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{{Guildbox Wolf and Eagle|
{{Guildbox Wolf and Eagle|
guild_name= Wolf and Eagle|
guild_name= Wolf and Eagle|
guild_founder=[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle]|
guild_allies=[http://wolfandeagleguild.webs.com/alliancesnapetc.htm Wolf and Eagle Allies]|
guild_naps=[http://wolfandeagleguild.webs.com/alliancesnapetc.htm Wolf and Eagle NAPS]|
guild_members=[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=guild&subcmd=view&guild_id=40820 Wolf and Eagle Members]|
guild_website=[http://wolfandeagleguild.webs.com/ Wolf and Eagle]|
guild_website= |
guild_buffs=[http://wiki.fallensword.com/index.php/Wolf_and_Eagle#Available_Buffs Buffs]|
guild_buffs=[[Wolf and Eagle's Buff Store]]|
guild_founded=September 2007|
guild_founded=9/7/07 - 5/1/09|
==Site Management==
==Site Management==
This Wiki page is managed by WolfEagle and Jarllaxle.  Unauthorized edits will not be tolerated.
This Wiki page is managed by [http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 '''WolfEagle'''] Unauthorized edits will not be tolerated.
=Thee History of the Guild=
Our Guild is the merger of two Knight Orders, in the hope they could do together better than they was doing apart. Defend the Realm. The Knights of the Wolf and the Knights of the Eagle. Both are very old Orders of Knights which are both tales and Lore of Honor and Bravery as well are Deeds and Generosity. Both Order of Knights would never refuse a all for Battle or to help the weak. To the both Orders it was just as Great an Honor to lead the charge into Battle as it was help a family build a house or hunt to feed the village. While these two Great Orders fought Battles side by side & heeped up the Glory. They never was rivals. In fat, just the opposite held true -- They Great Respected each other! They was closer than Blood Brothers or Kin could ever be. Well as you can well image -- All this Duty comes at a very steep and costly Price! A price that neither Order never saw coing or even  thought they would be asked to pay someday. What is worst -- I was the one Price, that their scene of Duty & Honor wouldn't allow them to PAY! All the Knights know the saying -- Time to Pay the Piper! And while any 1 Knight was never afraid of meet Death. All the Knights feared the Death of their Knightly Orders. And not because they would someday be forgotten....... That no one would Remember their Deeds & Glories. That happens -- That is the Price of the Piper. No it was a Worst Thought!! Who would take up their Duty? Who would Defend the People? Who would just be the Symbol of Strength for Everyone to lend on in Times of Need? So the Knight councils of two Greatest Orders of Knights in the Realm got together and formed an Pact beyond any Alliance could have Done --- A Pact upon Knight Honor. To not form a New Order of Knights, but to keep their individual Orders intact while doing what they always hae done in Deeds and Thoughts for Years. To lean and support on each other!! Now, instead of still doing everything Separate --- they now would work under one Banner! Thus, The Guild of the Wolf and Eagle was formed. And their Motto as became -- We Support Our Own! And their Greatest Fear has never came to pass --- The People & the Realm were Defend, Protected, Guided and just plain looked after till the End of Days!!.
=About the Guild=
=Guild Stats=
Established September 2007
The following guild statistics are correct as of May 21, 2008.
We are an English Speaking International Guild
{| border="0" style="width:180px; border:0px background:transparent;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
Guild Motto: '''We Support Our Own!'''
==Guild Stats==
|align="left"|Top 250 Guilds Rank:
{| border="0" style="width:380px; border:0px background:transparent;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
|align="left"|Richest Guilds Rank:
|align="left"|Highest Level:
|align="left"|GvG Guilds Rank:
|align="left"| Highest Achieved Top 250 Guilds Rank:
=The Rules=
== <center> '''''Rest In Peace: [[Wolf and Eagle]]''''' </center> ==
'''Here's some "rules" you will be bound to when you join'''
The Time ticks by, as the clicks of my Cane echos back of the empty corridors and hallways of the once Grand Hall of the Wolf and Eagle Guild.
# '''Don't do anything that isn't allowed by the Fallen Sword Team'''.
As I emerge from the Keep, I can hear the wolves in the woods they have Guarded while becoming our Wolf-Brothers and Sisters; howling their goodbye.
