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Revision as of 02:16, 29 October 2009 by Calliope (Talk | contribs)

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Joined: FallenSword 28th April 2007

Gauntlet 6th May 2007

Helping Hands 10th May 2008

Name: Calliope
Guild: Helping Hands
Guild Title: Guild Founder
Allies: 76348143, babp, C4RPY, Cadorak, Chazz224, cyhiraeth, Daemonxin, DaleJunior, deathsk8r, Dragon1329, dvasi01, Eaus, Fadrian, Firebombs, ghosttown6, Lyons027, MasterEL, Matt18111, mickeus, Mylexa, nkol, OTH3LLO, ragnilw, rainbow2, Ralendus, Raven1329, Razoreye, Shayera, Taking4, Thoran, TiagoNR, UltimatumX, UR1EL, ValvNeryk, WeeRapll, Woon
Enemies: Are Really Allies MIA
Medals: 0_1.gif 5_4.gif 7_1.gif

8_3.gif 9_2.gif 11_1.gif

Auction House: Can Be Found Here
Recruits: LadyKitKat



This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.

FS Avvie.jpg

I am the flower that blooms on the bough, I am the crescent that crowns the sky,

I am the sunlight that glitters on the wave, and the breeze that bends the new grass,

No man has ever possessed me... and yet I am the end of all desire,

Huntress, and Holy Wisdom am I, Spirit of Inspiration, and Lady of Flowers.

I am the sun in her splendour, and the warm wind that ripens the grain,

I give myself in my own time and seasons, and bring forth abundance.

I am Mistress and Mother, I give birth and I devour, I am the lover and the beloved,

Look into the water and you will see, my face mirrored there,

For you belong to Me ...


Or Καλλιόπη... Meaning "beautiful voiced".

The eldest and wisest of the 9 Greek Muses. Muse of epic poetry.

Assertive and recalcitrant yet still the arbitor of the Gods.

The voice of reason...

In the world of FallenSword more likely to make judgements with the blade in my hand.

Those foolish enough to ignore that blade should take heed here and now ...

Beware the Wrath of the Gods!

Με το ξίφος της που ταλαντεύεται η κυρία έρχεται

Helping Hands Web Site