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Revision as of 08:06, 22 March 2008

Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing:
Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Wrathstar
Guild: The white dragon
Guild Title: Great Wyrm
Allies: BeoSlayer, beosyn, Crystal79, Quintas, shadowshow, Shaydeling
Enemies: gothgirl22
Medals: 8_1.gif 5_1.gif
Auction House: My current auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



Character Bio

I walk the edge of Heaven and Hell. One Half-Angel and the other part Half-Demon. Never knowing a home or a family that would have me. Lost to time and space, I wandered the wastes of this world, looking for the pieces of my shattered, pained, and disfigured soul. I fight ever onward for Glory and the few friends I have collected over the years. For they are as much outcast by their worlds standards has I am. I respect them all and never turn on them and the Dragons for they are my family now.

Player Bio

I am a 26 year old male, living in Chillicothe, OH. I have played D&D for half my life so find this game is a easy out for my frustration and extremely fun to play. I have made new friends since joining and find almost everyone enjoyable to talk to. I am going back to college in the fall, can't wait. I love anything fantasy, sci-fiction, horror, or supernatural. I am the Lead investigator of a group of ghost hunters, we only just started this last fall. I am Gothic and love the dark and mysterious side of life. Also, I have a love for witchcraft and I am Pagan/Spiritualist, studying books and practicing Psychic Phenomenon. I am also a poetic kind of person and enjoy writing so talk to me I don't bite and like meeting new people.


I hold to a code of honor and respect. Trust is key to any relationship, so if I cannot trust you then I have little to no respect for you. If you lie, cheat steal, or manipulate others in that fashion, that is how you wind-up on my enemies list(except for Buff Dealers all other enemies are enemies). Not for vengeance but for breaking my trust in them by being Less Then Human.


These are some minor things about me.

Catch Phrase

Fear the Wrath!!!

What my name means

Wrathstar-Wrath=Rage/Angry, Star=Celestial/Heavenly Body, Wrathstar=Rage of the Heavens. I am all that is good and I do good in evil methods.

Wrathstar was my first D&D wizard name and stuck with me through-out life till now. Though now I am just called Wrath by my guild mates.

Guild History


I start the game Jan 30, for the first week or so, I had no guild. Then at only lvl 12 was offered the chance to co-create a guild but turned it down, having never joined one I had no idea what to do. Later, that night was offered the chance to join The Dreaming Knights Of Eld, I accepted. This was my guild for the next two weeks, until they insulted my brother Shaydeling, I then left, and The white dragon's picked me up. They are the best guild I have found and I respect them all here and would do almost anything for them, they are my second family. I have been with them since about mid February.

GvG Conflicts Participated in

The white dragon's vs. The Thieves Guild



My Buffs

Category Name Points Image
Defense Great Vigor 105 (+25) 12_sm.gif
Special Find Item 105(+25) 16_sm.gif
Special Treasure Hunter 105 (+25) 17_sm.gif
Special Adept Learner 105(+25) 19_sm.gif
Special Librarian 5 (+25) 20_sm.gif

Buff Dealer

Currently I am not selling Buff Though if you are a guild mate and I am not hunting and have the stamina I will buff you with TH and AL. If you are guild mate hunting Elites and Super Elites I will Buff with FI. Anyone else if you want them make it worth my stamina.


  • Adventurer (Bronze)

8_1.gif Complete at least 25 quests

  • Loyalty (Bronze)

5_1.gif Logging in 30 Different Days

Bounty Politic

Currently I have no interest in bounty hunting so if you want me to hunt someone for you, Personal Message me first.

Why I Bounty

I take bounties of my guild members to de-level anyone who hurts my family. I also do it to get pvp to do some quests. It is hard enough to get levels and gold without some one coming along and taking it. So I don't attack active players without reason other then a bounty. Other then that, I leave people alone and expect the same respect. If I crossed your path you had already done something to deserve my Wrath.

How I deal with bounties

If I bounty you I will return your gold, except if you attacked one of my guild mates. Then you will most likely be de-leveled by all of us, no mercy for you. If I take a bounty the reward is mine, if I collect, except if you are a guild mate then I will return your gold/fsp.

Bounties Completed

To date I have only collected on two bounties.(They were some one who was attacking guild members)

Allies, Enemies, and Buffers


BeoSlayer-Is my good friend, he doesn't say much but when he does he means it. I have much respect for him, for he has the heart of a warrior.

beosyn-Energetic and dangerous, are just a a few words that describe this loose cannon. He is a loyal friend and ally though and always there to help someone if they ask.

Crystal79-The one who got me into The white dragon's and I am forever thankful for that. Also a great friend and the one who taught me how to make this page, Many more thanks and much love for her help in all these things. I think I will have her help in any future problems if I ask, has she knows my sword will be there to help when she asks.

Quintas-The leader of The Lords of Chaos, After we had a problem with one of it's members, I talked to him to let him know that it was nothing against his guild. For only being in charge no more then 48 hours of the guild he was extremely courteous to me for how our guild dealt with it, and I hold much respect for him. I also helped in the forming of a NAP between our guilds for the outcome of this matter.

shadowshow-The man that showed me the game, and helped to get me started, Thank you. He knows now that I am stronger and stand on my own, that if he asks, he has my help.

Shaydeling-Is my brother, him and I have been friends for 7-8yrs. maybe more, time flies when your having fun. He is the guy who gets me out of trouble, which is more often then not. He is one of the few people I trust with my secrets and my life.


gothgirl22-The story of why she is here is because she was a cheater, she ran two other profiles till caught and weaseled her way out of getting completely kicked off by talking Hunted Cow in to deleting the other two. You might think what is the harm in having other profiles, well she cons the guilds she is in by saying she never has gold to donate and has the other profiles hold her gold so she can free load off the guild structures while the others pick up the slack. Also did all free surveys under each using other Emails and sent all fsp to this profile. She no longer does this or so she says, but what is to stop her from making more, once a liar, cheater and thief always one. I am sorry to all this offends but I play with honor and have little respect for cheaters, thieves, and liars.I would like to point out it was brought to the Guild founder's attention of her current guild and they did nothing, even when sent the message she wrote to someone where she declared she ran other accounts, this guild has no honor or glory like they claim they may has well be liars and thieves like her for allowing her to stay, for it shows they support said actions.



Completed Quests

Amazon Ambush
Angry Natives
Anvil Reign
Behind Enemy Lines
Building Bridges
Call of Fortitude
Cleanse the Caves
Crypt of Valsar
Darmov's Fall
Divine Vengeance
Dreg March
Eternal Chant
Failed Task
Forged Blade
Gloomy Gem
Lost Prince
Nomad Retribution
Orb of Corruption
Rag Doll
Rat Slayer
Remnants of Corruption
Siege on Paladir
Souls of the Lost
Spilling Blood
Taking Arms
Tassodans Lost Rune
The Burning Abyss
The Burnt Hut
The Cull
The Forgotten Forest
The Last Forest Folk
The Lost Chest
The Old Man
The Price of Skulls
The Sacred Knife
Skulls of Horror
The Wounded Adventurer
Thou Dost Jest!
Tortured Spirits Tome
Venomous Thoughts

Uncompleted Quests

Allied Supplies
Eldoras Path
The Burning Temple