Shroud Horror Horse (Legendary)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Legendary Creature
Legendary creatures are only available for hunting during Legendary Events. During a Legendary Event, the available creatures and the areas/caves they currently inhabit are posted on the home page.
This creature is not normally available.



The swift moving Shroud Horror Horse Cavalry are Burzzthaks rapid response group. At his commands, the Horror Horses set off to deal with whatever emerging threat appears to the army.

This is important against the Legion and interfering Heroes!


Name: Shroud Horror Horse (Legendary)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 665


XP: 3,729 4,311
Attack: 2,507 2,569
Defense: 4,434 4,590
Armor: 4,324 4,488
Damage: 3,122 3,322
HP: 14,353 15,007
Gold: 281 319


Piercing Strike: 20 40
Reinforced Armor: 20 40
Critical Hit: 20 40
Dodge: 20 40
Disarm: 20 40


Horror Horse Remains
Recipe of Horror Horse Helm
Recipe of Horror Horse Punch Ring


The Fire Forest (Grove)
Caliginous Forests (Edge)
Caliginous Forests (Mire)
Barbmore (Range)
Ecrulym Flats (Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,590 2,569 3,322 19,495 11,992 9,491 8,240 7,490 6,990
Target Stats: 5,074 2,840 3,672 21,314 13,020 10,255 8,873 8,044 7,491