Guild:Forgotten Guardians of the Past
Forgotten Guardians of the Past | |
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Founded: | The Past |
Founders: | cinda, alloran, Slippery88 |
Guild Officers and Leaders: | Stevefille, jess420, Corlath, Dimcirith, dabomb3, Kevolkian, Krimino, TheOldOne, SgtCollins, sh8374, Ducatist |
Guild Member of the Week: | cinda |
Allies: | Both FDP and Non-FDP Allies See Allies on this page. |
Enemies: | BrknSwrd |
Website: | |
Fallensword Page: | FGOTP FS Page |
Recuiting: | Looking for active, loyal players, level 50 and up. Speak to cinda for invite. |
This page is a guild page. It is generally considered unethical to edit guild pages unless you are a member of that guild, or have permission from a member/leader of that guild. |
Contents |
Guild Information
Forgotten Guardians Of The Past (FGOTP) is a top 50 guild for the active loyal player who is looking to enjoy the game while expanding and growing.
FGOTP provides the player with many opportunities including Free Buffing between members, Occasional Games and Levelling Contests with FSP Prizes, Free Avatars for members, and weekly Guild Conflicts. Furthermore, FGOTP protects its own players and treats each member like an ever growing family.
All of the FGOTP members will be free from harassment and are free to offer their opinions at any time. FGOTP prides itself on honesty and truthfulness.
We the Forgotten Guardians are the caretakers of history and the lessons they hold, gained in bloody sacrifice. Having faded from memory and the annals of history, we toil on in seclusion safeguarding arcane knowledge and artifacts from the dark entities which seek to bend such treasures to their own malicious end. We have carried on this duty from time immemorial, but the age has arrived wherein our pledge may be the key to Humanities survival.
During our stewardship, we have studied these ancient tomes so that we may understand the enemy’s humanity is destined to face. We have researched these artifacts so that we may harness them when the darkness arrives and threatens our existence. We have reared loyal, honorable and noble individuals to bolster our ranks and we have sought out humanities allies so that we may face these coming horrors as One.
We believe that the time is nigh upon us where our ancient nemesis, Xinderoth stirs, mustering all manner of dark minions to plague our lands. Already in this age have we seen the tide of darkness sweep through our world. The Xind-taint corrupts our fauna and our lives are spent in a bloody culling. Although we held back the terrible waves of legendary horrors which swept the lands, this was but the vanguard sent to test our might.
We stand as a bastion for humanities survival. Amongst our brother who hath answered the call are those that besiege the dark, those that bend the evil dead to their own will and many other worthy factions. Have we not found, only through bitter trials that we may only prevail against the enemy through harvesting and shaping their gutted forms to bedeck our armories with the tools of their own demise? Our continued survival rests on the sharing of our knowledge and presenting a united front; one that will not bend as long as the courage of our Brethren fuels our veins.
Our great leaders prepare for the penultimate war; the almighty Alloran and sagacious Slippery88 walk into the Wastes on a warrior’s pilgrimage to hone their skills, resolve and to meditate upon the tactics which will serve us best. At home the charismatic Cinda musters our forces, holding us together with her tenacity; we are ever loyalty to our warrior queen. Dimcirith the Warmonger turns our mettle against those that would stand against us; he allows us to wage war on the Forces of Darkness without an enemy at our backs. Stevefille the Silver-tongue brings more to our side through deft diplomatic skill. Corlath the Weapons Master ensures that we will want for nothing when we arm for war. And our Trainers continue to improve upon our forces knowledge and hence, our efficacy grows to no end.
The stage is set for the final confrontation. Who will bear our ultimate artifact, The Fallen Sword into battle against our ancient enemy? Who will stand with us as we fight for Humanity’s future within this world? Who will stand against us and face our undying wrath? Your answer will ensure eternal glory or a place in the mountain of skulls at the feet of the Forgotten Guardians of the Past.
Membership Applications
FGOTP seeks loyal players who are level 50 and above. Members must be active at least 3-4 days out of the week and contribute to the guild in various ways.
Applications can either be made through the guild forum, or through messaging cinda. If messaging, a bit of background information is required--all blank join requests will be rejected regardless of level.
Please note that FGOTP is an English speaking guild and players must be able to speak, read, understand and write in English to join.
FGOTP has all available structures built and maxed out. This provides great bonuses to all our members.
Store Inventory
FGOTP has a huge guild store stocked with superb items suitable for all levels within the guild. Most items are crafted and hell forged.
Any player would be hard-pressed to find as large a knowledge-base as can be found in FGOTP. All players within the guild freely share whatever information they may know with other players.
The great leaders of our guild who, through sheer determination and selfless efforts have made FGOTP the success it is today.
Name | Title | Comments |
cinda | Founder | Joined 13 Sep 2007. |
Alloran | Founder | Joined 17 Jun 2007. |
Slippery88 | Founder | Joined 24 Jul 2007. |
New Founders
Name | Title | Comments |
cinda | Founder | Joined 13 Sep 2007. |
Kevolkian | CoFounder | Joined 14 Oct 2007 |
stevefille | CoFounder | Joined 13 Oct 2007 |
High Council
Name | Title | About Me | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
maddog21 | High Council | Joined 10 Jun 2007. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SgtCollins | High Council | Joined 13 May 2007.
