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Revision as of 19:25, 22 April 2008 by CHiNback (Talk | contribs)

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Player ID: 731698

Joined: 23/Jul/2007
Name: CHiNback
Guild: The Paladin Order
Guild Title: Paladin Advisor
Allies: Too many to list
Enemies: None
Medals: 8_1.gif 5_1.gif
Auction House: I don't sell much stuff over AH.
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.

"His values are that of a Paladin's: brave, virtuous, honourable, supportive, honest, patient...the list never ends."

CHiNback's History Page


Behind the Screen

A Few Tidbits

Name: Andrew Chin
D.O.B.: 01/18/1992
Sex: Male
Country of Origin: Canada
Time Zone Difference: GMT -5 (EST)
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Genre(s) of Music: R&B, Rap, Hip-Hop

FSwiki Contributions

My 500th Edit: Marpolo Gloves

To this day, I have made 552 FSwiki edits. I believe I have made one of the most, if not the second-to-most, useful edits for FSwiki.

When I add pages, I use Belgrave's Templates. If you want to contribute, you should use these too. I also make Player Profile Pages. I will gladly help anyone start on their Profile Page; just shoot me a [Private Message].


So far, I've written 4 Item Guides.


These are ongoing projects. Don't steal my ideas!



My current FSwiki Signature                  CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]

CHiNback, the In-game Heart


Max Stamina: 1,610 Stam Gain/Hr: +65
Level: 197 Virtual Level: 197
XP: 76,251,456 PvP Rating: 1,843
Progress to Next Level:

About the Guild

CHiNback is a huge contributor to The Paladin Order. As the Paladin Advisor, he has one of the highest ranks and royalties of the guild. Ever since he had joined the Order at Level 6, his experience has been shared with the rest of the guild, resulting in a very strong guild. Currently, The Paladin Order is the 65th strongest in all of the FallenSword world. Our guild is currently at Level 300.

Daily contributions have been a custom to CHiNback. He felt that in order for the guild to support him, he must, in return, support the rest of the guild. Since this belief, he has been supporting the guild more than just materialistically, but also through the sharing of knowledge and wisdom to the younger and less experienced in The Paladin Order.

To this day, CHiNback has gained
15,634,008 XP for the guild.