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Thoran (Game Profile)
Joined: Jan. 02 2007
Name: Thoran (Game Profile)
Medals: Recruiting (Bronze) Adventurer (Bronze) Annual Service (Bronze)
Guild: Gauntlet
Allies: Alecterum, AlTiger, Arlo, biohazardx, Calanth, drstheperv, Frost420, Frosta, gengster85, GreenEyez, HellsGuard, HitcHorus, JWolf06, Leech, Lobsterman, MaxDamage, Phool, PowSlayer, SpookyImp, ValvNeryk, willy74
Enemies: Pending...




"I dance in the Darkness, whisper to the Dead, and smile down upon the dying. I have Witnessed the deaths of great Kings and have stared empty as Empires danced toward their dissolution."

<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.Game Resources.::::::::::::[]««««{}

OldSchool Bounty Hunter

Do not Whine, or Demand anything from me. Threats & Counter Bounty's WILL result in future 100 stamina hits, I don't care what you put in your BIO

Bounties ...pending


1_1.gif Recruiting (Bronze)

You have achieved the Bronze medal in recruiting by successfully luring 25 people in to the game. Progress to next medal: 84%

8_1.gif Adventurer (Bronze)

You have achieved the Bronze medal for completing at least 25 quests. Progress to next medal: 16%

9_1.gif Annual Service (Bronze)

You have achieved the Bronze medal for playing Fallen Sword for 1 years.

Next medal:

Character History

Very little is known, mostly from tales sung by wandering Bards. The stories always tell of attacks during the dead of night. Entire tribes of merchant Orcs, Bandits and the like being slaughtered leaving nothing of value. Rarely any average adventurer and never the Kings men ever being attacked. The songs often start with a strange figure quickly crossing the night sky followed shortly by a lone figure blocking the path up ahead. Some speak of the screams that come from the rear of the caravan but these are told by the ramblings of half dead witnesses that never quite recover their minds long after their bodies have healed. Some say they were left to live to pass the tale but no one can't be sure. One song told by only few speak of a second figure, barely seen and never heard......