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Revision as of 19:40, 30 March 2009 by ArusDaryl (Talk | contribs)

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Founded: ReFounded March 2008
Founder(s): DEANCALDAR
Leader(s): ArusDaryl
Allies: RaR
The Raging Nooblets
Warriors of Oblivion
A Bad Guild Full Of Good People
Enemies: [none]
Website: You're looking at it
Fallensword Page: CENTERFUGE
Recuiting: YES
This page is a guild page. It is generally considered unethical to edit guild pages unless you are a member of that guild, or have permission from a member/leader of that guild.


In the end of the new world one god will stand alone to create an alliance of kings, of riches and power. With these powers combined their alliance will be unstoppable.




CENTERFUGE is a guild for anyone who feels like being included in our groups and benefits and does not mind putting in a little effort for everyone else. If you would like to join, send in a request or Contact our Commander.


In the Beginning
CENTERFUGE was origionally founded by a mighty group of warriors, who evidently disbanded and spread apart into various guilds such as Forsaken Kings and The United Nations. CENTERFUGE was dependant completely on a lone warrior, rynx, who had also mysteriously disappeared.

April 2008

With no motivation to run a successful guild, DEANCALDAR then appointed ArusDaryl, who reorganized the remaining troops, and recruited as well. Included in ArusDaryl's efforts were contributing massive amounts of FSP, with which to establish an organized ranking system, create an agreeable system of rules, set up guild item tagging, and create a this Wikipedia page.

May 2008

Since the powerful warriors had left CENTERFUGE, All of the guild's collected XP was lost, and had remained locked at exactly 1,538,032. Now CENTERFUGE has made a miraculous recovery, collecting XP from the victorious members, and finally breaking this lock. Since then CENTERFUGE has been rapidly expanding in power.

Why You Should Join CENTERFUGE

  • 1) Members use Free Buffs on each other when active simultaneously. (See Offered Buffs)
  • 2) Many items are often available for borrowing. They are usually very powerful. (See Tagged Items)

"What Do I Need To Do?"

  • To Join, fill out a registration here.
If you are over level 12, include a list of your 3 most powerful Skills and points allocated.
  • What we require of members
-We ask that each member donate a share of gold, relevant to their level and rank, to the guild.
-All members must be active consistently.
 Active meaning using stamina hunting and fulfilling the duties relative to their rank.
 -When a member fails to be active, under certain circumstances they are temporarily removed.

Guild News

Current Poll

Current Objective

Collecting FSP to buy more member slots and other upgrades

Status: ( 8 / 20 )

Member's News

ArusDaryl I don't hunt anymore. I pay the game solely for the guild.
AmberRune Very busy. Will not be exceptionally active.
Gigioglvz Not enough time to log in consistently.
nook33 Went inactive with too many guild tagged items. Will be removed from guild ASAP.

