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Revision as of 14:02, 16 March 2008 by CHiNback (Talk | contribs)

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Player ID: 731698

Joined: 23/Jul/2007
Name: CHiNback
Guild: The Paladin Order
Guild Title: Paladin Advisor
Allies: Too many to list
Enemies: None
Medals: 8_1.gif
Auction House: I don't sell much stuff over AH.
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.

"His values are that of a Paladin's: brave, virtuous, honourable, supportive, honest, patient...the list never ends."




From squishing rats to slaying dragons, CHiNback has been an expert at hunting and training. He has also trained his magic levels so that creatures are easier to attack. From Day 1, this amazing player has contributed to the game by defeating the numerous rats that were left on the Mountain Path, as well as posting his suggestions in the forum.

When CHiNback began his journey, starting on the Mountain Path, he came to a fork in the road. There were two signs; one read For the Less Experienced and the other read Beware, Ethereal Creatures Lie Ahead. He did not take the road less taken, but rather, joined everyone else in the slaying of Rats. Being a smart person, he felt that he would be ready to take the other path only when he felt he had faced real danger and lived to tell tales about his experience.

On the Mountain Path, CHiNback came across Natives, Scorpions, and the occasional Goblins, but had no difficulty defeating them. When he was Level 6, he saw a blinding light. A recruiter angel was sent from a distant place to tell him that he was invited to join the one and only Paladin Order, where the light would shine on all darkness and cause an eventual end to monsters in this lair. Without hesitation, he accepted this invitation. He suddenly broke into a tornado-like motion, as if the Varas Dungeon was cycloning its way down the drain of a sink. He was transformed into a Templar as he began his training, slaying Vampires and Skeletons, and later, even Zachorzi the Plagued.

Within two weeks, he had outgrown the armor of many defeated elites. He was then given the set of the Fire Dragon. Using its power, he rode his way past the Celestial Forests, Amazon Encampments, Moot Forests, and Hallow Caves, ceasing the existence of each creature. With the power of Thonomoth, the Frozen Beast, he ventured deeper into his journey.

Did I mention Deep? Yes, he ventured deeper into his journey. As he gained his Level 80, he had tamed Bishamon which allowed him to unleash the power from The Deep unto creatures of the Swamps. As the Swamps grew into Ruins, CHiNback felt the need to fit into the surroundings. He had learned that the Ruins were because of one: The Host. Fitting perfectly into the Armor of Decay, he was ready to take on any challenges that was ahead of him.

As CHiNback fought harder, the creatures grew stronger and tougher. He met the Elites Bastet Lion and Azlorie Forgzah Demon, and upon entering the Mystical Maze, both creatures surrendered their armor to him. This was a turning point in CHiNback's journey because each day was getting tougher and tougher, so much tougher that he had to rest each day. With the equipment of the Elites, CHiNback was safe from any attacks because the Armor proved to have an ultimate level of Defense.

One day, CHiNback had this feeling that he was going to reach the end of this part of his journey, and he was right. He met the creature of ultimate destruction: the infamous Legendary Gogmor Mancrusha. Behind Gogmor was a Mysterious Portal. Having taken portals before, he felt that he must destroy this Legendary creature to have enough magic to take the portal. After defeating Gogmor, as well as taking his powerful Mancrusha Amulet, he took the portal. A surge of electricity flew into him, as he passed out, unconscious.

CHiNback later found himself lying with the Rats of Krul Beach. He had magic transported himself back to square one. Bringing up his memory of the Second Path, the Path he did not take, he felt he was ready to face the creatures of the Ethereal Gateway and beyond.


Max Stamina: 1,520 Stamina Gain/Hour: +65
Level: 177 Virtual Level: 177
XP: 54,559,631 PvP Rating: 1,842
Progress to Next Level:

About the Guild

CHiNback is a huge contributor to The Paladin Order. As the Paladin Advisor, he has one of the highest ranks and royalties of the guild. Ever since he had joined the Order at Level 6, his experience has been shared with the rest of the guild, resulting in a very strong guild. Currently, The Paladin Order is the 78th strongest in all of the FallenSword world.

Daily contributions have been a custom to CHiNback. He felt that in order for the guild to support him, he must, in return, support the rest of the guild. Since this belief, he has been supporting the guild more than just materialistically, but also through the sharing of knowledge and wisdom to the younger and less experienced in The Paladin Order.

To this day, CHiNback has gained 11,249,840 XP for the guild.




Buff Level Price
  • 0_sm.gif
  • 35
  • N/A
  • 2_sm.gif
  • 35
  • N/A
  • 5_sm.gif
  • 140
  • 5,000g
  • 3_sm.gif
  • 140
  • 5,000g
  • 7_sm.gif
  • 140
  • 10,000g



Buff Level Price
  • 17_sm.gif
  • 125
  • 5,000g
  • 19_sm.gif
  • 140
  • 5,000g
  • 18_sm.gif
  • 100
  • 15,000g
  • 20_sm.gif
  • 140
  • 5,000g

Behind the Screen

A Few Tidbits

Name: Andrew Chin
D.O.B.: 01/18/1992
Sex: Male
Country of Origin: Canada
Time Zone Difference: GMT -5 (EST)
Favourite Colour: Red, evidently.
Favourite Genre(s) of Music: R&B, Rap, Hip-Hop

Forum and FSwiki Contributions

To this day, I have made 204 FSwiki edits.

When I add pages, I use Belgrave's Templates. If you want to contribute, you should use these too.

I make Player Profile Pages. [Shoot me a PM] at the FS Forum and tell me if you want a page to be made, just for you! For a limited time only, 1 FSP will get two profile pages done: one for you, and one for one of your friends!


So far, I've written 2 tutorials.


My current FSwiki Signature                  CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]