
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Revision as of 00:56, 9 March 2008 by Crystal79 (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Crystal79
Guild: The white dragon
Guild Title: Acolytic Converter
Allies: BeoSlayer, beosyn, evil1985, shadowshow, Shaydeling, Wrathstar
Enemies: Jingizu
Medals: 8_1.gif
Auction House: My current auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.



I have been on here since Feb. 9, 2008.
I am married to Shaydleing he also plays on FS.
We have a little girl together.
I am also a full time college student majoring in Business Management, Accounting, and Real Estate.
I am a very friendly, sweet, funny, trusting person.
I also breed Water Dragon and Bearded Dragon send me a message for more info.

Guild History

I have been in The white dragon for about 3 weeks now after a week in the guild I have become one of the recruiters, so if you like to join up send me a message.


I am currently at level 53

Progress to next level:

So far my highest attack has been Crystal79 hits Ravager for 1246 damage. (Piercing Strike, Critical Hit)


Category Name Points Image
Offence Rage 20 (+25) 0_sm.gif
Offense Stun 15 (+25) 1_sm.gif
Offense Fury 20 (+25) 2_sm.gif
Offense Enchant Weapon 20 (+25) 5_sm.gif
Defense Great Vigor 20 (+25) 12_sm.gif
Defense Fortify 15 (+25) 8_sm.gif
Defense Absorb 20 (+25) 13_sm.gif
Special Find Item 15 (+25) 16_sm.gif
Special Treasure Hunter 20 (+25) 17_sm.gif
Special Deep Pockets 20 (+25) 22_sm.gif
Special Adept Learner 75 (+25) 19_sm.gif

Sell Adept Learner for 3000 Gold to Non Guild members. Buffs are free to the Guild ONLY


  • Adventurer (Bronze)

8_1.gif Complete at least 25 quests

Bounty Politic

Allies and Enemies

Enemies are also Friends.


Completed Quests

Uncompleted Quests
