Xinderoth Friar

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Xinderoth Friars are one of the orders of Doth. All the orders worship their Lord Xinderoth as if he were a god and see his powers as devine. Xinderoth Friars live a life of poverty in service to Xinderoth however some may acend up through the ranks of the order.


Name: Xinderoth Friar
Class: Human
Level: 402


XP: 1,121 1,301
Attack: 1,394 1,530
Defense: 3,675 3,779
Armor: 2,245 2,373
Damage: 481 649
HP: 7,935 8,195
Gold: 273 327


Reinforced Armor: 16 20
Breaker: 2 10
Nullify: 4 15


Amulet of Genarda
Armor of Zakturath
Boots of Dweynar
Gloves of Zwanri
Helmet of Tokdoril
Ring of Jahlnem
Rune of Naroth
Shield of NuHark
Sword of Torimdos


Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 2)
Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 3)
Sanctum of Doth

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,779 1,530 649 10,568 6,471 5,105 4,422 4,012 3,739
Target Stats: 4,177 1,692 718 11,557 7,028 5,519 4,764 4,311 4,009