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Joined: January 14, 2008
Name: MCHornick
Guild: The bagels Clan
Guild Title: Guild Founder and 10 Star General
Allies: larse, n00bkilla, Imperialcy, Drew1989, phoenix706, kallevince
Enemies: Brandont, TheGerm, ShieldIce, eman123, diato, Iskandra
Medals: 5_3.png 8_2.png 9_6.png 14_6.png 15_1.png
Auction House: MCHornick
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.




Character Bio


  • If I attacked you, you were carrying a large sum of gold and also had a relatively good PvP rating. Go ahead and bounty me, because if I were you, I'd probably bounty me.
  • If you have a bounty on your head, that means you attacked someone. For this reason, I expect not to be retaliated against for attempting or completing a bounty.
  • On the other hand, if you have been bountied for working on a bounty, let me know ASAP and I'll stop working on your bounty.


[hide] Feat Type Feat Value Date Accomplished
Bounty Hunt Completion 10th 05/Apr/2008
Bounty Hunt Completion 25th 13/Jul/2008
Bounty Hunt Completion 50th ---
Highest Overall Rank 11,485th 17/Aug/2008
Highest PvP Rating 1,670 18/Aug/2008
Accumulated XP 1,000,000 01/Apr/2008
Accumulated XP 2,000,000 25/Apr/2008
Accumulated XP 5,000,000 03/Jun/2008
Accumulated XP 10,000,000 30/Jul/2008
Accumulated XP 20,000,000 28/Nov/2012
Accumulated XP 50,000,000 ---
Contributed XP to Guild 1,000,000 03/Jun/2008
Contributed XP to Guild 2,000,000 26/Jul/2008
Contributed XP to Guild 5,000,000 11/Dec/2012
Contributed XP to Guild 10,000,000 ---

Guild History


Contributions to my Current Guild

  • XP earned for Guild: 5,017,221
  • Regular deposits of 0.png
  • Regular donations of 1.png
  • Many donated items

GvG Conflicts Participated In




Base Attributes

[hide] Atk Def HP Dmg Arm
90 25 14 110 14


[hide] Slot Image Name Level Rarity Crafting Forging Atk Def HP Dmg Arm Total Pts Pts/Item Lv Pts/Char Lv
Gloves 2319.gif Gauntlets of Decay 90 Legendary Perfect forgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.png 99 --- --- 39 149 287 3.189 2.333
Helmet 2317.gif Helmet of Decay 90 Legendary Excellent forgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.png 49 --- --- 168 69 286 3.178 2.325
Amulet 862.gif Amulet of Dralpo 106 Unique Perfect forgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.png 140 --- --- 145 --- 285 2.689 2.317
Weapon 1130.gif Demonic Fire Mace 123 Unique Uncrafted --- 120 2 2 128 2 254 2.065 2.065
Armor 2318.gif Armor of Decay 90 Legendary Perfect forgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.png 88 --- --- --- 198 286 3.178 2.325
Shield 861.gif Shield of Amazali 101 Unique Perfect forgelevel.png 12 77 24 15 102 230 2.277 1.885
Ring 1086.gif Ring of Ilah 122 Rare Excellent --- 47 67 21 62 57 254 2.082 2.065
Boots 1093.gif Boots of Gezmor 123 Rare --- --- 45 75 --- --- 126 246 2.000 2.000
Rune 2320.gif Rune of Decay 90 Legendary Excellent forgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.pngforgelevel.png 48 --- --- 236 --- 284 3.156 2.309
All --- Total --- --- --- --- 648 221 47 793 703 2,412 --- 19.61

Set Bonuses

[hide] Set Name Atk Def HP Dmg Arm
Decay 20 --- --- 60 20
Total 20 --- --- 60 20

Guild Bonuses


[hide] Category Atk Def HP Dmg Arm Total Pts Pts / Char Lv
Base Attributes 90 25 14 110 14 253 2.057
Equipment 648 221 47 793 703 2,412 19.61
Set Bonuses 20 --- --- 60 20 100 0.820
Guild Bonuses 4 4 10 0 4 22 0.180
Total 762 250 71 963 741 2,787 22.66


Piercing Strike:

Reinforced Armor:


Critical Hit:








Master Blacksmith:

Elite Hunter:


Master Crafter:


  • If I'm online, and have available stamina, I do sell my buffs.
  • My available buffs are listed below.
  • If you would like to buy, just send me a message. (Discount for buying all.)
[hide] Category Name Image Stamina Cost Duration* Level Effect Cost
Offense Rage 0_b.gif 10 > 90 min 110 +22% Base Attack 3,000 0.png
Offense Fury 2_b.gif 10 > 90 min 110 +11% Base Attack, +11% Base Damage 3,000 0.png
Offense Berserk 3_b.gif 15 > 90 min 110 +22% Base Damage 4,500 0.png
Special Find Item 16_b.gif 10 > 60 min 110 +11% Creature drop rate 3,000 0.png
Special Quest Finder 61_b.gif 5 > 90 min 60 Increases the chance of a Quest Item drop 1,500 0.png
--- All --- 50 * (Varies with my Sustain) --- --- 12,500 0.png


Medals Acquired

9_6.png Annual Service
Play FallenSword for 6 years.

