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Potion / Egg Categories
Absorb Adept Learner Ageless Allied Frenzy Anchored Animal Magnetism Anti Deflect Armor Boost Arterial Strike Assist Aura of Protection Avert Gaze Balanced Attack Balanced Defense Barricade Bastion
Berserk Block Blood Thirst Brewing Master Buff Master Chi Strike Cloak Conserve Constitution Coordinated Attack Coordinated Defense Counter Attack Dark Curse Death Dealer Death Wish Defensive Aura
Defiance Deft Hands Demoralize Dispel Curse Distil Distraction Doubler Dull Edge Empower Enchant Amulet Enchant Boots Enchant Helmet Enchant Ring Enchant Rune Enchant Shield Enchant Weapon
Enchanted Armor Entrench Epic Craft Epic Forge Evade Extractor Extractor II Find Item Fist Fight Flinch Force Shield Fortify Fortitude Four Leaf Fury Global Booster
Gold Foot Golden Shield Great Vigor Guild Buffer Hardened Hidden Coffer High Guard Holy Flame Honor Ignite Inventor Inventor II Invert Iron Fist Keen Edge Last Ditch
Layered Armor Librarian Light Foot Mastersmith Merchant Mesmerize Mighty Vigor Necrosis Nightmare Visage Overkill Perfection Poison PvP Prestige Quest Finder Quest Hunter Rage
Reckoning Reflection Resource Finder Reveal Riposte Rock Skin Sacrifice Sanctuary Savagery Sealed Severe Condition Shame Sharpen Shatter Armor Shield Wall Shockwave
Side Step Smashing Hammer Smite Spectral Knight Spell Breaker Spell Leech Stalker Stout Hearted Stun Summon Shield Imp Super Elite Slayer Teleport Terrorize Titan Doubler Unbreakable Undermine
Vision Warcry Wither
Other Categories
Items Quest Items Resources Components Recipes
When adding a new potion, be sure to use the potion template.


Potion Name Min. Level Buff Type(s) Buff Level(s) Duration Minutes Obtained Bound Rarity AH
Drakes Tonic of Absorption 1 Absorb 350 90 PvP Arena Rewards - 100 2.png Yes Unique [1]
Robust Brew 1 Absorb 500 240 Game Gift (Special Offer) No Epic [2]
Robust Brew II 1 Absorb 600 480 - Unknown - No Epic [3]
Potion of Learning 5 Adept Learner 125 30 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [4]
Brew of the Adept Hunter 1 Adept Learner 150 90 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Misthaven Special 59 Adept Learner 180 120 Quest Reward: Spirit Storm Yes Unique [5]
Potion of Inspiration 10 Adept Learner 200 60 Temple of the Gods No Unique [6]
Medicine Mans Medley 1515 Adept Learner 500 60 Quest Reward: Feathers of the Zargen Yes Unique N/A
A Piping Hot Meal 1475 Adept Learner 500 180 Quest Reward: We have a Bird Problem, Big City Situations! Yes Unique N/A
Festive Cozonac 1100 Adept Learner 500 120 Quest Reward: Festive Sabotage (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Pumpkin Booster 1 Adept Learner 500 120 - Unknown - No Epic [7]
Spooky Potion 1 Adept Learner 500 90 Game Gift - Oct. 30, 2010 No Epic [8]
XP Booster 1 Adept Learner 500 90 Game Gift (Special Offer) No Epic [9]
Potion of Enlightened Learning 1 Adept Learner 750 240 Game Gift (Special Offer) No Epic [10]
Churchfence Feast 1 Adept Learner 800 120 Quest Reward: Winter Winds Ruin Fun! (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Octo Potion 1 Adept Learner, Animal Magnetism 600, 500 120 Found in: Seafarers Chest Yes Epic [11]
Virtuous White Rose 1 Adept Learner, Animal Magnetism, Conserve 550, 450, 450 240 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Fast Track Draft 1 Adept Learner, Animal Magnetism, Conserve, Sacrifice 200, 200, 200, 200 240 Loyalty Rewards - 100 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Tenth Anniversary Cake 1 Adept Learner, Animal Magnetism, Light Foot, Conserve 750, 500, 1500, 750 120 Game Gift - Dec. 1, 2017 Yes Epic N/A
Horned Skeletal Potion 1 Adept Learner, Conserve 75, 200 30 Found in: Basic Vampiric Chest, Modest Vampiric Chest, Excellent Vampiric Chest, Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Common N/A
Spidery Skeletal Potion 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Librarian 150, 250, 200 60 Found in: Modest Vampiric Chest, Excellent Vampiric Chest, Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Rare N/A
Blinded Skeletal Potion 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Librarian, Animal Magnetism 300, 300, 300, 300 90 Found in: Excellent Vampiric Chest, Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Unique N/A
Demonic Skeletal Potion 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Librarian, Animal Magnetism, Light Foot 400, 400, 400, 400, 1000 180 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Pulsing Skeletal Potion 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Librarian, Animal Magnetism, Light Foot, Doubler 500, 500, 500, 500, 1500, 1500 210 Found in: Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Epic N/A
Glass of Eggnog 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Librarian, Light Foot 750, 750, 750, 1500 480 Game Gift (Special Offer) No Epic [12]
Spooky Potion II 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Light Foot 600, 650, 1500 120 - Unknown - No Epic [13]
Christmas Present 2014 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Light Foot, Librarian 750, 600, 1000 240 Christmas Gift 2014 Yes Epic N/A
Christmas Present 2015 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Light Foot, Librarian 750, 750, 1500 240 Christmas Gift 2015 Yes Epic N/A
Christmas Cup Cake 1 Adept Learner, Conserve, Light Foot, Librarian 750, 750, 1500, 750 240 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Enlightened Learning III 1 Adept Learner, Doubler 750, 1500 480 - Unknown - No Epic [14]
Potion of Enlightened Learning IV 1 Adept Learner, Doubler 750, 2250 480 - Unknown - No Epic [15]
Potion of Enlightened Learning II 1 Adept Learner, Doubler 750, 750 480 - Unknown - No Epic [16]
Balloon of Happiness 1 Adept Learner, Four Leaf, Find Item 550, 350, 1500 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Potion of Divine Knowledge 1 Adept Learner, Librarian 600 120 Loyalty Rewards - 500 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Scholars Draft 1 Adept Learner, Librarian 400, 400 90 Loyalty Rewards - 250 5.png Yes Epic N/A
Scholar's Apprentice Potion 1 Adept Learner, Librarian, Animal Magnetism 150, 150, 150 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Courageous Draft 1 Adept Learner, Librarian, Animal Magnetism, Doubler 100, 100, 100, 50 60 Loyalty Rewards - 10 5.png or 1,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Steamed Quango Fish 1 Adept Learner, Light Foot 500, 1000 120 Quest Reward: Quango Adventures - Quango Fishing! Yes Unique N/A
Sixth Birthday Cake 1 Adept Learner, Light Foot 500, 500 60 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Christmas Stocking 1 Adept Learner, Light Foot, Conserve, Librarian 650, 1400, 650, 600 360 Quest Reward: The Crank destroys Yuletide! (Xmas) Yes Epic N/A
Feuerzangenbowle 1 Adept Learner, Light Foot, Doubler 750, 1500, 2750 120 Quest Reward: Festive Filchers (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Shimmering Uplifting Elixir 1 Adept Learner, Light Foot, Doubler, Smashing Hammer 650, 1500, 2000, 550 240 Found in: Oidhche Shamhna Chest No Epic [17]
Lindarsil's Elixir 1 Adept Learner, Overkill 500, 250 120 Found in: Lindarsil's Stash No Epic [18]
Darksun Solution 1 Adept Learner, Sacrifice 375, 400 90 Found in: Darksun Stash Yes Legendary N/A
Ogre Blood Potion 1 Adept Learner, Sacrifice 400, 350 60 Found in: Zorgrom Stash Yes Legendary N/A