# '''RESPECT ALL FALLEN SWORD PLAYERS'''. Not just members of the Wolf and Eagle Guild, but respect any player of Fallen Sword. Do not harass other members for/about anything. This includes begging by PM or in guild chat. Persistent beggars will be kicked from the guild.
# '''Allied and Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) Guilds:''' Every Guild Member not only needs to know Which Guilds we are Allied or NAP with, but also need to know and follow the Rules and Guidelines!!
# '''Activity Required:''' We don't ask for a lot But please do your best to at least gain 500 XP gain/week (which is not a lot) for the Guild. If you are going on vacation or know you will be inactive for a while, Please let a Guild Leader know, so we can change your Status. Inactivity for a week without a reason can result in the loss of your rank. Inactivity for more than 2 weeks can result in expulsion from the guild.
# '''Guild Upkeep (Donations):''' First and Foremost it is EVERY GUILD MEMBER's Duty and Responsibility to Help with the Guild's Upkeep. This is done is 3 ways and Track (SOLELY) by the Guild Advisor: Guild Tax: Set at 25%.  How it works:  25% of Gold taken directly from the Gold after each Creature Kill. If you Don't HUNT creatures -- Then you need to Increase the Gold Donations. Gold Donations: While the Guild does need Gold for Upkeep, we don't Need All of your Gold (Especially with the Guild Tax Now)  So First and FOREMOST, All Guild Members should be banking Gold.  DO NOT KEEP a lot of Gold on hand -- This makes you a TARGET for PvP Attacks. Please use 1 of your Gold Deposits at least every 5 Days, to to Donate a full (25%) of your 'ON HAND' Gold into the Guild Bank. If you want to Donate more and don't have the Deposits to do so, Most Guild Knight Council Members have more than 1 Daily Deposit.  Just message & send this extra Gold to them.  Especially when they put up a Notice that they are going to be Depositing Soon. FSP Donations: While  FSP contributions are not required, they are highly appreciated. They are needed to Buy Equipment, Add Ranks, Member Slots, Structures, etc. Thank You for donating any spare FSPs, so we can continue to grow!
# '''Guild Store:''' Our space is limited, so please use the space wisely! DO NOT STORE COMMON ITEMS OR OTHER JUNK! Must keep one slot open at all times for group attacks, or any items that could be looted will be lost. Whoever Filled the Store last -- Might Lost their Rank Completely. The item that has been there the longest or is worth the least may be removed and sold (profit goes to the guild).
# '''Attack Groups:''' If you see a new attack group, and you are high enough level to join, then help your fellow guild members and join. It's only 5 stamina. Unless otherwise stated, ALL Groups are open to any member.
# '''PvP Attacks:''' NO ATTACKING MEMBERS OF ALIIED or FAP GUILDS THAT ARE OUR ALLIES! (See ALLIED Section for current listing) Otherwise you are Free to attack any other player. But understand that They can attack you back or put a Bounty on You. So You Reap What You Sow!!!!! Now if their Guild comes after you (Not a Bounty Attack) or you are attacked back more than Once That is When Our Guild Will Defend Our Own!!!
# '''Buffs:''' First -- PLEASE USE YOUR OWN BUFFS, then ask for any others you need. Remember Casting Buffs cost that person Stamina. If you have at least level 100+ buffs, please add to your Bio, so they can be added to the Guild Buff Store Forum.
# '''Stealing:'''  I don't think I can say this any plainer: Anyone caught stealing Items, gold, FSP from the Guild will Not Only be AUTOMATICALLY Kicked from the Guild, but will also have their name added to the Wall of Shame: http://gauntlet.page.tl/Wall-Of-Shame-II.htm
# '''Avatars:''' Avatars are the Small Pictures on the left side of your BIO. These should be used to help Personalize your Character. All Avatars must meet the Fallen Sword Avatar Policy. All Guild Members should have an Avatar. Avatars DO NOT NEED to be of Wolves or Eagles, they are suppose to enhance your Character. If you need help getting an Avatar, please message a member of the Knight Council for Help.
# '''Have Fun:''' Now I hope I Will NEVER Have to Remind a Guild Member of this Rule. And this Rule DOES NOT JUST APPLY to this Game either, But to Life in General. Because I know First hand that we sometimes forget the Simple things or pleasures in Life.
After listening a few minutes, I continue my final rounds; I look up, and see the Eagles take flight, as they have countless times before; to Guard our pathways and coastlines; This time you can tell by the angle of their flight - they know this is an ending. 
After watching their beautiful flight, I continue down along the path that leads pass the Training Yards, No clink of Sword and Shield today!
Down on pass the barns, no that wasn't a horses nigh I heard; just the wind blowing through the doors.
=Member Ranks=
On down, to the Library; where are all the Scholars?  Normally you can't walk two step without tripping over one with his or her nose in a book.  It is just quite, not even a page in the wind here.
{| width="50%" border="1" align="center"
! Experience Points
