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player_allies= [[BeoSlayer]], [[Crystal79]], [[Edwardbard]], [[GothAngel6]], [[gothgirl22]], [[Mykel1991]], [[PoundSauce]], [[Shadow30]], [[shadowshow]], [[Shaydeling]]|
player_allies= [[BeoSlayer]], [[Crystal79]], [[Edwardbard]], [[GothAngel6]], [[gothgirl22]], [[Mykel1991]], [[PoundSauce]], [[Shadow30]], [[shadowshow]], [[Shaydeling]]|
player_enemies= none|
player_enemies= none|
player_auction= none}}
player_auction= none}}

Revision as of 21:42, 5 January 2009

Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing:
Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Wrathstar
Guild: FallenAces
Guild Title: Guild Founder
Allies: BeoSlayer, Crystal79, Edwardbard, GothAngel6, gothgirl22, Mykel1991, PoundSauce, Shadow30, shadowshow, Shaydeling
Enemies: none
Medals: 8_1.gif 5_2.gif
Auction House: none
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



Character Bio

I walk the edge of Heaven and Hell. One Half-Angel and the other part Half-Demon. Never knowing a home or a family that would have me. Lost to time and space, I wandered the wastes of this world, looking for the pieces of my shattered, pained, and disfigured soul. I fight ever onward for Glory and the few friends I have collected over the years. For they are as much outcast by their worlds standards has I am. I respect them all and never turn on them for they are my family now and forever more.

Player Bio

I am a 27 year old male, living in Chillicothe, OH. I have played D&D for half my life so find this game is a easy out for my frustration and extremely fun to play. I have made new friends since joining and find almost everyone enjoyable to talk to. I am going back to college in the fall, can't wait. I love anything fantasy, sci-fiction, horror, or supernatural. I am the Lead investigator of a group of ghost hunters, we only just started this last fall. I am Gothic and love the dark and mysterious side of life. Also, I have a love for Witchcraft and I am Pagan/Spiritualist, studying books and practicing Psychic Phenomenon to learn more about how to control my Psychic Vamperism. I am also a poetic kind of person and enjoy writing so talk to me I don't bite (too hard) and like meeting new people.


I hold to a code of honor and respect. Trust is key to any relationship, so if I cannot trust you then I have little to no respect for you. If you lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate others in that fashion, that is how you wind-up on my enemies list. Not for vengeance but for breaking my trust in them by being Less Then Human.


These are some minor things about me.

Catch Phrase

Fear My Wrath!

What my name means

Wrathstar-Wrath=Rage/Angry, Star=Celestial/Heavenly Body, Wrathstar=Rage of the Heavens. I am all that is good and I do good in evil methods.

Wrathstar was my first D&D wizard name and stuck with me through-out life till now. Though now I am just called Wrath by my guild mates.

Guild History


I start the game Jan 30, for the first week or so, I had no guild. Then at only lvl 12 was offered the chance to co-create a guild but turned it down, having never joined one I had no idea what to do. Later, that night was offered the chance to join The Dreaming Knights Of Eld, I accepted. This was my guild for the next two weeks, until they insulted my brother Shaydeling, I then left, and The white dragon's picked me up. I was with them for about 2-3months though I have since left them but I keep in contact with quite a few of them. I was then guildless for two weeks til my brother Shaydeling, his wife Crystal79, and myself form a Guild. We were called The Pagan Knights, I had since parted ways seeking my destiny elsewhere. I then joined the celtic warriors, but due to my personal life getting in the way and not having a enough time to play lead to my leaving. But I am now and forever more the leader of the FallenAces!

GvG Conflicts Participated in

The white dragon's vs. The Thieves Guild

Number of Attack Groups Created/Joined

Total Attack Groups formed to date = 0

Total Attack Groups joined to date = 7

Relics Caputured

Currently I have gained no Relics for the Guild

Donations/Buffs for Guild/Guild mates

XP earned for Guild = 3,456,975

Gold donated to Guild = 2,085,134

FSP donated to Guild = 0

Buffs given out to members = 67

Other donations = A Cursed Samurai Set(Perfect ff), a Mancrusha Set(Perfect ff), a Decay Rune(perfect ff), and a Deep Set(Random Craft no forges)


Current Stats
Max Stamina:
Stamina per HR:
XP per HR:
PVP Rating:
Gold per HR:

Best Hit to Date

Wrathstar hits Heath Genie for 9948 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit) Wrathstar was victorious!

Trophy Case

  • Adventurer (Bronze)

8_1.gif Complete at least 25 quests

  • Loyalty (Silver)

5_2.gif Logging in 30 Different Days


My Buffs

Category Name Level Image
Special Quest Finder 120 (+7) =127 61_sm.gif
Special Find Item 120 (+7) =127 16_sm.gif
Special Treasure Hunter 120 (+7) =127 17_sm.gif
Special Adept Learner 120 (+7) =127 19_sm.gif
Special Librarian 120 (+7) =127 20_sm.gif
Special Merchant 120 (+7) =127 21_sm.gif
Special Animal Magnetism 120 (+7) =127 24_sm.gif
Special Doubler 120 (+7) =127 26_sm.gif

Buff Dealer

Currently I am not selling Buff Though if you are a guild mate and have the stamina I will buff you with Dbl, AM, AL, TH, Lib, and Merc. If you are guild mate hunting Elites/Super Elites or need a item from a monster for a quest I will Buff with FI and QF. Anyone else if you want them make it worth my stamina.

Bounty Politic

Currently I have no interest in bounty hunting so if you want me to hunt someone for you, Personal Message me first.

Why I Bounty

I take bounties of my guild members to de-level anyone who hurts my family. I also do it to get pvp to do some quests. It is hard enough to get levels and gold without some one coming along and taking it. So I don't attack active players without reason other then a bounty. Other then that, I leave people alone and expect the same respect. If I crossed your path you had already done something to deserve my Wrath.

How I deal with bounties

If I bounty hunt you I will return your gold, except if you attacked one of my guild mates. Then you will most likely be de-leveled by all of us, no mercy for you. If I take a bounty the reward is mine, if I collect, except if you are a guild mate then I will return your gold/fsp.

Bounties Completed

To date I have only collected on two bounties.(They were some one who was attacking guild members)

Allies, Enemies, and Buffers









Shadow30-She is the most kind and noble player on all fallensword. I have much love and respect for her has a player and a friend. No one else I have meet on here has treated me better.




None there is no room for hate or revenge.


None at this time I buff myself.


Completed Quests

Amazon Ambush
Angry Natives
Anvil Reign
Behind Enemy Lines
Building Bridges
Call of Fortitude
Cleanse the Caves
Crypt of Valsar
Darmov's Fall
Divine Vengeance
Dreg March
Eternal Chant
Failed Task
Forged Blade
Gloomy Gem
Lost Prince
Nomad Retribution
Orb of Corruption
Plagued Recharge
Rag Doll
Rat Slayer
Remnants of Corruption
Siege on Paladir
Skulls of Horror
Souls of the Lost
Spilling Blood
Taking Arms
Tassodans Lost Rune
The Burning Abyss
The Burnt Hut
The Cull
The Forgotten Forest
The Last Forest Folk
The Lost Chest
The Old Man
The Price of Skulls
The Sacred Knife
The Wounded Adventurer
Thou Dost Jest!
Tortured Spirits Tome
Venomous Thoughts

Uncompleted Quests

Allied Supplies
Eldoras Path
Strange Findings
The Burning Temple
The Idol
Tribal Rights