Guild:Wolf and Eagle

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Revision as of 22:05, 22 May 2008 by CHiNback (Talk | contribs)

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40820_mini.jpg Wolf and Eagle 40820_mini.jpg
Founded: September 2007
Founder: WolfEagle
Guild Leaders: Bewslayer, Thor421, Valinaard, Jarllaxle
All Members: Wolf and Eagle Members
Allies: Wolf and Eagle Allies
NAPs: Wolf and Eagle NAPS
Buffs: Buffs
Website: Wolf and Eagle

Site Management

This Wiki page is managed by WolfEagle and Jarllaxle. Unauthorized edits will not be tolerated.

About the Guild

Established September 2007

We are an English Speaking International Knight Society

Guild Motto: We Support Our Own!

Guild Allies are on the Web Site, also linked in the guildbox on the right.


Recruiting Members Level 10 or Higher -3 FSP to Join. For Application --

Guild Stats

The following guild statistics are correct as of May 22, 2008.

Level: 230
Top 250 Guilds Rank: 165th
Richest Guilds Rank: 164nd
GvG Guilds Rank: 101nd

The Rules

Here's some "rules" you will be bound to when you join

  1. Don't do anything that isn't allowed by the Fallen Sword Team.
  2. RESPECT ALL FALLEN SWORD PLAYERS. Do not harass other members for/about anything. This includes begging by PM or in guild chat. Persistent beggars will be kicked from the guild.
  3. Allied and Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) Guilds: Every Guild Member needs to be familiar with our Allied and NAP Guilds, plus the Rules that Govern these Alliances.
  4. Activity Required: We don't ask for a lot! It is each Member responsibility to keep his/her Character active and earning XP for the Guild. This is done by using your Stamina Fully at least 1-2 times a week. Inactivity for more than 2 weeks can result in expulsion from the guild. Any Inactive Accounts will be removed from the Guild!
  5. Vacations: If you are going on vacation or know you will be inactive for a while, Please let a Guild Leader know, so we can change your Status.
  6. Guild Upkeep: First and Foremost it is EVERY GUILD MEMBERS Duty and Responsibility to Help with the Guild's Upkeep.
    1. Gold Deposits: Every member should be Depositing Gold at least weekly
    2. FSP Donations: While FSP contributions are not required, they are highly appreciated. They are needed to Buy Equipment, Add Ranks, Member Slots, Structures, etc. Thank You for donating any spare FSPs, so we can continue to grow!
  7. Guild Store: Since Our space is limited, please use it wisely! DO NOT STORE COMMON ITEMS OR OTHER JUNK! Always keep one slot open at all times for group attacks, or any items that could be looted will be lost.
  8. Attack Groups: If you see a new attack group, Please Join it -- it only cost 5 stamina and It helps out your Fellow Guild mates. Unless otherwise stated, ALL Groups are open to any member.
  9. PvP Attacks: NO ATTACKING MEMBERS OF ALIIED or FAP GUILDS THAT ARE OUR ALLIES! (See ALLIED Section for current listing) Otherwise you are Free to attack any other player. But understand that They can attack you back or put a Bounty on You. So You Reap What You Sow!!!!! So don't come Crying to a Guild Leader --- Now if their Guild comes after you (Not a Bounty Attack) or you are attacked back more than Once That is When Our Guild Will Defend Our Own!!!
  10. Buffs: First -- PLEASE USE YOUR OWN BUFFS, then ask for any others you need. Remember Casting Buffs cost Stamina.
    1. Once you have any Skills at Level 100 or Greater, They need to be listed in your Bio
    2. Ask the Keeper of the Skill for which skills to work on
  11. Stealing: I don't think I can say this any plainer: Anyone caught stealing Items, gold, FSP from the Guild will Not Only be AUTOMATICALLY Kicked from the Guild, but will also have their name added to the Wall of Shame.
  12. Avatars: While Avatars do not need to be a Wolf and/or Eagle all Members are required to have one meeting the Fallen Sword Avatar Policy.
  13. Have Fun: Now I hope I Will NEVER Have to Remind a Guild Member of this Rule. And this Rule DOES NOT JUST APPLY to this Game either, But to Life in General. Because I know First hand that we sometimes forget the Simple things or pleasures in Life.