Members, Ranks, and Contributions

Members listed in order of XP contributions
As of 1-23-09

Member Name Rank Level Contributed XP Contributed 1.png Join Date Recruited
xbebx Commander 161 8,525,578 209+ 1.png May 08 ArusDaryl
ikanc Second Commander 108 2,735,607 25 1.png April 08 ArusDaryl
ArusDaryl Commander 108 2,590,306 126 1.png New Founder rynx
Sugars Chuck Norris 109 2,489,106 8 1.png Original Member
taggarss Berserker 90 1,467,626 4 1.png August 08 ArusDaryl
Sergio990 Chuck Norris 138 1,448,978 15 1.png September 08 Sugars
DEANCALDAR (Original) Founder 88 1,359,250  ?? 1.png Original Founder
AmberRune Berserker 79 937,647 14 1.png April 08 ArusDaryl
Lorilean Honorary Absence 65 546,891 56 1.png July 08 ikanc
keeya Master of Destruction 60 429,946 1 1.png August 08 Dragonx50
Kamiku Honorary Absence 54 300,492 26 1.png June 08 ikanc
Gigioglvz Master of Destruction 52 281,486 9 1.png Original Member rynx
bluebolt77 Lord of War 38 106,711 0 1.png December 08 xbebx
BenForte Soldier of Doom 29 45,810 1 1.png October 08 xbebx
grillito15 Soldier of Doom 26 32,581 0 1.png December 08 taggarss
nook33 Soldier of Doom 23 17,973 0 1.png October 08 xbebx
10240221 Soldier of Doom 22 16,536 0 1.png September 08 xbebx
spiritslay Minion of Pain 17 3,895 0 1.png December 08 xbebx
Dragonx50 Minion of Pain 76 3,467 0 1.png January 09 ArusDaryl
chrisr12 Minion of Pain 14 685 0 1.png December 08 xbebx
Moroko Lord of War 33 66,301 3 1.png Original Member
DishMan99 Soldier of Doom 30 26,669 0 1.png March 08 ArusDaryl
Mikhaell Soldier of Doom 25 26,010 0 1.png April 08 ArusDaryl
Mordencai Soldier of Doom 23 21,166 0 1.png April 08 ikanc
Wovencroft Soldier of Doom 19 12,106 10 1.png July 08 ikanc
Dyers Guild Neophyte 19 5,653 0 1.png April 08 ArusDaryl
YoruOokami Guild Neophyte 13 2,857 0 1.png May 08 ArusDaryl
pimp360 Guild Neophyte 13 124 0 1.png April 08 ArusDaryl
sanjikun Player Terminated 58 343,028 1 1.png May 08 ArusDaryl

  • Every 100,000 gold donated is also represented by 1 1.png
  • Donated tagging items and Crafting/Hell Forging on tagged items are evaluated and represented by 1.png
Commanding Leaders
Active Members
Inactive Members

Offered Skills

Skills are to be offered to all online members with > 300 Stamina. Skills are to be FREE for CENTERFUGE Troops always.

Below is a list of each member's strongest skills, based on the skill points added since last recorded, with members listed as they are on the guild Fallen Sword Page

DEANCALDAR Treasure Hunter Fortify Find Item Fury and Rage
ArusDaryl Librarian Adept Learner Find Item Merchant Enchant Weapon
xbebx Treasure Hunter Adept Learner Librarian Merchant Quest Finder Last Ditch Find Item
ikanc Treasure Hunter Adept Learner Merchant Find Item
Sugars Rage Adept Learner Fury
AmberRune Bloodthirst Adept Learner Absorb
Gigioglvz Rage Fury
Kamiku Adept Learner Treasure Hunter Rage Great Vigor
Lorilean Adept Learner Treasure Hunter
Moroko Treasure Hunter Find Item
Mihkaell Rage Find Item
YoruOokami Find Item
pimp360 Rage

Skill Points
Skill Points
Skill Points
Skill Points
Skill Points
Skill Points
Inactive Player

Tagged Items

Item Sets

  • Note: Upon promotion to a higher rank, all tagged equipment not offered to the designated rank must be returned.
Set Name Minimum Level Acquired Pieces Loaning to Rank Status
Yeltz Set 55 Forging/Crafting
( 4 )
Master of Destruction Standing By
Golden Cockatrice Set 50 Forging/Crafting
( 3 )
Master of Destruction
Standing By
Zhann Set 38 Forging/Crafting
( 4 )
Master of Destruction
Lord of War
Reborn Guardian Set 25 Acquiring
( 5 / 6 )
Soldier of Doom
Lord of War
Plague Set 20 Fully Forged
( 4 )
Soldier of Doom Loaned
Reborn Dragon Set 15 Half Forged
( 9 )
Minion of Pain Loaned
Defender of Eribor Set 13 Fully Forged
( 9 )
Minion of Pain Loaned

Individual Items

Item Name Minimum Level Hell Forges Crafting Status Loaning to Rank Status
Ring of Greater Light 80 5 Not Craftable Berserker Loaned
Reptilian Gloves 37 5 Excellent Lord of War Standing By
Altered Dark Crystal 37 5 Average Lord of War Loaned
Horus Amulet 32 5 Not Craftable Lord of War Standing By


System of Ranks

  • All rank names can be changed by a 100% agreement from all members assigned that rank at the time.

