Ossrand Bearcat (Champion)

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The Bearcats of Osserand are a type of beastman. Unlike the tribes of Ghelmot Bearcats, they have a more sophisticated culture and have began to dabble with ice magic making them a more dangerous foe to encounter.


Name: Ossrand Bearcat (Champion)
Class: Beast
Rarity: Champion
Level: 262


XP: 986 1,120
Attack: 1,443 1,601
Defense: 2,601 2,737
Armor: 1,338 1,394
Damage: 1,017 1,117
HP: 6,419 6,831
Gold: 231 293


Thievery: 20 30
Critical Hit: 15 25
Breaker: 30 40
Dodge: 20 40


Gloves of Chapal
Helmet of Gliah
Ring of Whoal
Rune of Seblar


Ossrand (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,737 1,601 1,117 8,225 4,810 3,671 3,102 2,761 2,533
Target Stats: 3,026 1,770 1,235 9,019 5,244 3,985 3,356 2,978 2,727