Phoenix Potion 25 Adept Learner, Sacrifice 500, 250 2880 Returning Player Incentive Yes Epic N/A
Darksun Solution II 1 Adept Learner, Sacrifice 500, 500 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Strange Ogre Brew 1220 Ageless 150 120 Quest Reward: Toll at Bane Pass No Unique [19]
Longguis Egg 1 Ageless, Anchored 500, 400 120 Dropped By: Longgui The Turtle Dragon (Dragon LE) No Legendary [20]
Deathly Draft of Omacaz 1 Ageless, Chi Strike, Demoralize 500, 500, 200 60 Found in: Deathly Chest of Omacaz No Epic [21]
The Melted Snowman 1 All For One 500 60 Quest Reward: Its a Wonderful Glyph (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Bundle of Candy Canes 1 Allied Frenzy, Warcry, Assist 250, 250, 250 480 - Unknown - No Epic [22]
Anchored Brew 1 Anchored 350 240 PvP Ladder Rewards - 5 6.png No Rare [23]
Christmas Gingerbread 1 Anchored, Armor Boost, Bastion, Coordinated Defense 700, 700, 500, 700, 700 480 - Unknown - No Epic [24]
Apohele Celestial Potion 1 Anchored, Stun, Absorb, Sanctuary 600, 500, 500, 600 240 - Unknown - No Epic [25]
Luring Potion 5 Animal Magnetism 150 30 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [26]
Ice Scream 5 Animal Magnetism 150 30 Recipe: Recipe of Ice Scream No Unique [27]
Potion of Nature Attraction 5 Animal Magnetism 175 60 - Not yet in game - Unknown Rare N/A
Potion of the Hunter Born 1 Animal Magnetism 200 180 Game Gift - July, 13th 2011 Yes Legendary N/A
Potion of Hunters Lore 1 Animal Magnetism 250 120 PvP Arena Rewards - 20 2.png No Unique [28]
Hunters Brew 5 Animal Magnetism 250 240 Recipe: Recipe of Hunters Brew No Rare [29]
Serum of the Hunter 1244 Animal Magnetism 400 90 Quest Reward: Fighting Furious Fauna, Fighting Furious Fauna, Recipe of Demonic Death, Recipe of Demonic Death No Unique [30]
Golden Spine Potion 1 Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner, Demoralize, Balanced Attack 500, 500, 500, 1500 240 - Unknown - No Epic [31]
Rampage Potion 1 Animal Magnetism, Conserve, Find Item 450, 550, 1250 120 Loyalty Rewards - 1000 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Blood Ketchup 25 Animal Magnetism, Doubler 250, 250 60 Recipe: Recipe of Blood Ketchup No Unique [32]
Quango Juice 1 Animal Magnetism, Doubler 400, 1100 120 Quest Reward: Quango Adventures - Bite Size Birdies! Yes Unique N/A
Dominostein 1500 Animal Magnetism, Doubler 500, 1000 90 Quest Reward: To build an Advent Wreath (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Gingerbread Cookie 2012 1 Animal Magnetism, Doubler, Conserve 200, 500, 400 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Coulibiac 1 Animal Magnetism, Doubler, Conserve 400, 2750, 750 120 Quest Reward: Wrath of the Witch (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Odelia Stollen 1 Animal Magnetism, Find Item 450, 1500 120 Quest Reward: Festive Tinsel Shortage! (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Bug Drool Potion of Composing 1 Animal Magnetism, Find Item, Light Foot 400, 1500, 1500 90 - Unknown - No Epic [33]
Fluffy Cow Plush Potion 1 Animal Magnetism, Light Foot, Adept Learner, Conserve 500, 1500, 750, 750 120 Game Gift: Game Update Gift 26/Aug/2021 Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Supreme Force 1 Anti Deflect 250 240 Game Gift (Special Offer) No Epic [34]
Potion of Tenacity 1 Anti Deflect 400 120 Found in: Gold Inlayed Chest No Unique [35]
Potion of Supreme Force II 1 Anti Deflect 450 480 - Unknown - No Epic [36]
Bloody Red Rose 1 Anti Deflect, Coordinated Attack, Deft Hands 350, 500, 500 240 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Sahria's Aggressive Ale 1 Anti Deflect, Dark Curse 350, 300 120 Found in: Sahria's Chest of Fortunes No Epic [37]
Aggressive Celebration Potion 1 Anti Deflect, Riposte, Savagery, Smashing Hammer 500, 250, 400, 575 240 - Not currently in game - Yes Epic N/A
Flaming Christmas Pudding 1 Anti Deflect, Shatter Armor, Deft Hands, Spell Leech 500, 500, 250, 500 480 Found in: Christmas Gift Box 2020 No Epic [38]
Silver Offensive Draft 1 Anti Deflect, Spell Leech, Demoralize, Savagery, Sealed 200, 200, 350, 300, 200 720 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Golden Offensive Draft 1 Anti Deflect, Spell Leech, Demoralize, Savagery, Sealed 225, 225, 375, 325, 225 840 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Offensive Draft 1 Anti Deflect, Spell Leech, Demoralize, Savagery, Sealed 250, 250, 400, 350, 250 960 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Solar Celestial Potion 1 Anti Deflect, Undermine, Shatter Armor, Spell Breaker 500, 500, 500, 500 240 - Unknown - No Epic [39]
Krokodeilos Egg 1 Armor Boost 300 60 Dropped By: Krokodeilos the Savage (Dragon LE) No Legendary [40]
Veridian Spine Potion 1 Armor Boost, Doubler, Coordinated Defense, Balanced Defense 500, 1200, 500, 500 240 - Unknown - No Epic [41]
Life Blood Cave Potion 1 Arterial Strike 300 90 Dropped By: Cave Crawler No Unique [42]
Potion of Precision Strike 1 Arterial Strike 1000 120 Loyalty Rewards - 500 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Aid 5 Assist 150 30 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [43]
Potion of Helping Hand 5 Assist 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Helping Hand No Rare [44]
Potion of Camaraderie 1 Assist 500 240 Game Gift (Special Offer) Yes Epic [45]
Potion of Camaraderie II 1 Assist 600 480 - Unknown - No Epic [46]
Gluhwein 1900 Assist, Stalker 1000, 1000 120 Quest Reward: Lighting the Dark (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Arcane Protection 5 Aura of Protection 200 180 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Arcane Protection No Rare [47]
Brew of Well Being 1 Aura of Protection, Great Vigor, Stout Hearted 300, 300, 300 120 - Unknown - No Unique [48]
Dwarven Tankard of Serenity 1 Aura of Protection, Summon Shield Imp, Smite, Absorb, Ageless 300, 400, 400, 500, 500 240 - Unknown - No Epic [49]
Potion of Reinforced Will 5 Avert Gaze 50 60 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Reinforced Will No Rare [50]
Potion of Waking Hypnotism 5 Avert Gaze 100 60 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Waking Hypnotism No Rare [51]
Bolstering Brew 1 Barricade 300 240 PvP Ladder Rewards - 5 6.png No Rare [52]
Blood Fist Potion 10 Berserk 175 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [53]
Dragons Blood Potion 5 Berserk 200 30 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [54]
Berserkers Potion 5 Berserk 300 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [55]
Berserkers Potion 5 Berserk 300 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [56]
Potion of Fury 5 Berserk 350 60 Recipe: Potion of Fury Recipe No Rare [57]
Destroyer Potion 25 Berserk 350 45 Dropped By: Malphas the Destroyer (Super Elite) No Super Elite [58]
Thornvine Beserker Apple 1 Berserk, Last Ditch, Overkill 400, 500, 200 180 Found in: Thornvine Chest No Epic [59]
Dwarven Flagon of Aggression 1 Berserk, Reflection, Wither, Fury, Savagery 600, 250, 450, 500, 250 240 Found in: Runic Dwarven Chest No Epic [60]
Avians Assault Potion 1 Berserk, Riposte, Sharpen 600, 250, 200 240 - Unknown - No Epic [61]
Box of Choco Coins 1 Berserk, Undermine, Spell Breaker, Dark Curse 650, 550, 550, 400 480 - Unknown - No Epic [62]
Secret Santork 1 Block, Death Dealer, Ageless 250, 500, 250, 500 480 - Unknown - No Epic [63]
Von Drakkens Egg 1 Blood Thirst 200 60 Dropped by: Von Drakken (Dragon LE) No Legendary [64]
Brew of Unnatural Thirst 5 Blood Thirst 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Brew of Unnatural Thirst No Rare [65]
Pontius Egg 1 Brewing Master 200 60 Dropped By: Pontius the Magic Dragon (Dragon LE) No Legendary [66]
Potion of the Brewers Art 1 Brewing Master 300 30 PvP Arena Rewards - 100 2.png No Unique [67]
Brew of the Dwarven Masters II 1 Brewing Master 500 480 Found in: Christmas Gift Box No Epic [68]
Brew of the Dwarven Masters 1 Brewing Master 500 240 Found in: Christmas Gift Box No Epic [69]
Potion of Lesser Buff Master 20 Buff Master 25 60 Recipe: Potion of Lesser Buff Master Recipe No Rare [70]
Potion of Skills Master 10 Buff Master 100 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [71]
Ni Hongs Egg 1 Buff Master 200 60 Dropped By: Ni Hong (Dragon LE) No Legendary [72]
Potion of Benevolent Buffing 1 Buff Master 200 160 PvP Arena Rewards - 50 2.png No Unique [73]
Prana Potion 1 Chi Strike 350 180 PvP Ladder Rewards - 5 6.png No Rare [74]
Draft of Healthy Aggression 1 Chi Strike, Ageless 750, 500 90 - Unknown - No Unique [75]
Peasants Surly Brew 1 Chi Strike, Sanctuary 175, 175 30 Found in: Battered Peasants Chest, Plain Commoners Chest, Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Common N/A
Potion of the Spiteful Merchant 1 Chi Strike, Sanctuary, Flinch, Dark Curse 325, 325, 325, 275 120 Found in: Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Unique N/A
Commoners Rebellious Draft 1 Chi Strike, Sanctuary, Flinch, Dark Curse, Terrorize 225, 225, 225 60 Found in: Plain Commoners Chest, Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Rare N/A
Brew of the Dueling Noble 1 Chi Strike, Sanctuary, Flinch, Dark Curse, Terrorize 425, 425, 425, 325, 425 180 Found in: Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Legendary N/A
Draft of Royal Wrath 1 Chi Strike, Sanctuary, Flinch, Dark Curse, Terrorize, Keen Edge 525, 525, 525, 375, 525, 525 240 Found in: Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Unbridled Aggression 1 Chi Strike, Terrorize, Sanctuary, Flinch 100, 100, 100, 100 240 - Unknown - No Unique [76]
Draft of the Aggressor 1 Chi Strike, Terrorize, Sanctuary, Flinch 175, 175, 175, 175 120 Recipe: Recipe of Draft of the Aggressor No Unique [77]
Lesser Cloak 1 Cloak 30 90 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [78]
Cloaking Brew 1 Cloak 100 300 PvP Arena Rewards - 100 2.png No Unique [79]
Greater Cloak 1 Cloak 150 450 PvP Ladder Rewards - 5 6.png No Rare [80]
Easter Bunny Bottle 1 Cloak, Sanctuary, Constitution, Coordinated Defense, Defensive Aura 350, 600, 600, 600, 600 240 - Unknown - No Epic [81]
Potion of Conservation 5 Conserve 100 15 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [82]
Potion of the Canny Warrior 1 Conserve 250 90 PvP Arena Rewards - 50 2.png No Unique [83]
Auspice of Ancients 1 Conserve 440 60 Loyalty Rewards - 100 5.png Yes Epic N/A
Conserve Potion 1 Conserve 500 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Sparing Potion 1 Conserve 500 120 - Unknown - No Epic [84]
Potion of Preservation 1 Conserve 500 120 Game Gift (special offer) No Epic [85]
Egils Enervating Draft 1447 Conserve 650 60 Quest Reward: Creeping, Crawling Critters Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Elite Advancement 1 Conserve, Adept Learner, Light Foot, Doubler, Librarian 750, 750, 750, 1000, 750 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Simple White Choco Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism 200, 300 30 - Unknown - Yes Common N/A
Easter Surprise Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner 400, 400, 400 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Average White Choco Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism, Doubler 300, 350, 700 60 - Unknown - Yes Rare N/A
Modest White Choco Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism, Doubler, Overkill 400, 400, 1050, 500 90 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Fantastic White Choco Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism, Doubler, Overkill, Librarian 500, 450, 1400, 750, 500 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Sahria's Savior Spirit 1 Conserve, Defiance 750, 375 120 Found in: Sahria's Chest of Fortunes No Epic [86]
Peasants Fortifying Brew 1 Conserve, Doubler 200, 200 30 Found in: Battered Peasants Chest, Plain Commoners Chest, Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Common N/A
Industrious Commoners Draft 1 Conserve, Doubler, Animal Magnetism 250, 400, 250 60 Found in: Plain Commoners Chest, Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Rare N/A
Potion of the Upstanding Merchant 1 Conserve, Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner 300, 600, 300, 300 120 Found in: Studded Merchants Chest, Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Unique N/A
Draft of the Crusading Noble 1 Conserve, Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner, Librarian, Light Foot 400, 1000, 400, 400, 400 180 Found in: Padded Nobles Chest, Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Legendary N/A
Brew of the Beneficent Monarch 1 Conserve, Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner, Librarian, Light Foot 500, 1500, 500, 500, 500, 1500 240 Found in: Emblazoned Royal Chest Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Effortless Speed 1 Conserve, Light Foot 350, 950 120 Found in: Steel Chest No Unique [87]
Darksun Bile 1 Conserve, Light Foot, Stalker 500, 1500, 250 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Echinoderm Potion 1 Conserve, Light Foot, Stalker 600, 1500 120 Found in: Seafarers Chest No Epic [88]
Extravagant White Choco Egg 1 Conserve, Animal Magnetism, Doubler, Overkill, Librarian, Adept Learner 600, 500, 1750, 1000, 600, 600 240 - Unknown - Yes Super Elite N/A
Volims Egg 1 Constitution 200 60 Dropped by: Volim the Cuelebre (Dragon LE) No Legendary [89]
Heartfelt Stew 5 Constitution 250 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [90]
Brew of Beginner Brawler 1 Constitution, Demoralize 175, 60 30 Found in: Jigsaw Box, Rusted Iron Box, Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Common N/A
Brew of the Burly Brawler 1 Constitution, Demoralize, Smashing Hammer 225, 120, 225 60 Found in: Rusted Iron Box, Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Rare N/A
Draft of the Champion Brawler 1 Constitution, Demoralize, Smashing Hammer, Keen Edge, Coordinated Defense, Coordinated Attack 325, 180, 325, 325 120 Found in: Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Unique N/A
Brew of the Legendary Pugilist 1 Constitution, Demoralize, Smashing Hammer, Keen Edge, Coordinated Defense, Coordinated Attack 425, 240, 425, 425, 425 180 Found in: Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Legendary N/A
Brew of the Epic Pugilist 1 Constitution, Demoralize, Smashing Hammer, Keen Edge, Coordinated Defense, Coordinated Attack 525, 300, 525, 525, 525, 525 240 Found in: Cut Ruby Box Yes Epic N/A
Batty Blood Potion 1 Constitution, Keen Edge 175, 175 30 Found in: Basic Vampiric Chest, Modest Vampiric Chest, Excellent Vampiric Chest, Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Common N/A
Anhk Engraved Blood Potion 1 Constitution, Keen Edge, Smashing Hammer 225, 225, 225 60 Found in: Modest Vampiric Chest, Excellent Vampiric Chest, Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Rare N/A
