Guild:The Burning Legion

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Guild History

And finally they came to a twist in the landscape and left the cool, dark shadows of the valley wall. A wave of balmy air rushed over them like a summer zephyr forcing some to turn their heads as others cupped weary hands across tired brows, eager to still take in the sight that greeted them, their quest seemingly at its end.

The plain spread out before them, rolling clouds of dirt-grey steam billowing over the folds in the land, dissipating at its edge in thin tendrils like so many skeletal fingers clutching at the living. A tang of sulphur permeated through the atmosphere making the very air feel vital and alive. The whole scene spanned in a silver shroud of silence.

Rising impossibly in the midst of the swirling, misty mass sat the fabled Burning Peak, black and grim against its ashen surroundings. Great rivers of orange-red veins tattooed its slopes, the living fire disappearing into the plumes of steam that rushed like breakers from the mountain’s foot, only to be lost in the ebbing tide. And yet their eyes were drawn away from the imposing peak, towards the myriad shadows that seemed to walk and live and breathe the very fire of the mountain. Dark, human figures of power and strength, engulfed in the living raging flames, smothered in the swirling fog, yet oblivious to its blistering and choking effects, drawing energy, no, their very life-force from this furnace.

The youngest of the party opened his mouth and pointed, but the words would not come. The eldest placed a protective, all-knowing hand upon his shoulder, he hadn’t needed to articulate his question.

“And they, my son, the figures that walk amongst the flames, they are The Burning Legion.”

""entry of giuld history here...........""

Recent guild events

Guild Tax

To help the lower ranks in the Guild where gold is harder to earn. We have the following tax regime introduced in December 2008:

  • new 3days to get to 1K = 0%
  • Newbie 1K = 5%
  • A little bit better, then a newbie2K = 5%
  • little spark 5K = 10%
  • Baby Phoenix 10K = 10%
  • Phoenix 50K = 15%
  • Burning Phoenix 100k = 15%
  • Burning Phoenix Knight 200K = 25%

We hope the players benefitting from this change will be able to supply their own gear to go with the Lokors and Plague sets we have in the Guild. Also it will give the 50K and 100K ranks more gold to buy in buffs.

Available Buffs




How to select your equipment:

Each player needs to equip themselves. If you need help:

  • Look at other players arround you and see what they are wearing
  • Ask for help from other guild Members - remember it is their advice you are requesting.
  • Use the calculator to search its database [1]
  • Look in the Auction House - some very good deals can be done there.

There is a certain amount of equipment in the guild for the lower levels. There are some seven sets of Loakors. This three piece Legendary set, used with the right gear, is effective up to Level 55. Each player should select their own periferal equipment to go with the set.

The Guild Equipment and Guild Store:

There is no right to certain equipment by anyone other than the person who loaned it. You are welcome to use it and upgrade it if you wish. For crafting you will need to seek the assistance of a Level 70+ player. The forging of equipment can be expensive and very often it is cheaper to buy in its perfect fully forged state from the AH. More on this subject later.

The Guild Store is small. Slots cost 50FSP as opposed to BackPack slots which cost 15FSP.

So if you store none guild marked gear and leave it there it will be disposed of in the most appropriate way. If the store is left full the Culprit may well spend a short stint in "The Stocks". Please always leave one slot free in the Guild store.


Defender of Eribor Set

Plague Set

Reborn Guardian Set

Cerberus Set

Thonomoths Set

Golden Panther Set