5_3.png Loyalty
Log into the game on 180 different days.

14_6.png Guild Loyalty
Stay in the same guild for 1080 days.




8_2.png Adventurer
Complete 100 quests.

15_1.png Global Quest Qualified
Qualify in 1 global quest.

Medals In Progress

5_4.png Loyalty
Log into the game on 360 different days.


21_1.png Guild Treasurer
Use 25 bank deposits for a guild.


19_1.png Fragmenter
Break down 1000 items into fragments.


20_1.png Artisan Compose 100 potions.


13_1.png Treasure Hunter
Open 5 chests.


0_1.png Bounty Master
Complete 50 bounty hunts.


1_1.png Recruiting
Recruit 25 players to the game.


8_3.png Adventurer
Complete 200 quests.


15_2.png Global Quest Qualified
Qualify in 5 global quest.


27_1.png Daily Quests
Complete 30 daily quests.


Bounty Politics

Why I Bounty

  • Unprovoked attacks.

How I Deal With Bounties

  • I consider myself an active Bounty Hunter.
  • I expect not to be retaliated against for completing a bounty.
  • I only use 10 stamina attacks to complete bounties.
  • If you would like compensation, please message me.
  • My compensation package is listed below (if you don't like it, tough crap):
    • 2.50 gold per PvP point lost
    • 1.00 gold per gold I gained
    • 0.01 gold per XP lost (rounded up)
    • NONE of the reward (the reward is mine to keep)

Bounties Completed

[hide] Bounty Bountier Date Offered Kills Required Reward 0.png Reward 1.png
Brandont ALEX142 22/Feb/2008 10 10,000 ---
helel hunterk8 23/Feb/2008 10 5,000 ---
deafmozart mpmpmp 03/Mar/2008 10 --- 1
shopqueen d688688 08/Mar/2008 10 5,000 ---
100theboss terence23 10/Mar/2008 10 7,500 ---
xDero William319 10/Mar/2008 10 2,500 ---
Dacilian thatsit2 01/Apr/2008 6 4,800 ---
kingty619 Byuakugan 05/Apr/2008 10 10,000 ---
bluebird97 Byuakugan 05/Apr/2008 10 10,000 ---
kyyic5 Byuakugan 05/Apr/2008 10 10,000 ---
opl22op Byuakugan 05/Apr/2008 10 10,000 ---
starbun Diocles 11/Apr/2008 10 2,500 ---
DarkKyron ShadowXen 30/May/2008 10 10,000 ---
gordom06 hamz59 31/May/2008 10 10,000 ---
TheGerm jonnyR 04/Jun/2008 10 7,600 ---
L3ann3 vancouver 12/Jun/2008 10 10,000 ---
poohpol ahmad786 14/Jun/2008 10 10,000 ---
andersopnZ Eliteone 25/Jun/2008 10 20,000 ---
eman123e JUSTIN89 01/Jul/2008 10 --- 1
Ki11ertop Houseofone 08/Jul/2008 10 10,000 ---
Ki11ertop Houseofone 09/Jul/2008 10 10,000 ---
izzual chanqua 10/Jul/2008 10 9,500 ---
effur chuttos 12/Jul/2008 10 10,000 ---
sidukas Ravitm 12/Jul/2008 10 11,000 ---
steven41 kristian15 13/Jul/2008 10 15,000 ---
diato rcp 18/Jul/2008 10 9,000 ---
HrvWolf vikino3 25/Jul/2008 6 5,947 ---
Cocobo test112344 28/Jul/2008 10 8,600 ---
Capetown Manni1236 28/Jul/2008 10 30,000 ---
Ravitm test112344 28/Jul/2008 10 11,400 ---
Totals 30 --- 292 275,347 2

Inter-Character Relations


larse - Guildmate. One of my best friends.
n00bkilla - Guildmate. My sister.
Imperialcy - Former guildmate. Nice guy.
Drew1989 - Trading partner.
phoenix706 - An honorable Bounty Hunter.
kallevince - An honorable Bounty Hunter.


Brandont - Bountied me for completing a bounty on his head.
eman123e - Bountied me for completing a bounty on his head.
TheGerm - Attacked me for completing a bounty on his head.
ShieldIce - Bountied me for attempting to complete a bounty on his head.
diato - Bountied me for attempting to complete a bounty on his head. All-around jerk.
Iskandra - Attacked me for attempting to complete a bounty on her head.



User Notes / Acknowledgments

Last Updated on March 9, 2018 by MCHornick