Azehma the Dwarf (Super Elite)

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Revision as of 23:58, 20 March 2010 by Ando (Talk | contribs)

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Notice This is a special creature that is found only in the scavenging caves.


The being known to the outside world as Azehma the Dwarf once had more humble beginnings in ages past but was corrupted and possessed by a great fiery demonic entity. How Azehma befell this curse is now lost in time however he was locked in a magical prison in the deepest of dungeons of a great Dwarf hold. Tragedy befell this hold one night and Azehma was released upon the world once again to cause death and destruction.


Name: Azehma the Dwarf (Super Elite)
Class: Demon
Level: 300


XP: 1,294 1,446
Attack: 7,793 7,985
Defense: 2,551 2,623
Armor: 1,950 2,028
Damage: 6,965 7,101
HP: 19,238 19,762
Gold: 237 363


Piercing Strike: 25 40
Reinforced Armor: 20 30
Critical Hit: 20 30
Hypnotize: 40 50


Dwarf Skin Clawed Boots
Dwarf Skin Howling Shield
Torril Ore

Scavenging Info

Cave: Ancient
Price: 25,000 0.png

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,623 7,985 7,101 21,790 11,909 8,616 6,969 5,981 5,322
Target Stats: 2,900 8,826 7,849 23,979 13,057 9,417 7,597 6,505 5,776