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Name: WolfDreams
Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Guild: The Culling
Allies: Mun6502,Quintas,kunda428,Anteyra,Borric
medals: 5_2.gif Loyalty Silver

8_1.gif Adventurer Bronze
9_1.gif Annual Service Bronze

ad finem fidelis




Mission 2: For The Culling to be a higher level than any one of its members. Currently (15th August) the guild is at level 268, with the highest member at 283.

Completed missions
Mission 5: To reach the top 100 players for September 2007. Achieved November 08.
Mission 4: To make level 300. Achieved October 08.
Mission 3: To make level 250. Achieved 15th August 08.
Mission 1: To make level 200. Achieved 2nd June 08.


I started FS life in The Lords of Chaos having been recruited by Kendraam. Thanks to their support I levelled up quickly but eventually left to co-manage The Culling with Mun6502. The bonds between The Lords of Chaos and The Culling are strong thanks to the friendship of Qunitas and Burnsibub.

Hints & Tips

Buffs & Skills

You need adept learner and librarian. Max out any skills you pick (except maybe Fury or Rage). Try to go hunting when your stamina is full or almost full to make best use of your buffs.


Hunt in the right place for your level so that you're fighting monsters that are as high as possible. Exceptions to this are:

  • Legendary, Elite and Super-elite hunting.
  • If you are 2-hitting at your top level, but were 1-hitting 1 level back.
  • If you're finishing off stamina (with buffs active) in one area before a long walk to the next area.

Group attacks

Do use them. But don't abuse them. A group attack is for killing Legendary, Elite and Super-elite creatures. Not for rats!


View my current auctions here.