Delicious Blood Potion 1 Constitution, Keen Edge, Smashing Hammer, Coordinated Attack 325, 325, 325, 325 90 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Glittering Blood Potion 1 Constitution, Keen Edge, Smashing Hammer, Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Defense 425, 425, 425, 425, 425 180 Found in: Exalted Vampiric Chest, Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Legendary N/A
Pulsing Heart Blood Potion 1 Constitution, Keen Edge, Smashing Hammer, Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Defense, Chi Strike 525, 525, 525, 525, 525, 525 210 Found in: Bloodthirsty Vampiric Chest Yes Epic N/A
Blazing Cave Potion 1 Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Defense 250, 250 120 Dropped By: Rock Golem of Dazar No Unique [91]
Twins Egg 1 Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Defense 250, 250 30 Dropped by: Slibz and Tyronus (Dragon LE) No Legendary [92]
Pfefferkuchen 1700 Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Defense, Smashing Hammer 300, 300, 300 240 Quest Reward: Nefarious Nutcrackers (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Simple Dark Choco Egg 1 Coordinated Defense, Flinch 225, 225 30 - Unknown - Yes Common N/A
Average Dark Choco Egg 1 Coordinated Defense, Flinch, Last Ditch 325, 325, 200 60 - Unknown - Yes Rare N/A
Modest Dark Choco Egg 1 Coordinated Defense, Flinch, Last Ditch, Force Shield 425, 425, 300, 300 90 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Fantastic Dark Choco Egg 1 Coordinated Defense, Flinch, Last Ditch, Force Shield, Terrorize, Dispel Curse 525, 525, 400, 400, 525 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Extravagant Dark Choco Egg 1 Coordinated Defense, Flinch, Last Ditch, Force Shield, Terrorize, Dispel Curse 625, 625, 500, 500, 625, 500 240 - Unknown - Yes Super Elite N/A
Potion of Reverse Blade 10 Counter Attack 100 60 PvP Arena Rewards - 10 2.png No Unique [93]
Sludge Brew 5 Dark Curse 200 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [94]
Potion of Black Death 5 Dark Curse 225 60 Recipe: Potion of Black Death Recipe No Rare [95]
Black Curse Potion 5 Dark Curse 400 60 - Not yet in game - Yes Unique [96]
Potion of Lesser Death Dealer 20 Death Dealer 25 45 Recipe: Potion of Lesser Death Dealer Recipe No Rare [97]
Potion of Life Stealer 10 Death Dealer 40 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [98]
Potion of Death Blow 10 Death Dealer 100 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [99]
Gonji Egg 1 Death Wish 200 60 Dropped By: Gonji the Ever Ill (Dragon LE) No Legendary [100]
Potion of Death 5 Deathwish 125 15 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [101]
Potion of Annihilation 5 Deathwish 150 30 Recipe: Potion of Annihilation Recipe No Unique [102]
Forest Cave Potion 1 Deathwish 300 90 Dropped By: Cave Elemental (Scavenging) No Unique [103]
Balanced Potion of Defending 1 Defensive Aura, Layered Armor 250, 250 90 - Unknown - No Unique [104]
Magical Carapace 1 Defensive Aura, Shield Wall 250, 250 120 Loyalty Rewards- 300 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Draft of the Hardy Adventurers 1 Defiance 300 240 Found in: Christmas Gift Box No Epic [105]
Draft of the Hardy Adventurers II 1 Defiance 400 480 - Unknown - No Epic [106]
Oppenkin Corrupt Egg 1 Deft Hands 400 120 Dropped By: Oppenkin the Corrupt (Dragon LE) No Legendary [107]
Puntalis Egg 1 Demoralize 200 60 Dropped by: Old Puntalis (Dragon LE) No Legendary [108]
Bloody Horror Brew 1 Demoralize, Blood Thirst, Savagery, Berserk 250, 300, 350, 600 240 - Unknown - No Epic [109]
Alchemists Pride 1 Distil 50 30 Won in: Temple No Unique [110]
Lesser Distil 1 Distil 50 15 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [111]
Distillers Cave Potion 1 Distil 100 90 Recipe: Recipe of Distillers Cave Potion No Unique [112]
Zombie Brew 1 Distil 150 120 Zombie Coffin No Legendary [113]
Stinking Rat Brew 1 Doubler 50 30 Dropped By: Angry Natives Yes Unique [114]
Bonfire Banger 5 Doubler 100 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary [115]
Potion of Experience 5 Doubler 100 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [116]
Man Eating Pickle 25 Doubler 150 60 Recipe: Recipe of Man Eating Pickle No Unique [117]
Mulled Wine 1 Doubler 200 120 Gift (Christmas 2007) No Legendary [118]
Super Doubler Potion 1 Doubler 300 60 Dropped by: Goblin Mage (Champion) No Unique [119]
Potion of the Celestial Might 1 Doubler 300 180 Gift Yes Legendary [120]
Potion of Supreme Doubling 5 Doubler 450 120 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [121]
Potion of Acceleration 5 Doubler 500 120 Recipe: Potion of Acceleration Recipe No Rare [122]
Jacket Potato 5 Doubler 500 120 Bonfires, Celebrations and Explosions! No Unique [123]
Potion of Greater Doubler 1 Doubler 750 60 Dropped By: Cave Skeleton (Scavenging) No Rare [124]
Barrel of Beer 1080 Doubler 1000 90 Quest Reward: Cults, Totems, And Priests Oh My! Yes Unique N/A
Morgath Pumpkin Pie 1000 Doubler 1000 90 Quest Reward: Beasts of the Moors (Halloween) Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Swift Experience 1 Doubler 1000 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [125]
Christmas Present 2008 1 Doubler 1000 240 Gift (Christmas 2008) Yes Legendary N/A
Ambrosia Bread 1300 Doubler 1200 120 Quest Reward: Jinxed Julebukk (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Santorks Stocking 1 Doubler 1200 60 Gift (Christmas 2009) Yes Unique N/A
Enlister Potion 1 Doubler 1200 120 Top 5 recruiter No Epic [126]
Potion of Intensity 15 Doubler 1200 120 Loyalty Rewards - 150 5.png Yes Epic N/A
Magical Tasty Cake 1 Doubler 1400 240 Game Gift (9 Mar 2011) Yes Epic N/A
Draft of Clarity 1 Doubler 1500 120 - Unknown - No Epic [127]
Caravan's Potion of Doubler 1 Doubler 2000 60 Quest Reward: Deadly Travels Yes Unique N/A
Aquatic Booster Juice 1 Doubler 2750 120 Quest Reward: Quango Adventures - Salty Sea Squawkers! Yes Legendary N/A
Hunting Lord Potion 1 Doubler 3000 120 Loyalty Rewards - 1,000 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Hoof Doubler 1 Doubler 4000 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Potion of the Divine Hunter 1 Doubler 5000 120 Loyalty Rewards - 2,000 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Slice of Pudding 1 Doubler, Adept Learner 2000, 500 120 Quest Reward: Wolves Vs Plum Pudding! (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Shimmering White Opal Potion 1 Doubler, Adept Learner, Librarian, Summon Shield Imp 2000, 500, 750, 400 240 Found in: Glorious Opalescent Chest No Epic [128]
Quango Brew 1 Doubler, Animal Magnetism 1200, 500 120 Quest Reward: Quango Adventures - Scree Hunters Yes Unique N/A
Lunar Celestial Potion 1 Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Adept Learner, Conserve 2000, 500, 500, 750 180 - Unknown - No Epic [129]
Thoon's Bile Grog 1 Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Conserve 500, 250, 100 240 Dropped by: Thoon (Super Elite) No Super Elite [130]
Easter Egg Bottle 1 Doubler, Animal Magnetism, Light Foot, Adept Learner, Conserve 2250, 500, 1500, 750, 750 240 - Unknown - No Epic [131]
Plate of Christmas Gogosi 1 Doubler, Conserve 1200, 600 120 Quest Reward: No pig for Yule Tide?!? (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Roasted Ham Platter 1 Doubler, Conserve 2500, 850 120 Quest Reward: Sinister Snowmen (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Fleeting Potion of Advancement 1 Doubler, Conserve, Adept Learner 1500, 500, 500 60 - Unknown - No Epic [132]
