
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Revision as of 21:35, 31 March 2009 by Crusader77 (Talk | contribs)

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Age: 14
Country: Amadora, Portugal
Sex: Male
Joined: 14 of Mar of 2008
Name: Crusader77
Guild: Firewalkers
Guild Title: Fire Warrior
Allies: fgrv, HadesDream
Enemies: Crusader77(I'm mine own worst enemie)
Medals: 8_1.gif 5_3.gif
Auction House: [1]
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.




Crusader77 is a battlemage extremly skilled in lightning control and releash magic and sword fighting.

He came from the Elya Plains, and little more is known about his past.

He's weapon is a 500 year old katana that was used by his father, his grandfather and so on.

The sword is called “Current Katana”, Crusader can releash lightning to the sword making it a powerfull.

He's lightning based spell can be used for both attack (like making lightining stike his opponent), defence (like releashing lightning from all over his body shocking all enemies close to him for some seconds) and support (like releashing lightning to his current katana making damage greater and also stunning his opponent for a second).


All are lvl 140

Gold Magnet(TH):15k

Swift Learner(AL):10k

Book Fan(Lib):10k

Market Fan(Mer):10k

Empower Weapon(EW):10k

Empower Armor(EA):10k

Curse Caster(DC):10k


Gold Pack(TH & Mer):22.5k

Exp Pack(AL & Lib): 18k

War Pack(EW, EA & DC): 27k

Full Pack(all of them):65k

Buff Shop Instructions

1.PM me with the buff/pack you want

2.Wait for my reply with the price

3.Pay the gold for the buff/pack

4.Get buffed