Xind Beacon

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The Xind were unstable at the start and Xinderoth needed to strengthen constructs when he wanted his magical creations to move outside his influence. The Xind Beacon projects pure Xind energy and allowed the first generation of Xind to move about. When Xinderoth had perfected his creations he continued to create the Xind Beacon. It is not understood why. Many point to the ability to project dangerous magical energy as reason enough.


Name: Xind Beacon
Class: Magical
Level: 413


XP: 1,184 1,304
Attack: 2,760 2,826
Defense: 873 985
Armor: 888 1,060
Damage: 3,540 3,634
HP: 8,050 8,520
Gold: 281 319


Piercing Strike: 8 16
Thievery: 10 15
Breaker: 7 14


Amulet of Mardin
Armor of Forsarn
Boots of Amirr
Gloves of Polnoth
Helmet of Werthor
Ring of Marjas
Rune of Juzxin


Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 13)
Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 14)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 985 2,826 3,634 9,580 5,320 3,900 3,190 2,764 2,480
Target Stats: 1,089 3,124 4,017 10,534 5,825 4,256 3,471 3,000 2,686