Echiphon the Hydra (Titan)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Titan Creature
Titan creatures are only available for hunting during Titan Events. When a Titan is spotted, the name and area it currently inhabits is posted on the home page. The drop goes to the one guild/player that obtains 50% or more of the creature kills during that event.



Echiphon the Hydra is a vile, poisonous beast. As a hydra, it is also close to unkillable. This vast beast roams the Realms looking for any other creatures to kill with it's venomous bite before devouring it's meal whole.


Name: Echiphon the Hydra (Titan)
Class: Reptile
Rarity: Titan
Level: 450


XP: 1,968 2,122
Attack: 5,653 5,709
Defense: 8,982 9,050
Armor: 8,898 9,068
Damage: 5,506 5,630
HP: 28,961 29,539
Gold: 261 339


Titan HP:
Piercing Strike: 5 15
First Strike: 30 60
Hypnotize: 30 60


Echiphons Scale Gauntlets


Dark Mist Forest (Edge)
Dark Mist Forest (Depths)
Dark Mist Forest (Range)
Thundersnow Valley (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 9,050 5,709 5,630 38,607 23,838 18,915 16,453 14,976 13,992
Target Stats: 10,003 6,311 6,223 42,199 25,874 20,432 17,711 16,079 14,991