Sepharom Blade

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Sepharom Blades are the Second rank of Sepharom warrior. Seasoned Halfspears are given a pair of precious swords, which makes these warriors even more effective in combat.


Name: Sepharom Blade
Class: Reptile
Level: 376


XP: 1,089 1,177
Attack: 1,558 1,682
Defense: 1,559 1,629
Armor: 1,622 1,798
Damage: 2,528 2,712
HP: 7,421 7,669
Gold: 265 335


Piercing Strike: 7 16
Reinforced Armor: 3 12
Critical Hit: 2 10


Amulet of Enreail
Armor of Rullazug
Boots of Vlizroth
Sword of Cihurnah


Broken Lands (West)
Broken Lands (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,629 1,682 2,712 9,467 5,633 4,355 3,716 3,332 3,077
Target Stats: 1,801 1,860 2,998 10,370 6,132 4,719 4,013 3,589 3,307