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Revision as of 05:13, 6 October 2008 by Rrr2go (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 2008-09-07
Name: rrr2go
Medals: 8_1.gif
Guild: Solo Players
Allies: {{{player_allies}}}
Enemies: {{{player_enemies}}}

The character of rrr2go was created by me on 2008-09-07. This is a first-time character and it might be necessary to note that this character is beeing played with a first-time-right strategy in mind. No secondary helping (additional auction and backpack slots and money deposits) character or guild is used... which might be a conservative idea for some.

Interesting milestones so far:

  • 2008-09-07: Solo player until about Level 12.
  • 2008-09-12: Accepted invitation from Fjodr to join Lost knight Guild (ID 30978) in order to try out what the FallenSword Guild system is like. The decision to join them instead of any other dozens of Guilds send out invitations, was merely based on a thorough comparison of their Guild structure statistics.
  • 2008-09-14: Equipped legendary guild-tagged 3 part Raggghzas Set out of Guild store and immensly enhanced character's monster slaying capabilities.
  • 2008-09-17: Even though beeing in a guild, decision was made to play from now on without guild-tagged legendary (and mostly fully forged or otherwise enhanced) Item Sets in order to determine FallenSword's difficulty degree. As my character has not participated yet in a Legendary Event and money/FSP-wise can't afford to buy these sets within the next 100 levels or so, it would be -under the given circumstances- an oxymoron to wear such items. What you can't afford, you should not get. Just like in real life.
  • 2008-09-20: Managed to solve first 25 quests with standard equipment and was awarded with Adventurer's Bronze medal. Also joined FallenSword's Wiki in order to enhance content.
  • 2008-09-21: Left Lost knight.
  • 2008-10-03: It was a nightmare to buy FSPs ever since as obviously some super-dedicated people always snagged away all FSPs right away from the Marketplace... too quick in my opinion (say usage of AutoBuyer Bots). Now finally it got so much more easier to buy FSPs as this second Update was implemented by Hunted Cow Studios as of today. I was actually just trying to get more than a dozen of FSPs for about 20 frustating minutes when suddenly a Security Code was additionally needed. Immediately i was able to slowly select from a variety of FSP offers, enter the 5-digit Security Code, put in 16 as amount of wanted FSPs and hit the submit button. I got them. Thanks HCS. And sorry for you guys complaining about it... What a milestone!

More details if they arise.

Character Investment (TCO)

Playing a good desgined game is always fun. It's even more fun if it's free and meanwhile still offers a relatively well-balanced gaming experience. 2 donations within a justifiable scope to support the further development of FallenSword were placed:

  • 2008-09-xx: $5
  • 2008-09-xx: $10

Killing two birds with one stone this $15 investment (equals 72 FSPs) also enhanced the gameplay and made it much more smoother by adding:

  • 2 backpack slots
  • 2 auction slots
  • 100 stamina

The spare FSPs (as i donated on the "20%-additional-FSP-day") were saved to have a future buffer in case money runs low.

More details if they arise.


Character CashFlow

Currently ~1.680.000 gold on bank account and a stash of 21 precious FSPs.


Down to the present day Experience Points (XPs) were collected merely old-school style... without applying the Doubler skill on rrr2go, paying for other player's skills (3rd party "Level Package" buffing), or even spending "Upgrade" FSPs to gain XPs. During my 10-day-tryout-Guild-time though, i received buffs about 6 times from fellow guild members, which were appreciated.
Solving Quests, slaying creatures with the Elite Hunter enhancement enabled (through affordable Item Sets), and after reaching Level 25 applying my own Adept Learner skill plus the default standard gain of 2 XP per hour added up to 875.608 XPs which equals level 45.

Progress to next level:

As the Adept Leaner skill can only be learned at Level 25 and higher, wisely 100 Skill Points were saved upfront in order to max it out and take advantage of the enhanced XP gain the minute Level 25 was reached. This immediately ensured the highest possible amount of XP gained per creature slay without beeing dependant on any other player or guild.

Average XP per Creature

Dividing the total accumulated XPs (minus Quest XPs) by the total amount of killed creatures (according to the KillStreak table to the right) results currently in an average of ~71 XP-gain per killed creature since starting the game.

KillStreak Records

Up till today FallenSword was beeing played undefeated with only 2 exceptions (shown below).

Date Level KS Lost vs. NPC Note
2008-10-05 47 8.646 undefeated
2008-09-20 25 4.021 Telovien (Elite) lost as guilded Attack Group
2008-09-10 12 1.121 Ionlad the Brute (Elite) Solo Player


Image Date Days Name Progress
8_2.gif Adventurer (Silver)
5_1.gif 2008-10-07 30 Loyalty (Bronze)
8_1.gif 2008-09-20 13 Adventurer (Bronze)


Since today no buffs were bought (or sold) making it an autarkic gaming experience.

Category Name Points Stamina Duration
N/A Currently analyzed 00/100 00 00 min
Specials 19_sm.gif Adept Learner 100/100 10 90 min
Specials 17_sm.gif Treasure Hunter 21/100 15 120 min
Specials 16_sm.gif Find Item 21/100 10 60 min

Non-Standard Creatures Defeated

Add previous ones when time allows...

Critical Ownage Hits


Solved Quests

The character's current level allows him to complete 41 possible Quests. 36 of them are solved with a reward of 23.565 XPs total.

  • The first wave of 24 quests (level 1 to 20) accumulate to 12.915 XP (minus 1.000 XP for the yet unsolved Legendary Event Quest "Plagued Recharge").
  • The second wave of 15 quests (level 21 to 40) sums up to 12.250 XP total (minus 1.150 XP of unsolved quests).
  • The third wave of 9 quests (level 41 to 60) will be a total of __.____ XPs. (Gained so far: 250+300)

Unfinished Quests

Level Name Reason Questbook
20 Plagued Recharge Legendary Event Notes
32 The Forgotten Forest Tree Golem (Elite) invincible with current equipment Notes
32 Tortured Spirits Tome Mortek the Bright (Elite) invincible with current equipment Notes
32 The Burning Abyss Burning Hellion (Elite) invincible with current equipment Notes
40 Remnants of Corruption Corrupted Knight (Elite) invincible with current equipment, PvP Rating 1350, 36 steps + 20 instaport Notes


Guild Invitations

After leaving the Lost knight guild on 2008-09-21 23:44 local time it took only 7 minutes for the first incoming invitation to join a new guild as shown in the table below (derived from character's log and Join Guild Invitation page). If it was the character performance, coincidence, sympathy due to the avatar, Mitleid or a systematic search for guildless players is unknown.
An astonishing (and partially even pretty stupid) creativity can be noticed looking at the fantastic guild rank titles. The witty ones (mostly in a negative sense) are marked using quotations.

Beeing a guildless player up to 10 invitations per average 400 stamina playing session were received: from level 21 as well as level 300 guilds. As of 2008-09-25 it was therefore necessary to filter out recently founded guilds... the table below will from now on only hold guilds which have reached already level 300 at the time of asking.

FSDateFSTime means FallenSword's server time measurings, which is 4 hours ahead of our local timezone (GMT-5 US East Coast).



Credit, Info and Version

This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.
This page uses ISO 8601 standard for dates (YYYY-MM-DD).
I created this page on my own by taking some ideas and heavily modify LittleJom's page and content. This is v2008-10-03_1.32