Golden Leveling Draft 1 Doubler, Conserve, Anchored, Light Foot, Animal Magnetism 1000, 450, 900, 425, 425 480 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Leveling Draft 1 Doubler, Conserve, Light Foot, Animal Magnetism, Librarian 1100, 500, 1000, 450, 450 600 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Silver Leveling Draft 1 Doubler, Conserve, Light Foot, Animal Magnetism, Librarian 900, 400, 800, 400, 400 360 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Christmas Present 2011 1 Doubler, Find Item 1000, 1000 180 Christmas Gift 2011 Yes Epic N/A
Tall Glass of Milk 1 Doubler, Librarian, Animal Magnetism 1250, 250, 250 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary [133]
Tasty Xmas Cookie 1 Doubler, Librarian, Animal Magnetism 500, 250, 250 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary [134]
Levelling Celebration Potion 1 Doubler, Librarian, Animal Magnetism, Light Foot 2250, 850, 450, 1500 240 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Christmas Ham 2100 Doubler, Light Foot 1000, 1000 120 Quest Reward: Decorating the Tree (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Dull Edge 1 Dull Edge 25 60 Recipe: Potion of Dull Edge Recipe No Rare [135]
Greater Potion of Dull Edge 25 Dull Edge 50 90 Auction House (Special) No Rare [136]
Potion of Notched Blade 10 Dull Edge 80 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [137]
Parf's Icey Egg 1 Empower 200 120 Dropped By: Parf the Snowy (Dragon LE) No Legendary [138]
Potion of Enchanted Amulet 1 Enchant Amulet 50 90 Temple of the Gods No Unique [139]
Draft of Amulet Augmentation 1 Enchant Amulet 150 90 Recipe: Recipe of Draft of Amulet Augmentation No Unique [140]
Potion of Enchanted Boots 1 Enchant Boots 50 90 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [141]
Potion of Bolstered Boots 1 Enchant Boots 150 90 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Bolstered Boots No Unique [142]
Gut Rot Head Splitter 1 Enchant Helmet 75 120 Recipe: Gut Rot Head Splitter Recipe No Rare [143]
Potion of Enchanted Helmet 1 Enchant Helmet 100 90 PvP Arena Rewards - 10 2.png No Unique [144]
Choco Egg 1 Enchant Helmet 125 120 Quest Reward: The Land Despoiled Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Enchanted Ring 1 Enchant Ring 50 90 Temple of the Gods No Unique [145]
Brew of the Reinforced Ring 1 Enchant Ring 150 90 Recipe: Recipe of Brew of the Reinforced Ring No Unique [146]
Potion of Enchanted Rune 1 Enchant Rune 50 90 Temple of the Gods No Unique [147]
Elixir of Rigorous Rune 1 Enchant Rune 150 90 Recipe: Recipe of Elixir of Rigorous Rune No Unique [148]
Potion of Truth 5 Enchant Weapon 1000 90 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [149]
Potion of Greater Enchant Weapon 1 Enchant Weapon 1500 150 Dropped By: Cave Goatman (Scavenging) No Rare [150]
Potion of Enchantment 1 Enchant Weapon, Enchanted Armor, Enchant Shield, Enchant Ring, Enchant Amulet, Enchant Boots, Enchant Helmet, Enchant Rune 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175 120 Found in: Iridescent Chest No Unique [151]
Potion of Enchanted Armor 1 Enchanted Armor 200 60 Dropped By: Cave Goatman (Scavenging) No Rare [152]
Lesser Entrench 1 Entrench 50 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [153]
Potion of Empowered Armor 1 Entrench 75 180 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [154]
Potion of Stoic Defender 1 Entrench 150 90 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Stoic Defender No Unique [155]
Strengthening Draft 1 Entrench 200 240 - Unknown - No Rare [156]
Cave Potion of Epic Forge 1 Epic Forge 100 90 Recipe: Recipe of Cave Potion of Epic Forge No Unique [157]
Zorgrom Ale 1 Epic Forge, Coordinated Defense, Fortitude 250, 300, 300 90 Found in: Zorgrom Stash Yes Legendary N/A
Forgemaster Draft 1 Epic Forge, Epic Craft 200, 200 240 Loyalty Rewards - 200 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Silver Balanced Draft 1 Epic Forge, Epic Craft, Ageless, Force Shield, Last Ditch 225, 225, 200, 250, 175 720 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Golden Balanced Draft 1 Epic Forge, Epic Craft, Ageless, Force Shield, Last Ditch 250, 250, 225, 300, 200 840 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Balanced Draft 1 Epic Forge, Epic Craft, Ageless, Force Shield, Last Ditch 275, 275, 250, 350, 225 960 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Easter Chick Bottle 1 Epic Forge, Epic Craft, Savagery, Fury, Anti Deflect 300, 300, 450, 500, 500 240 - Unknown - No Epic [158]
Scarlet Draft of Evasion 1 Evade 500 90 - Unknown - No Unique [159]
Potion of the Crafter 10 Extractor 35 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [160]
Eukary Algae Egg 1 Extractor 300 120 Dropped By: Eukary Algae Dragon (Dragon LE) No Legendary [161]
Potion of the Canny Extractor 5 Extractor 300 90 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of the Canny Extractor No Rare [162]
Potion of Search 5 Find Item 75 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [163]
Elixir of Luck 1 Find Item 150 90 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Runic Potion 5 Find Item 250 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [164]
Potion of Discovery 10 Find Item 400 20 Temple of the Gods No Unique [165]
Flamedeer Juice 1 Find Item 500 120 Gift (Christmas 2007) No Legendary [166]
Potion of Greater Discovery 1 Find Item 800 75 Dropped By: Cave Troll (Scavenging) No Rare [167]
Potion of Supreme Luck 5 Find Item 1000 120 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [168]
Potion of Supreme Discovery 1 Find Item 1500 120 Found in: Osverin's Chest No Epic [169]
Potion of the Quester 1 Find Item, Quest Finder, Quest Hunter 1000, 250, 250 120 Loyalty Rewards - 300 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Empress Equaliser Elixir 1 Fist Fight 300 120 Dropped By: Empress Tinny (Super Elite) No Super Elite [170]
Jittery Draft 5 Flinch 100 240 Recipe: Recipe of Jittery Draft No Rare [171]
Potion of the Mongoose 5 Flinch 200 60 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of the Mongoose No Rare [172]
Potion of Frazzled Nerves 1 Flinch 250 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [173]
Silver Defenders Draft 1 Flinch, Shield Wall, Keen Edge, Defensive Aura, Dispel Curse 250, 175, 250, 300, 200 720 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Golden Defenders Draft 1 Flinch, Shield Wall, Keen Edge, Defensive Aura, Dispel Curse 275, 200, 275, 350, 225 840 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Defenders Draft 1 Flinch, Shield Wall, Keen Edge, Defensive Aura, Dispel Curse 300, 225, 300, 400, 250 960 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Potion of Shielding 5 Force Shield 200 20 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [174]
Marbled Fizzing Shield 5 Force Shield 300 120 Recipe: Recipe of Marbled Fizzing Shield No Rare [175]
Apephis Chaos Egg 1 Fortify 300 120 Dropped By: Apephis Chaos Serpent (Dragon LE) No Legendary [176]
Spinasentis Egg 1 Fortify 300 120 - Unknown - No Legendary [177]
Cerulean Brew of Fortification 1 Fortify 500 90 PvP Ladder Rewards - 100 2.png No Unique [178]
Crystal Bottle of Fortitude 1 Fortitude 250 90 PvP Arena Rewards 50 2.png No Unique [179]
Agitosilex Egg 1 Fortitude 300 120 Dropped By: Agitosilex (Dragon LE) No Legendary [180]