! Rank
! # Currently
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Guild Founder || 1
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles || 1
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Keeper of the Guild || 2
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Grand Cross of the Wolves || 1
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Grand Cross of the Eagles || 1
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Paladin || 3
|- align="center"
| Specialty Rank || Knight Commander || 3
|- align="center"
| 10,000,000 || Bald Eagle Knight || 1
|- align="center"
| 5,000,000 || Steppe Eagle Knight || 2
|- align="center"
| 1,000,000 || Knight || 9
|- align="center"
| 750,000 || Vigil Knight || 0
|- align="center"
| 500,000 || Youngling || 4
|- align="center"
| 250,000 || Man of Arms || 5
|- align="center"
| 100,000 || Bannerman || 7
|- align="center"
| 50,000 || Guardsmen || 3
|- align="center"
| 25,000 || Squire || 5
|- align="center"
| 10,000 || Page || 5
|- align="center"
| 5,000 || Accepted || 1
|- align="center"
| 0 || Guild Invitee || 3
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
| 0 || On A Pilgrimage Away From the Guild || 3
|- align="center"
| 0 || Get Active or Get Kicked from the Guild || 4
|- align="center"
| || Total || 69
On down, the path I go ...
<center>  Finally I come to the Gates themselves.  </center>
There is is over the Gates:  ''We Support Our Own''
{| border="0" align="center" style="width: 800px; heigth: 100%; text-align: middle; border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #EBF3F4;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"
I swallow the Lump in my Throat.  I close the Gates and Lock them 1 last time. 
!Guild Leaders !! Council Members !! Ranks
| valign="top" style="border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #F5F9FA" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"|
* '''Guild Founder'''
* '''Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles'''
| valign="top" style="border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #F5F9FA" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"|
* '''Keeper of the Guild'''
thor421, Valinaard
* '''Grand Cross of the Wolves'''
* '''Grand Cross of the Eagles'''
* '''Paladin of the Guild'''
AuntBea, kithster, scots
* '''Knight Commander'''
Jarllaxle, JHinson14, Valerus
| valign="top" style="border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #F5F9FA" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"|
* '''Bald Eagle Knight'''
* '''Steppe Eagle Knight'''
jaydatz, joedie19
* '''Knight'''
aip84, Akynde, Apotsos, bleupixie, EliteWind, fulerton, KeranRyder, mindset, TPR
* '''Vigil Knight'''
* '''Youngling'''
<center> '' Good Bye Old Friend. RIP: 9-7-07 to 5-1-09 '' </center>
Galadorian, maniacego, slaycije, Torawin
* '''Man of Arms'''
49rs2, AKRyans, DerekChris, masterlan, XJLEE
* '''Bannerman'''
Buffalo31, gromscream, Hyberu, jraz, Nixer01, StiH, wolfmanner
* '''Guardsmen'''
kamagong, Larkray, sk8der
* '''Squire'''
Bon3Daddy, chaoselite, chosenjuan, gabriel220, Gypssie
* '''Page'''
Cassie6299, minphil, RAGtagTHUG, s4000234, ToonTim
* '''Accepted'''
* '''Guild Invitee'''
ashdan, malkiyore, SirTurner
mimi39, spipes, T00, Zeleoric
* '''On A Pilgrimage Away From the Guild'''
MrMalkier, raisesword
* '''Get Active or Get Kicked from the Guild'''
dho, Leven876, RemJ45, romengan
| colspan="3" valign="top" style="border:1px solid #ACBABC; text-align: center; background: #F5F9FA" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"|
<small>'''All ranks are subject to change.'''<br>Please see our Guild page for current listing: '''[http://cluster.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=guild&subcmd=view&guild_id=40820 Wolf and Eagle]'''. </small>
<center> '' You May be Gone, But Never Be Forgotten '' </center>
=Guild Structures=
{| border="1" align="center" width="75%"
! Structure Name
! Level
! Bonus
! Structure Name
! Level
! Bonus
|- align="center"
| Battle Totem || 16 || [[Attack]] +32 || || Bandit Camp || 5 || [[Master Thief]] +25%
|- align="center"
| Health Shrine || 12 || [[HP]] +60 || || Endurance Shrine || 3 || [[Stamina]] +15
|- align="center"
| Armory || 13 || [[Defense]] +26, [[Armor]] +26 || || Training Room || 10 || [[Dodge]] +50%
|- align="center"
| Thieves Guild || 2 || [[Thievery]] +40% || || Temple || 5 || [[Holy]] +50%
|- align="center"
| Weaponsmith || 15 || [[Damage]] +45 || || Sustain Shrine || 5 || [[Sustain]] +25%
|- align="center"
| Shrine of Pain || 5 || [[Critical Hit]] +25% || || Crafters Workshop || 5 || [[Master Crafter]] +100%
|- align="center"
| Tranquil Retreat || 6 || Max Stamina +120 || || Military Advisor || 1 || Group Stats viewable
|- align="center"
| Preemptive Temple || 10 || [[First Strike]] +20% || || Fury Shrine || 5 || Buffs +25 levels
|- align="center"