OfficersThe Inner Circle of our guild, responsible for various facets of it's operations. They are the core that keeps our guild cohesive and always running efficiently.
Guild Trainers and EnforcersThe Guild Trainers and Enforcers are the selected senior members of the guild who have vast knowledge in several aspects of game-play. They are responsible for keeping matters organized within the guild and providing support and advice for incoming and lower-level players.
Forgotten GuardiansThe Senior Members of our guild, gaining this place of honor through loyalty and determination.
Enlisted RanksClick here for a listing of our Enlisted Ranks. Rank Structure of FGOTP
Guild RelationsAlliesForgotten Guardians Of The Past is a member of the original Full Defensive Pact. Full Defensive Pact (FDP)An FDP is an mutual pact between many guilds, and all guilds in the FDP are members of the pact. A partial list of what the pact includes:
Non-FDP AlliesStandard rules for Allies:
Guild RulesThese rules may be amended and expanded at any time, and notice of changes will be made through mass messaging. General Rules
DonationsFGOTP taxes guild members 25% of all creature kills. However, donations are necessary for upgrades and are highly encouraged. Donation logs are currently not required, but may resume at any time. In such even, a notification will be sent out via Mass Message. FGOTP is always in need of FSPs for upgrading upgrading and acquiring new structures (such as the extra 240 stam per player, per day) Any donation of FSP counts as a 95k donation.
Guild StoreThe Guild Store will be operated, and regulated by both cinda and The Vault Guardian, while the latter keeps records on items in the Store. Anything that is stored in the guild store is guild property, with the only exception being items reclaimed immediately following a group hunt. This includes items of personal value stored without permission in the guild store. Any Invaluable items stored in the guild will automatically be discarded, or sold for guild profit; also if it is selling in AH for a low price, do not store it in the store. REMOVAL OF UNTAGGED ITEMS IS FORBIDDEN The only exception to this is items from group combat kills, or if you have been given permission to do so from cinda or the Vault Guardian. Failure to comply will result in player being kicked without bias. The Use of any of the Legendary/Super Elite sets is temporary. All sets (examples being Deep, Baron, Void, Banshee, Cockatrice, etc.) that fall into this category are to be used only while actively training, and returned thereafter. For full list of items that must be returned immediately, contact cinda. Failure to comply will result in a set recall (rendering member naked to attack) and a deranking by cinda to "Learn Storage Rules" rank until a message to cinda states that coherence to these rules is attained along with a 50k penalty donation. Also, items should only be removed by those who can use them. BuffingFGOTP is a family community, and buffing between members is highly encouraged, and carried out as much as possible. This helps guild members move up in xp/rank faster as well as helps the guild grow at a faster rate. When asking for buffs please remember:
For a list of Buffs By Member, see FGOTP Buffs Groups and MercenariesGroupsGroups are used when fighting elites or champions that a player cannot defeat by their own means. Only join those groups that stats need help. For Example a level 30 player will not really help a level 140 player kill an elite, and a level 220 in a level 30 group is overkill. Always check creature stats before creating a group--sometimes they can be defeated without group help. To create a group, click groups under Guild Tab. Cost is 20 stamina to start a group and 5 stamina to join a group. The group stays for 24 hours--if the target is missed, leave group formed up and ready for second chance; don't disband. Mercenaries
ConflictsGuild Conflicts will be held on a regular basis, with at least one per week. These will be initiated by The Guild Warmonger, or any officer that sees fit. The purpose of FGOTP Conflicts are two-fold: First, guild RP and GVG Ratings are gained by successful wins. These are very important for guild growth. Second, it gives the players a "safe" feel for PVP, as well as an opportunity for fun. A third, and very rare use of Guild Conflicts on FGOTP's part is to make a statement towards another guild, or a certain player. When a conflict is set up by the FGOTP Warmonger, a message must be sent to Dimcirith, and a reply gaining Permission must be received before entering the conflict. If the conflict is initiated by another officer, or if Dimcirith is unavailable, permission requests default to the initiating officer or cinda, stevefille, Kevolkian, Krimino, or Brishu, in order of rank. In the event that a conflict is initiated upon FGOTP, permission must also be granted (through the same means) before entering the conflict. Please read and understand the guild conflict help posted by TheOldOne on our forum before requesting permission to join - the FGOTP goal on conflicts is 100% success rate at all times. There will be certain cases where Conflicts participants are to be pre-determined, and failure to comply to these rules will also carry consequences. All conflict information will be done through Guild Chat, and through Guild Mass Messaging, therefore both should be checked regularly during times of conflict. Failure to obey any given order from any of the above listed members is grounds for consequences. Any noncompliance to these new rules results in consequences. First time offenders will be placed in a newly created rank (Conflict Hogs) which allows for no privileges. To resume original rank, the following must be completed: A) Send Dimcirith a message stating formal understanding of the above rules, and an apology for not following them, and B) A fine may be instituted, equaling a percentage of the original Conflict cost, and not exceeding it, and C) Repeat offenders will be kicked. |