Potion of Luck 5 Four Leaf 200 15 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [181]
Second Birthday Cake 1 Four Leaf 1000 300 Game Gift (1 Dec 2008) Yes Epic N/A
Potion of the Canny Gatherer 1 Four Leaf, Find Item, Resource Finder, Reckoning 250, 500, 250, 100 240 Dropped by: Cave Troll (Scavenging) - 2,500 0.png No Unique [182]
Adventurer Elixir 1 Fury, Berserk, Enchant Weapon, Enchanted Armor 100, 100, 100, 100 60 Loyalty Rewards - 10 5.png or 1,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Draft of Fury 1 Fury 150 90 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Potion of Blinding Rage 5 Fury 200 45 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Blinding Rage No Rare [183]
Potion of Incandescent Fury 5 Fury 350 60 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Incandescent Fury No Rare [184]
Warriors Elixir 1 Fury, Berserk, Dark Curse, Wither, Shatter Armor 200, 200, 200, 200, 200 300 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Minor Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 50 60 Loyalty Rewards - 25 5.png or 7,500 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 100 60 Loyalty Rewards - 50 5.png or 20,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Major Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 150 60 Loyalty Rewards - 100 5.png or 50,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Superior Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 200 60 Loyalty Rewards - 150 5.png or 100,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Blue Slime Brew 25 Global Booster 250 60 Dropped By: Ovig the Despoiler (Elite) No Unique [185]
Potion of Extreme Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 500 60 Loyalty Rewards - 400 5.png or 600,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 750 60 Loyalty Rewards - 600 5.png or 800,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Supreme Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 1000 60 Loyalty Rewards - 800 5.png or 1,000,000 0.png Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Masterful Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 1500 60 Loyalty Rewards - 1,200 5.png or 1,400,00 0.png Yes Legendary N/A
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 2000 60 Loyalty Rewards- 1,600 5.png or 1,800,000 0.png Yes Legendary N/A
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration 1 Global Booster 3000 60 Loyalty Rewards - 2,400 5.png or 2,600,000 0.png Yes Legendary N/A
Jagua Egg 1 Gold Foot 400 60 Dropped By: Jagua the Golden (Dragon LE) No Legendary [186]
The Gilded Cup 1 Golden Shield 200 60 Dropped by: The Gilded King (Legendary) No Legendary [187]
Lakotas Golden Egg 1 Golden Shield 250 120 Dropped By: Lakota (Dragon LE) No Legendary [188]
Draft of the Dedicated Defender 1 Golden Shield, High Guard 250, 250 120 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Vigorous Brew 5 Great Vigor 200 120 Recipe: Recipe of Vigorous Brew No Rare [189]
Silicathus Egg 1 Great Vigor 300 120 Dropped by: Silicathus (Dragon LE) No Legendary [190]
Giants Vigor Potion 1 Great Vigor 1000 120 Recipe: Recipe of Giants Vigor Potion No Unique [191]
Silver Hearty Draft 1 Great Vigor, Stout Hearted, Anchored, Fortitude, Aura of Protection 300, 300, 300, 300, 300 720 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Golden Hearty Draft 1 Great Vigor, Stout Hearted, Anchored, Fortitude, Aura of Protection 350, 350, 350, 350, 350 840 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Hearty Draft 1 Great Vigor, Stout Hearted, Anchored, Fortitude, Aura of Protection 400, 400, 400, 400, 400 960 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Emperor Hydra Egg 1 Guild Buffer 200 120 Dropped By: Emperor Hydra (Dragon LE) No Legendary [192]
Strange Cosmic Brew 1 Hardened, Dispel Curse 200, 250 30 - Unknown - Yes Common N/A
Bizarre Cosmic Brew 1 Hardened, Dispel Curse, Layered Armor 250, 300, 350 60 - Unknown - Yes Rare N/A
Quaking Cosmic Brew 1 Hardened, Dispel Curse, Layered Armor, Force Shield 300, 350, 400, 350 120 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Unfathomable Cosmic Brew 1 Hardened, Dispel Curse, Layered Armor, Force Shield, Terrorize 350, 400, 450, 400, 525 180 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Tears of Rosmeriat 1 Hardened, Dispel Curse, Layered Armor, Force Shield, Terrorize, Shockwave 400, 450, 500, 450, 625, 400 240 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Bound Purse 1 Hidden Coffer 100 300 PvP Arena Rewards - 50 2.png No Unique [193]
Halloween Brew 1 Hidden Coffer 300 900 Game Gift from: Oidhche Shamhna 2011 No Epic [194]
Tantibus Egg 1 High Guard 300 120 Dropped by: Tantibus Immortuos (Dragon LE) Yes Legendary [195]
Potion of Pure Fire 10 Holy Flame 90 30 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [196]
Defensive Celebration Potion 1 Honor, Hardened, Great Vigor, Rock Skin 250, 500, 1500, 650 240 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Bumbledragons Egg 1 Ignite 200 60 Dropped By: Zatting Bumbledragon (Dragon LE) No Legendary [197]
Bottled Dragons Breath 5 Ignite 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Bottled Dragons Breath No Rare [198]
Bottled Dragons Breath 5 Ignite 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Bottled Dragons Breath No Rare [199]
Potion of the Tinkerer 10 Inventor 45 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [200]
Inventive Draft 5 Inventor 100 180 Recipe: Recipe of Inventive Draft No Rare [201]
Supreme Invention Draft 5 Inventor 250 30 Recipe: Recipe of Supreme Invention Draft No Rare [202]
Sinuous Spirit Bottle of Omacaz II 1 Inventor, Inventor II 500, 250 60 - Unknown - No Epic [203]
Sinuous Spirit Bottle of Omacaz 1 Inventor, Inventor II 500, 500 60 Found in: Deathly Chest of Omacaz No Epic N/A
Lindarsil's Draught 1 Inventor, Inventor II, Extractor, Resource Finder 250, 200, 250, 250 120 Found in: Lindarsil's Stash No Epic [204]
Glittering Black Opal Potion 1 Inventor, Inventor II, Perfection, Extractor, Extractor II 500, 250, 500, 500, 500 240 Found in: Glorious Opalescent Chest No Epic [205]
Rainmakers Egg 1 Invert 200 60 Dropped by: Ying Rainmaker (Dragon LE) No Legendary [206]
Calagroos Egg 1 Iron Fist 200 60 Dropped By: Calagroo the Unchecked (Legendary) No Legendary [207]
Potion of Double Edge 10 Keen Edge 50 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [208]
Brew of the Grind Stone 5 Keen Edge 200 45 Recipe: Recipe of Brew of the Grind Stone No Rare [209]
Potion of Final Strike 10 Last Ditch 100 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [210]
Potion of Lazarus 1 Last Ditch 225 120 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [211]
Watch Your Back Brew 1 Last Ditch 325 120 Dropped by: Blood Gazant No Unique [212]
Bufodae Egg 1 Layered Armor 350 120 Dropped By: Bufodae the Toad Dragon (Dragon LE) No Legendary [213]
Sorcerous Scales 1 Layered Armor, Armor Boost 250, 250 120 Loyalty Rewards - 300 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Silver Armorers Draft 1 Layered Armor, Terrorize, Armor Boost, Sanctuary, Entrench 300, 250, 250, 250, 150 720 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Golden Armorers Draft 1 Layered Armor, Terrorize, Armor Boost, Sanctuary, Entrench 350, 275, 275, 275, 175 840 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Crystal Armorers Draft 1 Layered Armor, Terrorize, Armor Boost, Sanctuary, Entrench 400, 300, 300, 300, 200 960 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Potion of the Scholar 5 Librarian 50 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [214]
