
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Revision as of 01:09, 9 March 2008 by Crystal79 (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Crystal79
Guild: The white dragon
Guild Title: Acolytic Converter
Allies: BeoSlayer, beosyn, evil1985, shadowshow, Shaydeling, Wrathstar
Enemies: Jingizu
Medals: 8_1.gif
Auction House: My current auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



I have been on here since Feb. 9, 2008.
I am married to Shaydleing he also plays on FS.
We have a little girl together.
I am also a full time college student majoring in Business Management, Accounting, and Real Estate.
I am a very friendly, sweet, funny, trusting person.
I also breed Water Dragon and Bearded Dragon send me a message for more info.

Guild History

Before Joining the The White Dragon guild I was in Lessor Demans Guild I was there for only 1 week.
I have been in The white dragon for about 3 weeks now, after a week in the guild I have become one of the recruiters.
If you like to join up send me a message.


I am currently at level 53 and rising.

Progress to next level:

So far my highest attacks have been Level 50 Crystal79 hits Ravager for 1246 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)
Level 53 Crystal79 hits Aquatic Horror for 1383 damage. (Critical Hit)


Category Name Points Image
Offence Rage 20 (+25) 0_sm.gif
Offense Stun 15 (+25) 1_sm.gif
Offense Fury 20 (+25) 2_sm.gif
Offense Enchant Weapon 20 (+25) 5_sm.gif
Defense Great Vigor 20 (+25) 12_sm.gif
Defense Fortify 15 (+25) 8_sm.gif
Defense Absorb 20 (+25) 13_sm.gif
Special Find Item 15 (+25) 16_sm.gif
Special Treasure Hunter 20 (+25) 17_sm.gif
Special Deep Pockets 20 (+25) 22_sm.gif
Special Adept Learner 75 (+25) 19_sm.gif

Sell Adept Learner for 3000 Gold to Non Guild members. Buffs are free to the Guild ONLY


  • Adventurer (Bronze)

8_1.gif Complete at least 25 quests

Bounty Politic

Allies and Enemies

Enemies are also Friends.


Completed Quests

Uncompleted Quests
