Rawneth Fairy

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Rawneth Fairies are generally mischievous but they do have a darker side as many of the Fay do. Their are many tales of the Rawneth Fairies using magical glamour to confuse travellers and send them in the wrong direction. Other tales tell of the darker side to these Fay where they steal children away from their parents and are never seen again...


Name: Rawneth Fairy
Class: Magical
Level: 1644


XP: 9,838 10,422
Attack: 22,426 22,584
Defense: 1,005 1,123
Armor: 373 567
Damage: 22,961 23,021
HP: 65,526 66,164
Gold: 191 209


Piercing Strike: 10 20
Critical Hit: 10 20
Breaker: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20
Disarm: 10 20



Rawneth Forest (Depths)
Rawneth Forest (Wilds)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,123 22,584 23,021 66,731 33,649 22,622 17,108 13,800 11,595
Target Stats: 1,242 24,963 25,446 73,729 37,163 24,975 18,880 15,224 12,786