| Pentagram || 6 || [[Banishment]] +30% || || Guild Registrar || 3 || Guild-locked recall
|- align="center"
| Blade Master || 6 || [[Piercing Strike]] +60% || || Combat Pit || 20 || [[Duelist]] +20%
=Guild Store=
''Note: Check the Store Report for the latest availabilty. The numbers listed under complete sets indicates full sets only.  There may be excess of individual pieces.''
{| width="100%"
! Sets
! Sets
! Incomplete Sets
! Non-Set
! Non-Set
|- valign="top"
* (4) [[Raggghzas Set]] Level 10
* (1) [[Nomad Set]] Level 12
* (1) [[Frost Dragon Set]] Level 15
* (3) [[Reborn Dragon Set]] Level 15
* (10)[[Plague Set]] Level 20
* (3) [[Blood Demon Set]] Level 22
* (1) [[Pumpkin & Sickle Set]] Level 25
* (1) [[Forest Guardian Set]] Level 25
* (1) [[Exquisite Elven Set]] Level 26
* (1) [[Nightshade Set]] Level 28
* (2) [[Girath Set]] Level 30
* (3) [[Fire Dragon Set]] Level 35
* (2) [[Flamed Set]] Level 45
* (1) [[Kragh Set]] Level 45
* (12)[[Lesser Santork Reindeer Set]] Level 50
* (2) [[Reborn Cerberus Set]] Level 50
* (1) [[Khale Set]] Level 59
* (3) [[Thonomoths Set]] Level 60
* (1) [[Henz Set]] Level 65
* (1) [[Reborn Leaf Set]] Level 70
* (8) [[Darklore Set]] Level 77
* (8) [[Deep Set]] Level 80
* (2) [[Decay Set]] Level 90
* (3) [[Golden Panther Set]] Level 90
* (1) [[Togren Set]] Level 95
* (4) [[Mancrusha Set]] Level 120
* (1) [[Rykal Set]] Level 120
* (1) [[Samaels Void Set]] Level 160
* (1) [[Banshee Set]] Level 175
* [[Infernus Set]] Level 5
* [[Defender of Eribor Set]] Level 13
* [[Reborn Guardian Set]] Level 25
* [[Gnarled Set]] Level 35
* [[Hellfire Set]] Level 53
* [[Yeltz Set]] Level 55
* [[Saar Set]] Level 75
* [[Reborn Frost Set]] Level 100
* [[Dark Ethal Set]] Level 125
* [[Drake Set]] Level 140
* [[King Au Xenahs Set]] Level 150
* [[Tarbidas Spider Set]] Level 200
* (2) [[Blade of Karog]] Level 15
* (3) [[Dwarf Quartz Ring]] Level 15
* (2) [[Elovans Rune]] Level 18
* (3) [[Blade of Felmaz]] Level 20
* (1) [[Gothic Shield]] Level 20
* (2) [[Amulet of Rakh]] Level 30
* (2) [[Celestial Ring]] Level 40
* (1) [[Shaped Ruby Ring]] Level 45
* (1) [[Thunder Rune]] Level 48
* (1) [[Yulsar Shield]] Level 48
* (2) [[Boots of Lothamar]] Level 51
* (1) [[Rune of Omar]] Level 52
* (1) [[Frost Ring]] Level 72
* (1) [[Tirkin Kicking Boots]] Level 89
* (1) [[Ring of Papelm]] Level 100
* (1) [[Ring of Mecal]] Level 116
* (1) [[Demonic Fire Mace]] Level 123
* (1) [[Ekloren Gem]] Level 152
=Available Buffs=
==Offense==[[Rage]] -
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421],
<BR>[[Stun]] <BR>
.[[Fury]] - [http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle]<BR>[[Bloodthirst]] - <BR>
.[[Enchant Weapon]] - 
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421],
<BR>[[Berserk]] - [http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle] <BR>
.[[Holy Flame]] - <BR>
.[[Dark Curse]] -
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
+[[Shockwave]] - <BR>[[Ignite]] - <BR>[[Super Elite Slayer]] - <BR>[[Wither]] - <BR>
==Guild Membership==[[Shatter Armor]] - <BR>
'''Currently Recruiting Fallen Sword Players Level 5 or Higher.'''[[Deathwish]] - <BR>
While any Guild Member can suggest another Fallen Sword Player for Membership, Only the Guild's Recruiting Staff can Approve the Applications.[[Spell Breaker]] <BR>
Any Fallen Sword Player wanting to Join the Wolf and Eagle Guild MUST fill out an  Application on the Guild's Recruiting Space on the Fallen Sword Forums: '''[http://tinyurl.com/5mc2ej Click Here]'''
                                        ==DEFENSIVE BUFFS:==
When All Slots are Counted for; Either Recruiting will be Shutdown or The Requesting Player will be asked supply a ''(non-refundable)'' 20 FSP fee, to Create a new Slot![[Great Vigor]] <BR>
+[[Fortify]] <BR>[[Evade]] <BR>
='''The Tips'''=[[Rock Skin]] <BR>
Here are tips from members of the guild that will save you time, gold, and confusion throughout your FallenSword and Wolf and Eagle experience. If you have a tip you would like to share, please contact a Council member to validate it, and then submit it to WolfEagle or myself to post it.[[Enchanted Armor]] -  <BR>
==On Skills==[[Aura of Protection]] - <BR>
# Save up your skill points until you have enough to spend maxing out a skill.[[Deflect]] -  <BR>[[Force Shield]] <BR>
==On Equipment==[[Unbreakable]] - <BR>
# Always check the guild store and report to see if equipment is available for your level.
# Always inquire with a more senior member before spending a lot of gold or FSP purchasing armor.
# Most common and rare (non-craftable) items are junk. Don't waste your time trying to sell or trade them.[[Assist]] - <BR>[[Constitution]] - <BR>
=Knight Council & Leadership (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) =[[Find Item]] -
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
+[[Treasure Hunter]] -  
