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Joined: 09/Feb/2008
Name: Wrathstar
Guild: Sacred Protectors
Guild Title: Anointed
Allies: BeoSlayer, Crystal79, GothAngel6, shadowshow, Shaydeling
Enemies: none
Medals: {{{player_medals}}}
Auction House: {{{player_auction}}}
This page is a Player's Profile Page. It is generally considered unethical to edit a player's profile pages unless you have received permission from that player.




Character Bio

I walk the edge of Heaven and Hell. One Half-Angel and the other part Half-Demon. Never knowing a home or a family that would have me. Lost to time and space, I wandered the wastes of this world, looking for the pieces of my shattered, pained, and disfigured soul. I fight ever onward for Glory and the few friends I have collected over the years. For they are as much outcast by their worlds standards has I am. I respect them all and never turn on them for they are my family now and forever more.

Player Bio

My real name is Luke, I am a 28 year old male, living in Chillicothe, OH. I have played D&D for over half my life so find this game is a easy out for my frustration and extremely fun to play. I have made new friends since joining and find almost everyone enjoyable to talk to. I have a wonderful girlfriend(Jaclyn/Gothangel6) and beautiful Daughter Sapphira I love anything fantasy, sci-fiction, horror, or supernatural. I am Gothic and love the dark and mysterious side of life. Also, I have a love for Witchcraft and I am Pagan/Spiritualist, studying books and practicing Psychic Phenomenon to learn more about how to control my Psychic Vamperism. I am also a poetic kind of person and enjoy writing so talk to me I don't bite (too hard) and like meeting new people.


I hold to a code of honor and respect. Trust is key to any relationship, so if I cannot trust you then I have little to no respect for you. If you lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate others in that fashion, that is how you wind-up on my enemies list. Not for vengeance but for breaking my trust in them by being Less Then Human.

Guild History


I start the game Jan 30, for the first week or so, I had no guild. Then at only lvl 12 was offered the chance to co-create a guild but turned it down, having never joined one I had no idea what to do. Later, that night was offered the chance to join The Dreaming Knights Of Eld, I accepted. This was my guild for the next two weeks, until they insulted my brother Shaydeling, I then left, and The white dragon's picked me up. I was with them for about 2-3months though I have since left them but I keep in contact with quite a few of them. I was then guildless for two weeks til my brother Shaydeling, his wife Crystal79, and myself form a Guild. We were called The Pagan Knights, I had since parted ways seeking my destiny elsewhere. I then joined the celtic warriors, but due to my personal life getting in the way and not having a enough time to play lead to my leaving. But I am now and forever more the leader of the FallenAces!



Current Stats
Max Stamina:
Stamina per HR:
XP per HR:
PVP Rating:
Gold per HR:



My Buffs

Category Name Level Image
Special Quest Finder 120 (+7) =127 61_sm.gif
Special Find Item 120 (+7) =127 16_sm.gif
Special Treasure Hunter 120 (+7) =127 17_sm.gif
Special Adept Learner 120 (+7) =127 19_sm.gif
Special Librarian 120 (+7) =127 20_sm.gif
Special Merchant 120 (+7) =127 21_sm.gif
Special Animal Magnetism 120 (+7) =127 24_sm.gif
Special Doubler 120 (+7) =127 26_sm.gif

Allies, Enemies, and Buffers


BeoSlayer-Man of many words, and complexity. He has done wonders getting his life back on track and is not letting anyone drag him down. He is also a CoFounder of the Aces.

Crystal79-Friend and former Cofounder of The Pagan Knights. Also the wife of Shaydeling.

GothAngel6-My girlfriend and lover, I lowered her into trying this game, now she is hooked. Love you!

shadowshow-The man who lured me into this game and inspired me to greatness. He is the toughest person on this game and persistant too. He is also a Cofounder of the Aces.

Shaydeling-Friend and former Cofounder of The Pagan Knights. We have been friends for almost eight years.


None there is no room for hate or revenge.