Lava Scarab

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A seemingly mindless creature that wanders the volcanic landscape, feeding on rocks. The creature is capable of completely submerging itself within lava to hide itself from predators. Although a \"rock-eater\", this creature is fully capable devouring organic material when it comes across it.


Name: Lava Scarab
Class: Vermin
Level: 721


XP: 2,527 2,537
Attack: 4,381 4,439
Defense: 797 975
Armor: 6,020 6,120
Damage: 3,891 4,055
HP: 18,134 18,684
Gold: 271 329


Breaker: 10 10
Nullify: 10 10


Armor of Gadreal
Boots of Drealnor
Rune of Maelstrom
Shield of Vranol


Rhudal Volcano (Crater)
Rhudal Volcano (Ascent)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 975 4,439 4,055 24,804 15,462 12,348 10,791 9,857 9,234
Target Stats: 1,078 4,907 4,482 27,096 16,771 13,329 11,608 10,575 9,887