{| border="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; heigth: 100%; text-align: center; border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #EBF3F4;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle],
!Knight Council
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421]
| valign="top" style="border:1px solid #ACBABC; background: #F5F9FA" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"|
'''Guild Founder'''
'''Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles'''
Bewslayer[[Deep Pockets]] - <BR>
*'''Grand Cross of the Guild'''
*'''Guild Ambassador'''
JHinson14[[Adept Learner]] -
*'''Guild Treasurer'''
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421]
* '''Guild Recruiter'''[[Defiance]] <BR>
---------------------------[[Librarian]] -
* '''Guild Quartermaster'''
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421]
+[[Merchant]] -  
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=829502 WolfEagle],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1079776 Bewslayer],
[http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=profile&player_id=1086912 Thor421]
+[[Last Ditch]] -  <BR>
* '''GvG Knight Commander'''[[Animal Magnetism]] - <BR>
---------------------------[[Empower]] -  <BR>
*'''Regent Knight of the Woods'''
DerekChris[[Doubler]] -  <BR>
*'''Regent Knight of the Air'''
Phymnezius[[Conserve]] - <BR>[[Brewing Master]] - <BR>
'''HONORABLY RETIRED'''[[Four Leaf]] - <BR>
Aip84, Auntbea, Bleupixie, Cryogenic, fighter234, T00,
Thor421, Torawin, Valinaard, Zeleoric[[Extend]] -
<small>'''All ranks are subject to change.'''<br>For a  Description of the Ranks, Please goto the Ranks Section on our Guild page for current listing: '''[http://wolfandeagleguild.webs.com/guildranks.htm Wolf and Eagle (Ranks)]'''. </small>
=Guild Structures=
{| border="1" align="center" width="75%"
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Structure Name
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Level
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Bonus
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Structure Name
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Level
! align="center" style="background-color: #C38D37;" | Bonus
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Battle Totem]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 20/20
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Attack]] +40
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Bandit Camp]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Master Thief]] +25%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Health Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 20/20
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[HP]] +85
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Awareness Training]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Protect Gold]] +25%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Armory]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 20/20
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Defense]] +40, [[Armor]] +40
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Training Room]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 10/10
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Dodge]] +50%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Endurance Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 3/3
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Stamina]] +15
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Blacksmith]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Master Blacksmith]] +50%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Thieves Guild]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 2/2
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Thievery]] +40%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Sustain Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Sustain]] +25%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Weaponsmith]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" |  20/20
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Damage]] +60
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Crafters Workshop]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Master Crafter]] +100%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Temple]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Holy]] +50%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Military Advisor]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 1/1
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | Group Stats Viewable
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Shrine of Pain]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Critical Hit]] +25%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Fury Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 5/5
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | Buffs +25 levels
