Zekheld Guild Guard

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The Zekheld Guild Guard are the personal army of the Guildmaster. This army helps him control the city and although it is not a legal army in the eyes of Dwarf laws none dare speak out about it least they be visited by the Huildmasters Heavies or worse a visit by the crushing end of the Zekheld Guild Guards war hammers.


Name: Zekheld Guild Guard
Class: Dwarf
Level: 900


XP: 3,153 3,163
Attack: 4,447 4,597
Defense: 4,039 4,137
Armor: 4,181 4,371
Damage: 6,156 6,266
HP: 22,796 23,044
Gold: 261 339


Piercing Strike: 5 10
Reinforced Armor: 5 10
Nullify: 10 20


Amulet of Derilka
Boots of Baberla
Gloves of Modakle
Rune of Comeruia
Stolen Possessions


City of Zekheld (Merchant)
City of Zekheld (Plaza)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,137 4,597 6,266 27,415 15,893 12,053 10,132 8,980 8,212
Target Stats: 4,573 5,082 6,926 30,074 17,338 13,093 10,971 9,697 8,848