Spine Grofflesnout

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The foul greenskins known as Spine Grofflesnouts wander these lands preying on lost travelers and sometimes banding together in small groups to raid small setelments.


Name: Spine Grofflesnout
Class: Greenskin
Level: 421


XP: 1,230 1,306
Attack: 1,665 1,863
Defense: 3,321 3,387
Armor: 2,031 2,091
Damage: 1,199 1,329
HP: 8,260 8,630
Gold: 277 323


Piercing Strike: 12 18
Sustain: 12 15


Amulet of Rosundor
Armor of Lasfor
Boots of Vollason
Gloves of Terrosdin
Helmet of Wodkon
Ring of Oshgill
Rune of Hortinoss
Shield of Izom
Weapon of Suthdor


Empty Plains (North)
Empty Plains (West)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,387 1,863 1,329 10,721 6,406 4,968 4,249 3,817 3,530
Target Stats: 3,744 2,060 1,469 11,741 6,972 5,382 4,587 4,110 3,792