Greater Potion of the Scholar 10 Librarian 100 90 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [215]
Potion of the Learned Word 1 Librarian 200 180 Game Gift - July, 13th 2011 Yes Legendary N/A
Roasted Quango 1 Librarian 200 120 Dropped by: Fire Feathered Demon Quango No Unique [216]
Potion of the Wise 5 Librarian 200 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [217]
Potion of the Bookworm 5 Librarian 225 90 Recipe: Potion of the Bookworm Recipe No Rare [218]
Potion of the Well Read 1 Librarian 300 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [219]
Bowl of Porridge 250 Librarian 500 120 Quest Reward: The Story of Three Teddy Bears Yes Unique N/A
Santork Pudding 1 Librarian 500 120 Gift (23 Dec 2010) Yes Epic N/A
Parilla 1 Librarian 600 120 Quest Reward: Lantern Lament (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Roasted Turkey Platter 1 Librarian, Animal Magnetism 900, 600 120 Quest Reward: Mechanical Menace! (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Thornvine Hunter's Brew 1 Librarian, Light Foot 750, 1250 180 Found in: Thornvine Chest No Epic [220]
Potion of Lesser Light Foot 20 Light Foot 25 60 Recipe: Potion of Lesser Light Foot Recipe No Rare [221]
Potion of Twinkle Toes 1 Light Foot 600 90 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [222]
Supreme Light Foot Potion 1 Light Foot 750 360 - Not yet in game - Unknown Epic N/A
Fleeting Potion 15 Light Foot 1250 120 Loyalty Rewards - 750 5.png Yes Epic [223]
Christopsomo 1 Light Foot, Animal Magnetism, Find Item 1250, 400, 1200 120 Quest Reward: Killantzaroi Creeps! (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Titan Hunters Lesser Brew 1 Light Foot, Conserve, Avert Gaze, Distraction 200, 100, 75, 100 240 - Unknown - No Unique [224]
Titan Bane Brew 1 Light Foot, Conserve, Defiance, Wither 200, 150, 175, 150 120 Recipe: Recipe of Titan Bane Brew No Unique [225]
Blazing Fire Opal Potion 1 Light Foot, Conserve, Find Item, Animal Magnetism 1500, 750, 1600, 450 240 - Unknown - No Epic [226]
Bottled Imp Brew 1 Light Foot, Constitution, Summon Shield Imp 150, 150, 150 120 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Lindarsil's Tonic 1 Light Foot, Four Leaf 1500, 250 120 Found in: Lindarsil's Stash No Epic [227]
Shadow Walk Potion 1 Light Foot, Teleport 1500, 175 120 Found in: Osverin's Chest No Epic N/A
Potion of Repair 5 Mastersmith 25 0 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [228]
Smithy Mastery Potion 5 Mastersmith 40 90 Recipe: Recipe of Smithy Mastery Potion No Rare [229]
Brew of the Smiths Hammer 5 Mastersmith 100 180 Recipe: Recipe of Brew of the Smiths Hammer No Rare [230]
Festive Mince Pie 1 Merchant, Find Item, Animal Magnetism, Four Leaf 200, 1600, 500, 250 480 Found in: Christmas Gift Box 2020 No Epic [231]
Bellathrognis Egg 1 Mesmerize 200 60 Dropped By: Bellathrognis the Deceiver (Dragon LE) No Legendary [232]
Valentines Treats 1 Mesmerize 500 240 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Leopard Skin Brew of Omacaz 1 Mesmerize, Overkill, Fury, Librarian 750, 400, 500, 500 60 Found in: Deathly Chest of Omacaz No Epic [233]
Felis Hunters Potion 1 Mighty Vigor, Overkill, Adept Learner 2500, 600, 750 240 Found in: Black Friday Obsidian Chest No Epic [234]
Zombifying Brew 1 Necrosis 100 120 Temple of the Gods No Unique [235]
Halfling Hot Stew 1090 Necrosis 175 120 Quest Reward: Gozoids! Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Necrotic Touch 1 Necrosis 225 120 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Necrotic Touch No Unique [236]
Valaraths Egg 1 Necrosis, Holy Flame 500, 500 120 Dropped by: Valarath the Dead (Dragon LE) No Legendary [237]
Potion of Horror 10 Nightmare Visage 80 1000 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [238]
Horrific Mask Brew 5 Nightmare Visage 200 360 Recipe: Recipe of Horrific Mask Brew No Rare [239]
Rotting Brew 1 Nightmare Visage 350 1440 Found in: Osverin's Chest Yes Epic [240]
Chilly Terror Draft 1 Nightmare Visage, Terrorize, Flinch, Barricade 300, 400, 400, 350 240 - Unknown - No Epic [241]
Overblown Overkill Elixir 1 Overkill 400 90 PvP Arena Rewards - 150 2.png No Unique [242]
Potion of Lesser Perfection 1 Perfection 100 60 PvP Ladder Rewards - 1 6.png No Rare [243]
Deadly Venom 5 Poison 50 60 Recipe: Recipe of Deadly Venom No Rare [244]
Crippling Poison 5 Poison 100 60 Recipe: Recipe of Crippling Poison No Rare [245]
Nolhoggr Egg 1 Poison 250 60 Dropped By: Nolhoggr the Black (Dragon LE) No Legendary [246]
Bronze Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 120 - Unknown - Yes Rare N/A
Crystal Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 300 - Unknown - Yes Crystalline N/A
Golden Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 240 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 720 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Prestigious Brew 1 PvP Prestige 10 120 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Silver Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 180 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Wooden Prestige Potion 1 PvP Prestige 10 60 - Unknown - Yes Common No
Questing Brew 1 Quest Finder 400 120 Found in: Black Iron Chest No Unique [247]
Potion of Searing Rage 1 Rage 100 120 Recipe: Potion of Searing Rage Recipe No Unique [248]
Ooch Mess Egg 1 Rage 250 60 Dropped By: Ooch Mess (Dragon LE) No Legendary [249]
Base Booster 1 Rage, Fortify, Evade, Rock Skin, Aura of Protection, Great Vigor 250, 300, 500, 300, 250, 500 - Unknown - Loyalty Rewards - 300 5.png Yes Unique N/A
Darksun Blood 1 Rage, Fury, Dark Curse, Death Dealer 200, 400, 300, 200 90 Found in: Darksun Stash Yes Legendary N/A
Darksun Blood II 1 Rage, Fury, Dark Curse, Death Dealer 300, 500, 375, 200 120 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Cave Potion of Reckoning 1 Reckoning 200 90 Recipe: Recipe of Cave Potion of Reckoning No Unique [250]
Potion of Reflection 10 Reflection 100 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [251]
Mirrored Elixir 5 Reflection 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Mirrored Elixir No Rare [252]
Potion of Inept Gatherer 5 Resource Finder 100 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [253]
Potion of Adept Gatherer 5 Resource Finder 200 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [254]
Harragogs Egg 1 Resource Finder 300 120 Dropped By: Harragog Darkfire (Dragon LE) No Legendary [255]
Potion of Genius Gatherer 5 Resource Finder 400 120 Found in: Alchemists Chest No Legendary [256]
Sahria's Fortunate Farmer 1 Resource Finder, Extractor 500, 500 120 Found in: Sahria's Chest of Fortunes No Epic [257]
Shamhna Spooky Vision 25 Reveal 25 30 Store: End o' the Road Wares No Unique [258]
Paladir Elixir 25 Reveal 25 60 Recipe: Paladir Elixir Recipe Yes Unique N/A
Potion of the Golem 10 Rock Skin 100 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [259]
Potion of Golem Aspect 5 Rock Skin 200 90 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Golem Aspect No Rare [260]
Toxskins Egg 1 Rock Skin 250 60 Dropped by: Ovlah Toxskin (Dragon LE) No Legendary [261]
Sacrifice Potion 1 Sacrifice 200 120 Loyalty Rewards - 100 5.png Yes Epic N/A
Faceted Cave Potion 1 Sacrifice 250 120 Dropped By: Cave Goatman No Unique [262]
