Kreth Coleoptera

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The giant powerful insects known as the Kreth Coleoptera hunt deep in the tunnles. They have excelent stealth in creeping up on prey useing their excellent night vision.


Name: Kreth Coleoptera
Class: Vermin
Level: 445


XP: 1,337 1,343
Attack: 2,118 2,172
Defense: 1,888 2,008
Armor: 2,430 2,626
Damage: 2,266 2,340
HP: 10,475 10,945
Gold: 292 308


Piercing Strike: 8 13
Reinforced Armor: 14 15
Critical Hit: 10 12


Amulet of Gazrif
Armor of Selgor
Boots of Savnor
Coleoptera Shell
Gloves of Polrin
Helmet of Tarvargin
Ring of Vashan
Rune of Aceness
Shield of Wagfar
Flail of Durray


Caves of Kreth (Level 5)
Caves of Kreth (Level 6)
Hidden Nook

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,008 2,172 2,340 13,571 8,099 6,275 5,363 4,815 4,451
Target Stats: 2,220 2,401 2,587 14,863 8,814 6,798 5,790 5,185 4,782