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Revision as of 14:11, 13 March 2008 by Alusinki (Talk | contribs)

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Age: 15
Country: Sweden
Sex: Male.jpg
Joined: 10/Nov/2007
Name: Alusinki
Guild: The white dragon
Guild Title: Acolytic Converter
Allies: Cruden, Helst0rm, KorinDan, Shadow30, thely
Enemies: Dudewalker, mircic
Medals: 8_1.gif
Auction House: My current auctions
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.

Many Thanks to PumaDiAce for helping me with this Page.



My real name is Jacob and im 15 years old and live in Sweden in a nice little town called Borlänge. Translated to english that makes live long time and im planning to live there long too. My parents are separated. My mom is married and now our family contains of about 10 family members ^^ I have 4 real brothers and 2 halfbrothers and 1 halfsister. I also have 2 dogs. So it's kind of a big family. My father is living with a woman from thailand actually. She has a son and I'm not so bond with him. I have 3 cats roaming around the house there too :D. I'd like to write down their names too but there are so many ^_^

Guild History

I've been in this guild since I was lvl 1. Our gracious leader ^^ KorinDan invited me from another game. At about lvl 50-60 I became guild recruiter. Everyone treat me like a family member.



(complete 25 quests (bronze) Adventurer Bronze to silver.1%) loyalty 70% to bronze


Librarian lvl 105(+25) Merchant lvl 105(+25) Treasurehunter lvl 105(+25) Adept learner lvl 105(+25)


Allies ^^


Doubler sellers. (in case not my guilds Doubler sellers are online)


Completed Quests

Allied supplies Amazon Ambush Anvil Reign Building Bridges Call of Fortitude Cleanse the Caves Drunkards Rambling Eldoras Path Eternal Chant Forest of Herbs Hidden Ruins Maedron Guild Nomad Retribution Orb of Corruption Rare Search Rat Slayer Skulls of Horror Spilling Blood Taking Arms The Burning Abyss The Burning Temple The Cull The Price of Skulls The Sacred Knife The Wounded Adventurer To kill an Orc, or two

Uncompleted Quests

Call of Dregdon Scrolls of Old Tortured Spirits Tome