
From Fallen Sword Wiki
Revision as of 14:51, 14 March 2009 by Crusader77 (Talk | contribs)

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Age: 14
Country: Amadora, Portugal
Sex: Male
Joined: 14 of Mar of 2008
Name: Crusader77
Guild: Firewalkers
Guild Title: Fire Warrior
Allies: fgrv, HadesDream
Enemies: Crusader77(I'm mine own worst enemie)
Medals: 8_1.gif 5_3.gif
Auction House: [1]
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.




Crusader's homeland

Born in a Peacful City in the Holy Desert, Crusader77 was an orfan and a Genious on Arcane Magic expecially on Elemental Magic and Healing, he is Sword skills aren't the best he is skilled on fighting with a Spear, he carrys a shield on his back in case of needed protection, hes real name is unknown but he is called Crusader because of hes dream of defeating evil with the help of Uthica, the God of Glory which Crusader thanks for giving him luck after every victory giving him the nickname of Glorader, he left his home city in a young age and he is now on a conquest off eliminating all evil in the world one realm at a time.


Crusader likes helping otherwith his various enhacemnt magic (enhancematika or ematics for short) but the God of Glory doesn't think it should be for free and that it should be paid with gold.

List of Ematics:

[GW]Gloriful Weapon:5k

[GA]Gloriful Armor:5k

[GB]Gloriful Book:5k

[GM]Gloriful Market:5k

[GA]Glory Aprentice:5k

[GG]Glory Gold:10k

(GW is EW; GA is EA; GB is Lib; GM is Merc; GA is AL and GG is TH)

Epacktics(Ematics Packs):

Glory of War:9k

GW and GA

Glory of Wisdom:9k

GM and GA

Glory of Wealt:13k

GG and GM

Empower Glory:30k

All of the Ematics.

Gloryfull Alchimy & Armory








Hell Fire Medal:50k

King Au Xenahs Gloves:1FSP or 125k

Gloryfull Goals

Adventurer Bronze Medal [x]

Bounty Master Bronze Medal [ ]

Loyalty Crystal Medal [ ]

Level 250 [ ]

2000 Max Stamina [ ]

Real Life

I'm a normal 14 year old teenager that likes playing mmorpgs like FS and Conquer Online(If you decide to start playing go to my server:Dreams>Justice, my username is KnightofCydonia), I also like platform games like Crash, Ratchet and Clank and Jak and I also like puzzle games like Bejeweled and Minesweeper(Won a game in Easy in 4 seconds, I rock!), now out of the gaming zone I'm a fan of the early and mid 90's rock (like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Guns and Roses, etc...) Classic and Psycadelic Rock of the 60's and 70's (Pink Floyd, Cream, Rolling Stones, The Who, etc...), I even got a elctric guitar but I'm stile learning to play it(but I can play the solo of Smells like Teen Spirit, badly)