User talk:Belgrave/Note2

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You do not have permission to withdraw from the guild bank. Try a different guild you would like to steal from.

Notepad was saved successfully; fortunately, your Notepad fell out of the robber's pocket as he tried to escape.

You have already reached your max amount of allies. Yes, HCS does not want you to have that many alliances, they are afraid you might try to overthrow them.

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Um, the spacing between the "INFORMATION" and the top of the cell is not correct. I tried to edit it but I couldn't get it to the right height.
                 CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]

On my computer it is an exact copy of the information box in the game. I made it by copying the game's code and then wikifying it until I got the correct appearance. I don't know why you would be seeing something different.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM