Kroba Brave

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The Kroba are Frogmen that live deep in the jungle on Kroba Island. They are savage and primitive warriors that worship a warrior god known as the great Kulock. The tribes of Kroba on the island are constantly at war and their young braves are always eager to prove themselves to their peers in battle.


Name: Kroba Brave
Class: Reptile
Level: 1411


XP: 7,354 7,568
Attack: 8,575 8,699
Defense: 8,374 8,514
Armor: 8,768 8,840
Damage: 10,158 10,218
HP: 43,131 43,449
Gold: 299 301


Piercing Strike: 18 25
Reinforced Armor: 17 30
Critical Hit: 21 45


Armor of Tore


Kroba Isle (Edge)
Kroba Isle (Thicket)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,514 8,699 10,218 52,289 30,565 23,323 19,703 17,530 16,082
Target Stats: 9,411 9,616 11,294 57,333 33,321 25,317 21,315 18,914 17,313