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Tranquil Retreat]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 12/12
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | Max Stamina +240
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Guild Registrar]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 3/3
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | Allows Locking of Items & Tracking
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Destructive Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 6/6
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Breaker]] +60%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Preemptive Temple]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 15/15
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[First Strike]] +30%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Pentagram]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 6/6
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Banishment]] +30%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Combat Pit]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 25/25
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Duelist]] +25%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Blade Master]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 6/6
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Piercing Strike]] +60%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Inventors Laboratory]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 10/10
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Master Inventory]] +50
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Protection Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 7/7
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Protection]] +70%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Crippling Shrine]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 25/25
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Disarm]] +50%
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | [[Tavern]]
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | 1/1
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" | Time until next mercenary viewable
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" |
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" |
| align="center" style="background-color: #e5c173;" |
=Guild Store=
'''Please see Guild Paladins about any Questions concerning the Guild Store.'''<br>
''Note: Check the Store Report for the latest availabilty.  The numbers listed under complete sets indicates full sets only.  There may be excess of individual pieces.'' 
{| width="100%"
! Sets
! Sets
! Incomplete Sets
! Non-Set
! Non-Set
|- valign="top"
* (2) [[Raggghzas Set]] Level 10
* (1) [[Frost Dragon Set]] Level 15
* (2) [[Reborn Dragon Set]] Level 15
* (14)[[Plague Set]] Level 20
* (1) [[Blood Demon Set]] Level 22
* (1) [[Pumpkin & Sickle Set]] Level 25
* (1) [[Forest Guardian Set]] Level 25
* (1) [[Reborn Guardian Set]] Level 25
* (1) [[Girath Set]] Level 30
* (3) [[Fire Dragon Set]] Level 35
* (14)[[Lesser Santork Reindeer Set]] Level 50
* (2) [[Reborn Cerberus Set]] Level 50
* (1) [[Khale Set]] Level 59
* (4) [[Thonomoths Set]] Level 60
* (2) [[Henz Set]] Level 65
* (8) [[Darklore Set]] Level 77
* (14) [[Deep Set]] Level 80
* (3) [[Decay Set]] Level 90
* (2) [[Golden Panther Set]] Level 90
* (1) [[Togren Set]] Level 95
* (1) [[Leikmar Set]] Level 110
* (1) [[Kala Set]] Level 115
* (1) [[Shildorah]] Level 115
* (8) [[Mancrusha Set]] Level 120
* (3) [[Flaming Baron Set]] level 135
* (1) [[Cu Sith]] Level 150
* (2) [[King Au Xenahs]] Level 150
* (2) [[Santork]] Level 150
* (3) [[Samaels Void Set]] Level 160
* (2) [[Banshee Set]] Level 175
* (1) [[Cursed Samurai]] Level 180
* (1) [[Lezhal]] Level 200
* (1) [[Lost Power Set]] Level 230
* [[Hellfire Set]] Level 53
* [[Yeltz Set]] Level 55
* [[Reborn Frost Set]] Level 100
* [[Rykal Set]] Level 120
* [[Drake Set]] Level 140
* [[Tarbidas Spider Set]] Level 200
* (1) [[Mystic Pick Axe]] Level 1
* (1) [[Sword of Eagle]] Level 13
* (2) [[Blade of Karog]] Level 15
* (2) [[Dwarf Quartz Ring]] Level 15
* (1) [[Elovans Rune]] Level 18
* (1) [[Blade of Felmaz]] Level 20
* (1) [[Gothic Shield]] Level 20
* (2) [[Freezing Death]] level 24
* (2) [[Ring of Catorn]] Level 36
* (1) [[Celestial Ring]] Level 40
* (1) [[Shaped Ruby Ring]] Level 45
* (1) [[Boots of Lothamar]] Level 51
* (2) [[Rune of Omar]] Level 52
* (1) [[Boots of Almar]] Level 70
* (1) [[Frost Ring]] Level 72
* (2) [[Tirkin Kicking Boots]] Level 89
* (2) [[Ring of Papelm]] Level 100
* (1) [[Shield of Bakmar]] Level 104
* (1) [[Ring of Mecal]] Level 116
* (1) [[Jahd Ring]] Level 130
* (1) [[Ekloren Gem]] Level 152
* (2) [[Greshas Rune]] Level 168
* (1) [[Ferals Gauntlets]] Level 179
* (1) [[Lithnal the Reds Armor]] Level 185

