Kreth Two-Headed Mamba

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The Kreth Two-Headed Mamba is a deadly creature that is thankfully rare. The Kreth Two-Headed Mamba uses both is heads to attack and if both make contact with their enemy the combined venom from them will kill in seconds.


Name: Kreth Two-Headed Mamba
Class: Reptile
Level: 446


XP: 1,257 1,429
Attack: 1,566 1,720
Defense: 2,487 2,603
Armor: 2,931 3,129
Damage: 1,674 1,774
HP: 8,820 9,070
Gold: 278 322


Piercing Strike: 18 20
Dodge: 15 20


Amulet of Leoff
Armor of Wenles
Boots of Lhynlan
Gloves of Mickyer
Helmet of Rosha
Ring of Taberu
Rune of Sax
Shield of Haymmi
Sword of Trandorr


Caves of Kreth (Level 6)
Caves of Kreth (Level 7)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,603 1,720 1,774 12,199 7,664 6,153 5,397 4,943 4,641
Target Stats: 2,878 1,902 1,961 13,320 8,308 6,637 5,802 5,300 4,966