Petrified Warrior (Champion)

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The Isle is covered in the stone statues of warriors petrified by the creatures that live here. Some of the Petrified Warriors on the island have been re-animated by the Gorgons magic to act as warriors for them.


Name: Petrified Warrior (Champion)
Class: Golem
Rarity: Champion
Level: 436


XP: 1,679 1,819
Attack: 2,601 2,691
Defense: 2,398 2,462
Armor: 5,780 5,870
Damage: 2,213 2,289
HP: 15,583 15,989
Gold: 254 346


Piercing Strike: 1 30
Reinforced Armor: 25 30
Critical Hit: 5 15


Cursed Heart
Shield of Hazbon
Sword of Ezroth


Gorgon Isle (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,462 2,691 2,289 21,859 13,865 11,200 9,868 9,068 8,535
Target Stats: 2,722 2,975 2,531 23,854 15,018 12,072 10,600 9,716 9,127