minutes where 'x' is the level of the skill multiplied by 3.
144.png Deft Hands 0.1% chance per point of doubling the effects of the Thievery enhancement (excludes Master Thief)
84.png Distil +0.1% per point increase to the level of potions used while the skill is active. (Has no effect on the Cloak skill)
138.png Encouraging Talk +0.2% per point increase in mercenary stats
85.png Entrench +0.25% per point of damage is transferred to armor at the start of combat.
94.png Enchant Amulet +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped amulet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses.
93.png Enchant Boots +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped boots. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses.
92.png Enchant Helmet +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped helmet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses.
90.png Enchant Ring +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped ring. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses.
91.png Enchant Rune +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped rune. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses.
176.png Frag Finder +0.1% chance per point that a Fragment Stash will drop the maximum number of Fragments
177.png Gambler +0.1% chance per point that a random stat will be tripled while all other stats are halved at the start of combat
128.png Global Booster At skill level 50+, 2x Stamina usage in combat in return for 2x Global Event contribution per kill. At level 100+ 3x, and at level 150+ 4x. Note that stamina is normal (not multiplied) if you lose a battle.
155.png Guild Berserker Increase the enhancement level of First Strike, Nullify and Breaker by 0.01% per point in Guild Conflicts only
178.png Healer +0.01% per point chance that your health will fully restore after any given combat round
87.png Hidden Coffer Hides your gold and bank from other players for 'x' minutes where 'x' is the level of the skill multiplied by 3.
140.png Immobilise Titan 0.1% per point chance for Titan not to move when defeated in combat
147.png Lady Luck 0.1% chance per point to re-roll for an item drop if nothing is dropped
45.png Mastersmith +0.5% chance per point to repair each of your items in your backpack. Note that this is not a "skill" or "buff" that would stay active, this is a one-use potion.
95.png Necrosis +0.1% per point chance that the creature you are fighting will be turned into an 'Undead' creature at the start of combat. (PvE Only)
143.png Perfection 0.01% chance per point of a craftable item being crafted Perfect when invented
133.png Pride +0.5s per point potion duration multiplied by your medals (Bronze +1, Silver +1.2, Gold +1.4, Crystal +1.6, Ruby +1.8 and Diamond +2)
127.png Reveal Reveals invisible creatures up to the level of the skill
99.png Stout Hearted +0.5% base HP per point.
132.png Trendy +0.01% per point added to your Attack, Defense, Armor, HP and Damage for each piece of equipped gear that is Common
139.png Warcry +0.1% per point increase in group member stats while active (excludes the Group Leader)


Icon Name What does it do?
69.png PvP Prestige +1% XP gain increase per point vs. creatures.