Member Ranks

Experience Points Rank Responsibility
Specialty Rank Guild Founder Leader of the Guild
Specialty Rank Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles Second in Charge of the Guild
Specialty Rank Keeper of the Recruits In Charge of Guild Recruitment and Training New Members
Specialty Rank Keeper of the Skills Keeping Skills/Buffs Balanced and Oversees the Wiki Site
Specialty Rank Grand Cross of the Wolves Oversees the Training and Promotion of the Guild Membership
Specialty Rank Grand Cross of the Eagles Oversees the Training and Promotion of the Guild Membership
Specialty Rank Paladin Maintains the Guild Store and helps members with Guild Equipment
Specialty Rank Knight Commander Oversees the PvP and GvG Attacks and Defenses for the Guild
Specialty Rank Guild Sentinel Weekly Appointed Assistants to Knight Commanders - Help seek out Guilds to Attack
30,000,000 Senior Knight of the Wolves & Eagles Teacher of Guild members and Junior Knights in the ways of FallenSword
25,000,000 Grey Wolf Knight
20,000,000 Golden Eagle Knight
15,000,000 Red Wolf Knight
10,000,000 Bald Eagle Knight
5,000,000 Steppe Eagle Knight
1,000,000 Knight Teacher of Guild members in the ways of FallenSword
750,000 Vigil Knight
500,000 Youngling
250,000 Man of Arms
100,000 Bannerman
50,000 Guardsmen
25,000 Squire
10,000 Page
5,000 Accepted Accept New Member to the Guild
0 Guild Invitee Invited Player Trying for Guild Membership (No Fee Required)
0 Guild Try Out Player Trying for Guild Membership (Fee Required)
0 On A Pilgrimage Away From the Guild
0 Get Active or Get Kicked from the Guild
Total 70/78


Guild Leaders Council Members Ranks
  • Guild Founder


  • Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles


  • Keeper of the Recruits

Thor421, Valinaard

  • Keeper of the Skills


  • Grand Cross of the Wolves


  • Grand Cross of the Eagles


  • Paladin of the Guild

AuntBea, Kithster, Scots

  • Knight Commander

Jarllaxle, JHinson14, Valerus

Senior Knight:

  • Bald Eagle Knight


  • Steppe Eagle Knight

jaydatz, joedie19

  • Knight

Aip84, Akynde, Apotsos, Bleupixie, EliteWind, Fulerton, KeranRyder, Mindset, TPR

  • Vigil Knight
  • Youngling

Galadorian, Maniacego, slaycije, Torawin

  • Man of Arms

49rs2, AKRyans, DerekChris, Masterlan, XJLEE

  • Bannerman

Buffalo31, Gromscream, Hyberu, Jraz, Nixer01, StiH, Wolfmanner

  • Guardsmen

Bon3Daddy, Kamagong, Larkray, Sk8der

  • Squire

Chaoselite, Chosenjuan, Gabriel220, Gypssie

  • Page

Cassie6299, Minphil, RAGtagTHUG, S4000234, ToonTim

  • Accepted


  • Guild Invitee

Ashdan, IRoNmAN87, Malkiyore, SirTurner


Fredc6, Mimi39, Spipes, T00, Zeleoric

  • On A Pilgrimage Away From the Guild

MrMalkier, Raisesword

  • Get Active or Get Kicked from the Guild

Dho, Leven876, RemJ45

All ranks are subject to change.
Please see our Guild page for current listing: Wolf and Eagle.

