The Flayer (Champion)

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These half human/half demon beings have been distorted by the chaotic evil residing in the dark lands. Their strange powers are capable of "flaying" apart its prey, thus presenting a somewhat devastating opponent.


Name: The Flayer (Champion)
Class: Human
Rarity: Champion
Level: 238


XP: 908 1,006
Attack: 1,156 1,330
Defense: 679 741
Armor: 1,676 1,758
Damage: 2,294 2,412
HP: 6,982 7,478
Gold: 219 257


Piercing Strike: 45 55
Critical Hit: 35 45
Dodge: 75 85


Armor of Shalut
Boots of Nograla
Ring of Lunal


Faroth (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 741 1,330 2,412 9,236 5,497 4,251 3,628 3,254 3,005
Target Stats: 820 1,471 2,666 10,117 5,984 4,607 3,918 3,505 3,229