Kreth Visage Minion

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The Minions of the Kreth Visage are hidious rotting undead creatures who serve the Visage and obey his every command.


Name: Kreth Visage Minion
Class: Undead
Level: 449


XP: 1,308 1,396
Attack: 1,984 2,164
Defense: 1,216 1,306
Armor: 1,042 1,168
Damage: 4,511 4,615
HP: 8,691 9,319
Gold: 281 319


Piercing Strike: 10 14
Reinforced Armor: 19 21
Critical Hit: 11 16


Amulet of Fewurst
Armor of Dragorus
Boots of Manoco
Dagger of Tradonoma
Gloves of Kilhew
Heart of Malice
Helmet of Ragathom
Ring of Harpula
Rune of Kighnigh
Shield of Venucia


Caves of Kreth (Level 9)
Caves of Kreth (Level 10)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,306 2,164 4,615 10,487 5,828 4,275 3,498 3,032 2,722
Target Stats: 1,444 2,392 5,101 11,531 6,381 4,664 3,805 3,290 2,947