Riangi Iron Demonaut

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The Riangi Iron Demonauts are the insanely powerful creations of the Riangi Executioners dark magic and the Dwarves ability to make mechanical wonders from iron made from Riangi ore. These machines are possessed by demonic entity\'s and use the body of iron to pound their foes into the ground. It is said that an army of these Demonaughts is in the process of being created in the great workshops of the Riangi for use against their foes in west.


Name: Riangi Iron Demonaut
Class: Mechanical
Level: 920


XP: 3,203 3,253
Attack: 5,798 5,960
Defense: 2,428 2,618
Armor: 2,797 2,951
Damage: 8,189 8,293
HP: 19,332 19,708
Gold: 295 305


Reinforced Armor: 5 10
Critical Hit: 5 10
Dodge: 12 25
Disarm: 12 25


Amulet of Milael
Armor of Shoell
Rune of Rasela
Shield of Reliacle


Inferno Abyss (Plateau)
Inferno Abyss (Fissure)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,618 5,960 8,293 22,659 12,805 9,521 7,878 6,893 6,236
Target Stats: 2,894 6,588 9,167 24,891 14,000 10,369 8,554 7,465 6,738