Guild Structures

Structure Name Level Bonus Structure Name Level Bonus
Battle Totem 16 Attack +32 Bandit Camp 5 Master Thief +25%
Health Shrine 12 HP +60 Endurance Shrine 3 Stamina +15
Armory 13 Defense +26, Armor +26 Training Room 10 Dodge +50%
Thieves Guild 2 Thievery +40% Temple 5 Holy +50%
Weaponsmith 15 Damage +45 Sustain Shrine 5 Sustain +25%
Shrine of Pain 5 Critical Hit +25% Crafters Workshop 5 Master Crafter +100%
Tranquil Retreat 6 Max Stamina +120 Military Advisor 1 Group Stats viewable
Preemptive Temple 10 First Strike +20% Fury Shrine 5 Buffs +25 levels
Pentagram 6 Banishment +30% Guild Registrar 3 Guild-locked recall
Blade Master 6 Piercing Strike +60% Combat Pit 20 Duelist +20%

Guild Store

Note: Check the Store Report for the latest availabilty. The numbers listed under complete sets indicates full sets only. There may be excess of individual pieces.

Sets Sets Incomplete Sets Non-Set Non-Set

Available Buffs

The buffs listed below are guild member buffs that are level 125 or above. Remember that the guild adds 25 points to your current buff levels. Please send a message to Jarllaxle if you need to add yourself to any buff.


0.gifRage - Thor421, Valinaard, JHinson14, KeranRyder, 49rs2, Buffalo31

1.gifStun -

2.gifFury - WolfEagle, Valinaard, JHinson14, Aip84, KeranRyder, Torawin

4.gifBloodthirst - Maniacego, 49rs2, Nixer01, StiH

5.gifEnchant Weapon - Thor421, Fighter234, Valerus, Apotsos, Cryogenic, Jaydatz, Fulerton, Hyberu

3.gifBerserk - WolfEagle, Valinaard, Padlie, JHinson14

6.gifHoly Flame -

7.gifDark Curse - Bewslayer, Padlie

29.gifShockwave -

30.gifIgnite -

31.gifSuper Elite Slayer -

32.gifWither -

33.gifShatter Armor -

34.gifDeathwish -

35.gifSpell Breaker -


12.gifGreat Vigor - Galadorian

8.gifFortify - Galadorian

10.gifEvade -

13.gifAbsorb - Maniacego, Hyberu

11.gifRock Skin -

9.gifEnchanted Armor - Valerus, Thor421, Jaydatz, Mindset

15.gifAura of Protection -

14.gifDeflect -

27.gifForce Shield -

28.gifUnbreakable -

36.gifAssist -

37.gifConstitution -


16.gifFind Item - Bewslayer, Jarllaxle, Kithster, Apotsos, Cryogenic, Jaydatz, Joedie19, EliteWind, Mindset, TPR, AKRyans, Buffalo31, Larkray

17.gifTreasure Hunter - WolfEagle, Bewslayer, Thor421, Jarllaxle, Fighter234, Padlie, Valerus, Apotsos, KeranRyder, Cryogenic, Joedie19, Akynde, Fulerton, Mindset, Slaycije, DerekChris, Masterlan, Sk8der

22.gifDeep Pockets - Cryogenic

19.gifAdept Learner - WolfEagle, Bewslayer, Thor421, Jarllaxle, Valinaard, Fighter234, Padlie, AuntBea, Kithster, JHinson14, Aip84, Cryogenic, Jaydatz, Joedie19, Akynde, Bleupixie, EliteWind, Fulerton, Mindset, TPR, Slaycije, Torawin, AKRyans, DerekChris, StiH, Sk8der

18.gifDefiance -

20.gifLibrarian - WolfEagle, Bewslayer, Thor421, Jarllaxle, Valinaard, Fighter234, Padlie, AuntBea, Kithster, JHinson14, Valerus, Aip84, Cryogenic, Jaydatz, Joedie19, Akynde, Bleupixie, EliteWind, Fulerton, Mindset

21.gifMerchant - WolfEagle, Bewslayer, Thor421, Jarllaxle, Fighter234, Padlie, Kithster, Aip84, Apotsos, Jaydatz, Akynde, EliteWind

23.gifLast Ditch -

24.gifAnimal Magnetism -

25.gifEmpower -

26.gifDoubler -

39.gifConserve -

40.gifBrewing Master -

41.gifFour Leaf -

42.gifExtend -