Guild Conflicts

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Guild Conflicts, or GvG - Guild vs Guild, is a battle between two guilds where players of the conflicting guilds invoke PvP attacks on each other. The conflict is controlled, and has certain limits imposed such as how many attacks that needs to be done and how many people that can participate in the conflict.

The conflict rules are set by the initiator of the conflict, and the winner of the conflict is awarded reputation points



Basic Rules

You can attack anyone within a 25 level radius. This means that if you are level 100, you can attack any player in the other guild between levels 75 and 124. Attacks done in a guild conflict are not subject to bounties and you won't to lose PvP points, Gold or XP when you lose one of these battle.

The minimum number of participants of a conflict is 4 from each guild. This also means that guilds with less than 4 members are not able to start a conflict.

To join an ongoing conflict you just attack someone from the opposing guild.


A score point is only gained upon a victory for an attack initiated by you. If you initiate the attack, and the other player is victorious, they do not get a score point for their guild. The current score for all active conflicts can be viewed on your guild's conflict page.


The score page shows the following information:

  • Target Guild: This is the guild(s) that you are in conflict with.
  • Participants: This shows how many participants from your guild take part of the conflict. The first number is number of participants, and the other is the maximum number of participants that are allowed to participate. If you hover the mouse over the question mark next to the number, the name of the participants are shown in the tooltip.
  • Incoming Attacks: This shows how many attacks the other guild has made on you, as well as how many attacks they can do at a maximum.
  • Outgoing Attacks: Same as incoming, but for your guild.
  • Completed By: This is the date and time when the conflict will end unless both of the guilds complete the required amount of attacks before that.
  • Score: The current score. As mentioned above, the only way to score is to win attacks initiated by you.

Initiating a Conflict

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To initiate a conflict, visit the information page for the guild in question and then click on the Initiate Conflict link at the top of the page. The cost for starting a conflict is 1 Fsp and 50,000 gold always due the last upgrade of the game

Ending a Conflict

A conflict is won when one of the guild manage to complete the required number of successful attacks. The price for the winning guild is Guild Reputation Points, or Guild RPs. These RPs can be used to buy buffs that applies to all players in the guild or certain epic items.

In addition to the RPs, the winning guild will get an increase in its GvG Rating. This rating is simliar to PvP rating, and basically tells how good the guild is at winning guild conflicts.

The guild that looses the conflict will get a reduction in GvG rating. Loosing does not affect the number of RPs the guild has.

A conflict can also end in a draw in case none of the guilds reaches the required number of successful attacks or if the score end in a draw by the two guilds

Difference From Normal PvP

XP / Gold / PvP Rating

XP loss, gold stealing and PvP Rating have no part in GvG conflicts. This means that loosing a GvG related attack does not cause you to loose any gold, xp or pvp rating.

The only exception is if there is also a bounty on the target player, whereby the loss is as normal as with a bounty kill.

Level Range

The level range for attacking is increased from +/-5 to +/-25 for participants in the guild conflict.

Bounty Retaliation

When in conflict, it is not possible to place a bounty on attacks which were from a conflict participant. Note that attacks from guild members who are not actively participating in the conflict can be bountied as normal.

GvG types

There are a a few different types of conflict that can be done. Here are two of them:

  • "Show me your champion" is a 1 on 1 conflict.
  • "Bring out the mob" is a conflict that has many members that can join.

Note that these are not an official concept, just common names on rule setups for guild conflicts.


The key to win a guild conflict is carefully planning your attacks so that you minimize your losses. Every attack counts, and you should make sure to win all outgoing attacks. Pick your targets! You want to make sure you can one-hit your opponent but also survive in case your first strike misses and the opponent gets a hit on you. The reason you want to win all outgoing attacks is that you get 50 attacks on the opposing guild. You don't get to attack until you reach 50 wins. If you lose even one of those attacks, then the other guild can reach 50 wins and win the conflict.

Use buffs to improve your combat stats. Buff your teammates as well - even those that aren't online since they are also target of incoming attacks. Put defensive buffs - Absorb, Deflect and Last Ditch on every guild member at a minimum. Use Enchant Armor on players who have good armor (it doesn't do much help for e.g. Super Elite items). In terms of offense, Dark Curse is extremely useful to lower your targets defense.

If you cannot win, don't continue attacking. If the current standings shows that you cannot win the conflict, there's no use spending stamina on further attacks. Remember, you won't lose XP, gold or PvP rating on guild conflict attacks so just let the other guild finish up. You can use your stamina for other things, such as hunting.


The GvG rules were heavily altered in February 2010 due to the fact that many guilds exploited the mechanics to gain reputation points as cheaply as possible.

See Also