Will o the Whisp (Champion)

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Many legends suround the beings known as Will o' the Wisps. One such legend tells that the Whisps are evil spirits doomed to wander the marshes and lead travelers to their deaths.


Name: Will o the Whisp (Champion)
Class: Undead
Rarity: Champion
Level: 283


XP: 1,087 1,187
Attack: 2,195 2,383
Defense: 1,518 1,578
Armor: 1,949 2,113
Damage: 1,227 1,331
HP: 6,960 7,340
Gold: 258 308


Piercing Strike: 20 30
Thievery: 30 40
Breaker: 20 30
Dodge: 35 40
Disarm: 35 40


Weapon of Dol Gua


The Bitter Marsh (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,578 2,383 1,331 9,453 5,783 4,560 3,948 3,581 3,337
Target Stats: 1,745 2,634 1,472 10,338 6,282 4,930 4,254 3,848 3,578