Rank Requirements

Mainstream Ranks
Rank Name Level Required XP Requirement Gold Taxed and Deposited Activity Requirement
Berserker 110 2,000,000 1,250,000 2 Weeks
Destroyer of Worlds 75 500,000 500,000 1 Week
Master of Destruction 50 150,000 150,000 5 Days
Lord of War 30 40,000 50,000 3 Days
Soldier of Doom 20 10,000 10,000 1 Day
Minion of Pain 12 0 0 None

  • Note: Any one requirement can be overlooked if the others are thoroughly met
  • Note: Each deposited FSP counts as 100,000 deposited Gold
  • Note: Mainstream ranks may be associated to unqualified members through donations of Gold and FSP

(For XP Contributions see Members, Ranks, and Contributions.)

Trust Ranks
  • Trust Ranks are granted upon request only and after the designated approval rate is met. They have more privileges than their corresponding Mainstream Ranks, and as such, they are more difficult to earn.
Rank Name Mainstream Rank Achieved Gold Taxed and Deposited Skills + Groups Approval
Chuck Norris Berserker 2 mil 100 100%
Bruce Lee Destroyer of Worlds 1 mil 60 75%
Superman Clark Kent 2 mol 1 mil 105%

  • Note: "Skills + Groups" refers to # of skills used on guild members + # of groups joined (not created)
  • Note: The rate of approval comes from the votes of all commanding leaders and Chuck Norris
  • Note: Each deposited FSP counts as 100,000 deposited [[Gold]

Rank Privileges ("Why should I bother?")

Mainstream Rank Privileges

These ranks are granted in accordance to the Mainstream Ranks chart

  • Minion of Pain
Can create attack groups
Receives bonuses from guild structures
Access to guild chat
Receives Skills from fellow members
Access to guild store (See Rules)
Access to tagged items
  • Soldier of Doom
All previous privileges
Last priority for participation in guild conflict
Can send mass messages
Can recruit
Is given a space on Member's News section of wiki
  • Lord of War
All previous privileges
Can hire and fire Mercenaries
Can initiate Guild Conflicts
Slight leeway for inactivity
  • Master of Destruction
All previous privileges
Can view guild Advisor
Decent leeway for inactivity
  • Destroyer of Worlds
All previous privileges
Loans (up to to 50% of total contribution)
Unlikely to be removed from inactivity
  • Berserker
All previous privileges
Can change guild logo when appropriate
Can recall tagged items when necessary
Last to be removed for inactivity
Trust Rank Privileges

These ranks are granted in accordance to the Trust Ranks chart

  • Bruce Lee (In addition to "Destroyer of Worlds")
Can destroy everyone except Jesus and Chuck Norris
Can break any ego except Brad Pitt and Al Gore
Can change Guild History and Logo
Can recall tagged items when necessary
  • Chuck Norris (In addition to "Berserker")
Can kill 2 stones with 1 bird
Can eat just ONE Lay's Potato Chip
Can slam a revolving door
Can touch MCHammer
Can cure cancer with his tears. Unfortunately, doesn't cry
Can Edit Guild History
Can buy guild Upgrades
Can Tag and Untag items
  • Superman (In addition to Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper)
Faster than a speeding bullet
More powerful than a locomotive
Can leap tall buildings in a single bound
Is not a bird or plane
Can bend steel with bear hands
Can change the course of mighty rivers
(Some people wear his pajamas)
Wears Chuck Norris pajamas
Doesn't really exist


Rules of Guild Store

1. One slot should be left open in the guild store at all times. If an item is occupying the second slot of the guild store for more than a few minutes it can be taken or destroyed without notice.

2. Any item left in the guild store overnight is up for grabs by guild members, unless otherwise specified. If the item is tagged, make sure you are the proper rank before taking.

3. Your own personal items are not to be left in "day care" at the guild store. Anything left in the guild store becomes guild property.

4. No member is allowed to have more than 9 tagged items in their inventory or equipped. A. Commanders are exempt from this rule.

I will have the rest of the rules up eventually, don't nag me.


Guidelines are not officially rules, but are expected behaviors of guild members

I will have guidelines up eventually, don't nag me.

Member's Notes


  • Entire wiki formatted, written, and updated consistently by ArusDaryl
  • Opening Picture and Quote by uberfiend1