Flamedeer Brew 1 Sacrifice 300 30 Recipe: Flamedeer Brew Recipe No Legendary [263]
Ultimate Sacrifice Potion 1 Sacrifice 300 180 Game Gift (special offer) Yes Epic [264]
Brew of Novice Hunter 1 Sacrifice, Overkill 200, 400 30 Found in: Jigsaw Box, Rusted Iron Box, Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Common N/A
Brew of Average Hunter 1 Sacrifice, Overkill, Animal Magnetism 250, 500, 250 60 Found in: Rusted Iron Box, Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Rare N/A
Brew of Superb Hunter 1 Sacrifice, Overkill, Animal Magnetism, Necrosis 300, 600, 300, 300 120 Found in: Decorated Lock Box, Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Unique N/A
Brew of Legendary Hunter 1 Sacrifice, Overkill, Animal Magnetism, Necrosis, Holy Flame 400, 800, 400, 400, 400 180 Found in: Crystalline Box, Cut Ruby Box Yes Legendary N/A
Brew of Epic Hunter 1 Sacrifice, Overkill, Animal Magnetism, Necrosis, Holy Flame, Adept Learner 500, 1000, 500, 500, 500, 500 240 Found in: Cut Ruby Box Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Lesser Sanctuary 1 Sanctuary 25 30 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [265]
Potion of Sanctuary 5 Sanctuary 50 60 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [266]
Potion of Greater Sanctuary 10 Sanctuary 100 60 PvP Arena Rewards - 20 2.png No Unique [267]
Potion of Blessed Sanctum 10 Sanctuary 250 120 Found in: Wooden Chest No Unique [268]
Aris Defense Potion 1 Sanctuary, Rock Skin, Evade 600, 600, 600 240 - Unknown - No Epic [269]
Potion of the Wolf 10 Savagery 40 60 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [270]
Brew of Acute Pain 1 Severe Condition 200 180 PvP Ladder Rewards - 5 6.png No Rare [271]
Antarius Egg 1 Shame, Shield Wall 400, 500 120 Dropped By: Antarius the Vital (Dragon LE) No Legendary [272]
Potion of Shattering 5 Shatter Armor 150 20 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [273]
ScissorNose Egg 1 Shatter Armor 400 60 Dropped by: The ScissorNose Serpent (Dragon LE) No Legendary [274]
Sundering Brew 1 Shatter Armor, Undermine 250, 250 60 Found in: Rune Engraved Chest No Unique [275]
Potion of Entanglement 10 Shockwave 80 45 PvP Arena Rewards No Unique [276]
Potion of Ensnaring Grasp 5 Shockwave 250 90 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Ensnaring Grasp No Rare [277]
Skull Brew 1 Smashing Hammer, Last Ditch 550, 550 120 Found in: Seafarers Chest No Epic [278]
Folgoredens Egg 1 Smite 200 60 Dropped By: Folgoreden the Smok (Dragon LE) No Legendary [279]
Spirit of the Knight 5 Spectral Knight 250 45 Recipe: Recipe of Spirit of the Knight No Rare [280]
Breaker Potion 5 Spell Breaker 125 20 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [281]
Potion of Nullifying Draft 5 Spell Breaker 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Potion of Nullifying Draft No Rare [282]
Strange Cosmic Draft 1 Spell Breaker, Rage 200, 300 30 - Unknown - Yes Common N/A
Bizarre Cosmic Draft 1 Spell Breaker, Rage, Poison 250, 325, 275 60 - Unknown - Yes Rare N/A
Quaking Cosmic Draft 1 Spell Breaker, Rage, Poison, Demoralize 300, 350, 300, 350 120 - Unknown - Yes Unique N/A
Unfathomable Cosmic Draft 1 Spell Breaker, Rage, Poison, Demoralize, Enchant Weapon 350, 375, 350, 375, 1500 180 - Unknown - Yes Legendary N/A
Blood of Rosmeriat 1 Spell Breaker, Rage, Poison, Demoralize, Enchant Weapon, Dark Curse 400, 400, 400, 400, 1600, 400 240 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Brew of the Buff Thief 1 Spell Breaker, Spell Leech 250, 250 60 - Unknown - No Unique [283]
Glass of Green Goo 25 Stalker 100 60 Dropped By: Ovig the Despoiler (Elite) No Unique [284]
Cave Stalker Potion 1 Stalker 100 90 Recipe: Recipe of Cave Stalker Potion No Unique [285]
Selachis Egg 1 Stalker 200 60 Dropped by: Selachi Waterbourne (Dragon LE) No Legendary [286]
Draft of the Revenant Hunter 1 Stalker, Necrosis 250, 250 60 - Unknown - Yes Unique [287]
Fortifying Brew 1 Stout Hearted 100 120 PvP Arena Rewards - 20 2.png No Unique [288]
Halloween Draft 1 Stout Hearted 500 120 Game Gift from: Oidhche Shamhna 2011 No Epic [289]
Maladores Egg 1 Stun 200 60 Dropped By: Maladore (Dragon LE) No Legendary [290]
Potion of the Imp 1 Summon Shield Imp 50 60 Dropped By: Cave Thunder Fly (Scavenging) No Rare [291]
Pink Protoplasm Potion 25 Summon Shield Imp 100 60 Dropped By: Ovig the Despoiler (Elite) No Unique [292]
Caged Imp 5 Summon Shield Imp 400 120 Recipe: Recipe of Caged Imp No Rare [293]
Impish Protector Potion 1 Summon Shield Imp 500 300 Game Gift (special offer) Yes Epic N/A
Shadow Vial 1 Summon Shield Imp, Force Shield 350, 300 120 Found in: Zorgrom Stash Yes Legendary N/A
Knack 2300 Sumon Shield Imp, Side Step, Golden Shield 500, 500, 350 120 Quest Reward: We need Ris A La Malta (Xmas) Yes Unique N/A
Potion of the Slayer 1 Super Elite Slayer 125 60 Dropped By: Cave Grofflesnout (Scavenging) No Rare [294]
Elite Hunters Draft 1 Super Elite Slayer, Counter Attack 200, 200 60 Found in: Gladiators Chest No Unique [295]
Dwarven Goblet of Advancement 1 Teleport, Doubler, Light Foot, Adept Learner, Quest Hunter 200, 2250, 1500, 500, 250 240 - Unknown - No Epic [296]
Potion of Hunger 500 Terrorize 25 45 Recipe: Recipe of Hunger No Rare [297]
Potion of Intimidation 1 Terrorize 200 60 PvP Arena Rewards - 50 2.png No Unique [298]
Styran Egg 1 Terrorize 250 60 Dropped by: Styran the Ogomie (Dragon LE) No Legendary [299]
Halloween Toffee Apple 1 Terrorize 750 120 Gift (Halloween 2010) Yes Unique N/A
Ancient Quango Brew 1 Titan Doubler, Teleport 300, 200 120 Quest Reward: Quango Adventures - Ancient Avian Apocalypse! Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Unyielding 10 Unbreakable 100 45 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [300]
Potion of Resilience 10 Unbreakable 190 60 Dropped By: Cave Grofflesnout (Scavenging) No Unique [301]
Chocolate Box 1 Unbreakable 200 600 Gift (Valentines Day 2008) Yes Unique N/A
Potion of Indestructibility 10 Unbreakable 200 60 Dropped By: Grofflesnout Brute (Champion) (Scavenging) No Rare [302]
Everlasting Potion 15 Unbreakable 200 300 Loyalty Rewards - 500 5.png Yes Epic [303]
Crimson Spine Potion 1 Undermine, Coordinated Attack, Anti Deflect, Demoralize 500, 500, 500, 400 240 - Unknown - No Epic [304]
Potion of Lesser Vision 20 Vision 50 60 Recipe: Potion of Lesser Vision Recipe No Rare [305]
Findworms Egg 1 Vision 250 60 Dropped By: Findworm (Dragon LE) No Legendary [306]
Cats Eye Brew 5 Vision 250 120 Recipe: Recipe of Cats Eye Brew No Rare [307]
Sharp Sight Potion 1 Vision 400 120 Found in: Iron Bound Chest No Unique [308]
Periwinkle's Purple Egg 1 Vitality 150 120 Dropped By: Periwinkle the Poisoner (Dragon LE) No Legendary [309]
Christmas Libation 1 Vitality, All For One, Golden Shield, Mesmerize, Riposte 350, 350, 700, 750, 450 480 - Unknown - Yes Epic N/A
Potion of Decay 5 Wither 150 15 Auction House (Special) Yes Rare [310]
Twinklesparks Egg 1 Wither 200 60 Dropped by: Twinklespark (Dragon LE) No Legendary [311]
Potion of Fatality 10 Wither 350 90 Auction House (Special) Yes Unique [312]
Flask of Death 1 Wither 450 120 Dropped by: Cave Grofflesnout (Scavenging) - 10,000 0.png No Unique [313]
Lich Touch 1 Wither 450 90 - Unknown - No Epic [314]
Fiery Potion of Aggression 1 Wither, Smashing Hammer, Anti Deflect 450, 425, 250 60 - Unknown - No Epic [315]

Pages in category "Potions"

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