Latest revision as of 02:33, 16 May 2009

40820_mini.jpg Wolf and Eagle 40820_mini.jpg
Founded: 9/7/07 - 5/1/09
Founder: WolfEagle
Guild Leaders: guild_allies=
All Members:
Allies: {{{guild_allies}}}
NAPs: {{{guild_naps}}}
Buffs: Wolf and Eagle's Buff Store


Site Management

This Wiki page is managed by WolfEagle Unauthorized edits will not be tolerated.

About the Guild

Established September 2007

We are an English Speaking International Guild

Guild Motto: We Support Our Own!

Guild Stats

Highest Level: 525
Highest Achieved Top 250 Guilds Rank: 52nd

Rest In Peace: Wolf and Eagle

The Time ticks by, as the clicks of my Cane echos back of the empty corridors and hallways of the once Grand Hall of the Wolf and Eagle Guild.

As I emerge from the Keep, I can hear the wolves in the woods they have Guarded while becoming our Wolf-Brothers and Sisters; howling their goodbye.

After listening a few minutes, I continue my final rounds; I look up, and see the Eagles take flight, as they have countless times before; to Guard our pathways and coastlines; This time you can tell by the angle of their flight - they know this is an ending.

After watching their beautiful flight, I continue down along the path that leads pass the Training Yards, No clink of Sword and Shield today!

Down on pass the barns, no that wasn't a horses nigh I heard; just the wind blowing through the doors.

On down, to the Library; where are all the Scholars? Normally you can't walk two step without tripping over one with his or her nose in a book. It is just quite, not even a page in the wind here.

On down, the path I go ...

Finally I come to the Gates themselves.

There is is over the Gates: We Support Our Own

I swallow the Lump in my Throat. I close the Gates and Lock them 1 last time.

Good Bye Old Friend. RIP: 9-7-07 to 5-1-09
You May be Gone, But Never Be Forgotten


. .

. . .

. . .










. .

Guild Membership

Currently Recruiting Fallen Sword Players Level 5 or Higher.

While any Guild Member can suggest another Fallen Sword Player for Membership, Only the Guild's Recruiting Staff can Approve the Applications.

Any Fallen Sword Player wanting to Join the Wolf and Eagle Guild MUST fill out an Application on the Guild's Recruiting Space on the Fallen Sword Forums: Click Here

When All Slots are Counted for; Either Recruiting will be Shutdown or The Requesting Player will be asked supply a (non-refundable) 20 FSP fee, to Create a new Slot!


The Tips

Here are tips from members of the guild that will save you time, gold, and confusion throughout your FallenSword and Wolf and Eagle experience. If you have a tip you would like to share, please contact a Council member to validate it, and then submit it to WolfEagle or myself to post it.

On Skills

  1. Save up your skill points until you have enough to spend maxing out a skill.

On Equipment

  1. Always check the guild store and report to see if equipment is available for your level.
  2. Always inquire with a more senior member before spending a lot of gold or FSP purchasing armor.
  3. Most common and rare (non-craftable) items are junk. Don't waste your time trying to sell or trade them.

Knight Council & Leadership (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Knight Council
Guild Founder


Viceroy of Wolves and Eagles


  • Grand Cross of the Guild


  • Guild Ambassador


  • Guild Treasurer


  • Guild Recruiter

  • Guild Quartermaster

AKRyans JoGreenway

  • GvG Knight Commander


  • Regent Knight of the Woods

FeralWolf DerekChris

  • Regent Knight of the Air

Elioath Phymnezius


Aip84, Auntbea, Bleupixie, Cryogenic, fighter234, T00, Thor421, Torawin, Valinaard, Zeleoric

All ranks are subject to change.
For a Description of the Ranks, Please goto the Ranks Section on our Guild page for current listing: Wolf and Eagle (Ranks).

Guild Structures

Structure Name Level Bonus Structure Name Level Bonus
Battle Totem 20/20 Attack +40 Bandit Camp 5/5 Master Thief +25%
Health Shrine 20/20 HP +85 Awareness Training 5/5 Protect Gold +25%
Armory 20/20 Defense +40, Armor +40 Training Room 10/10 Dodge +50%
Endurance Shrine 3/3 Stamina +15 Blacksmith 5/5 Master Blacksmith +50%
Thieves Guild 2/2 Thievery +40% Sustain Shrine 5/5 Sustain +25%
Weaponsmith 20/20 Damage +60 Crafters Workshop 5/5 Master Crafter +100%
Temple 5/5 Holy +50% Military Advisor 1/1 Group Stats Viewable
Shrine of Pain 5/5 Critical Hit +25% Fury Shrine 5/5 Buffs +25 levels
Tranquil Retreat 12/12 Max Stamina +240 Guild Registrar 3/3 Allows Locking of Items & Tracking
Destructive Shrine 6/6 Breaker +60% Preemptive Temple 15/15 First Strike +30%
Pentagram 6/6 Banishment +30% Combat Pit 25/25 Duelist +25%
Blade Master 6/6 Piercing Strike +60% Inventors Laboratory 10/10 Master Inventory +50
Protection Shrine 7/7 Protection +70% Crippling Shrine 25/25 Disarm +50%
Tavern 1/1 Time until next mercenary viewable

Guild Store

Please see Guild Paladins about any Questions concerning the Guild Store.
Note: Check the Store Report for the latest availabilty. The numbers listed under complete sets indicates full sets only. There may be excess of individual pieces.

Sets Sets Incomplete Sets Non-Set Non-Set