Snow Sheep

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Snow Sheep are farmed by the Skadi. The wool of the Snow sheep is said by some to have magical properties and never looses its warmth or fluffy texture. It is in much demand in far of lands where many kings and queens will pay a hansom sum of gold for the wool.


Name: Snow Sheep
Class: Beast
Level: 1043


XP: 3,448 3,870
Attack: 5,603 5,797
Defense: 2,628 2,790
Armor: 3,183 3,279
Damage: 11,525 11,683
HP: 23,057 23,435
Gold: 299 301


Critical Hit: 10 20
Dodge: 5 10
Disarm: 5 10


Ice Fleece


Ymirheim Mountains (Ascent)
Ymirheim Mountains (Peak)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,790 5,797 11,683 26,714 14,997 11,091 9,138 7,966 7,185
Target Stats: 3,084 6,408 12,914 29,356 16,405 12,088 9,929 8,634 7,770