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Don't try to destroy pages that some people want to know about. Please also check ROFLCOPTER.
                 CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]

You might consider consolidating all of these types of terms and acronyms on a single page and have the individual pages redirect to that. Examples of what it could include: lol, roflcopter, ftw, fsp, fs, buff abreviations, etc.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM 
That's a viable option. I'll have a look into the layout.
                 CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]
I've done just this now: Abbreviations contains most common ones and LoL now redirects there--Isakus 11:15, 20 July 2009 (BST)


It shouldn't have a page of its own. Maybe a page for "abbreviations" and divide it into 2 sections, one for common internet speaking and another one for FallenSword exclusive talk (ex. fsp, fs, etc.).

If you'd read the discussion above, you'd see that exact thing, except this page would continue to exist and redirect to the abbreviation page. That way if someone searched for lol, they would get redirected to the abbreviations instead of getting the make new page option.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM