Wyza Spirit (Champion)

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The caves here once were home to the now extinct Wyza. These Giant Cobra-like serpents were hunted into oblivion by the Slyvin as sacrifices to their great god Zaq. Now only the angry spirits of the Wyza exist. These Spirits are as much a threat to the Slyvin as they are to anyone else.


Name: Wyza Spirit (Champion)
Class: Undead
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1078


XP: 5,113 5,683
Attack: 14,677 14,785
Defense: 4,033 4,117
Armor: 4,835 4,951
Damage: 11,131 11,257
HP: 34,578 35,214
Gold: 296 304


Reinforced Armor: 30 35
Dodge: 30 35
Disarm: 2 5


Boots of Icealk
Armor of Takehka


Trun Mine (Depths)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,117 14,785 11,257 40,165 22,558 16,689 13,755 11,994 10,820
Target Stats: 4,551 16,342 12,443 44,136 24,675 18,188 14,944 12,998 11,701