8500 Shield of Reliacle
8501 Amulet of Milael
8502 Armor of Shoell
8503 Zanadorn Unzul Helmet
8504 Zanadorn Unzul Axe
8505 Zanadorn Unzul Shield
8506 Thrasher Eye
8507 Thrasher Tentacle
8508 Thrasher Body
8509 Thrasher Skull
8510 Plague Mist Crystal
8511 Deepwater Sphere
8512 Pendant of Thalmar
8513 Recipe of Deepwater Sphere
8514 Armorsnout Head
8515 Armorsnout Legs
8516 Armorsnout Carcass
8517 Riangi Enslaving Amulet
8518 Armorsnout Tendon
8519 Groffle Warning
8520 Kintrara Helm
8521 Markaan Shield
8522 Silthar Gloves
8523 Recipe of Groffle Warning
8524 Purified Enslaving Amulet
8525 Deepwater Pearl
8526 Deepwater Gem
8527 Deepwater Spirit Ward
8528 Salt Stained Hair
8529 Recipe of Deepwater Spirit Ward
8530 Rune of Freedom
8531 Recipe of Metal Corroding Solution
8532 Deepwater Treasure
8533 Helmet of Halthar
8534 Boots of Krin
8535 Mace of Spite
8536 Deaths Head Bone Shield
8537 Deaths Head Signet Ring
8538 Misthaven Special
8539 Liquid Iron Fire
8540 Canor Armor Fragments
8541 Sephinite Compound
8542 Thoronite Solution
8543 Metal Corroding Solution
8544 Pishacha Ash
8545 Bronze Key
8546 Silver Key
8547 Gold Key
8548 Crystal Key
8549 Elvish Binding Rune
8550 Elvish Eternal Rune
8551 Sephcan Helm
8552 Elvish Healing Ward
8553 Sephcan Helm Drawings
8555 Sephcan Helm Notes Recipe
8556 Sephcan Magma Script
8557 Sephcan Caster Script
8558 Sephcan Gauntlet
8559 Sephcan Alchemical Lock
8560 Sephcan Gauntlet Drawings
8561 Sephcan Research Recipe
8562 Sephcan Amulet of Radiance
8563 Sephcan Amulet of Radiance Recipe
8564 Potion of Blessed Sanctum
8565 Sword of Emerald Fire
8566 Armor of Astraio
8567 Gem of Tyche
8568 Helmirr City Guard Armor
8569 Janloth Spear
8570 Cherin Necklace
8571 Halsun Helmet
8572 Mezkem Boots
8573 Servin Shield
8574 Wonlis Armor
8575 Calmar Gloves
8576 Cave Scuttler Claw
8577 Scuttler Harpoon
8578 Scuttler Harpoon Recipe
8579 Rough Clay Bowl
8580 Mists Scuttlers Leg
8581 Mists Scuttlers Heart
8582 Mists Scuttlers Meat
8583 Mists Scuttlers Remains
8584 Crab Draft
8585 Recipe of Crab Draft
8586 Crippling Poison
8587 Deadly Venom
8588 Potion of Waking Hypnotism
8589 Potion of Reinforced Will
8590 Potion Bottle (Vial)
8591 Potion Bottle (Collared Globe)
8592 Potion Bottle (Elegant)
8593 Potion Bottle (Inscribed)
8594 Recipe of Crippling Poison
8595 Recipe of Potion of Waking Hypnotism
8596 Recipe of Deadly Venom
8597 Recipe of Potion of Reinforced Will
8598 Deep Sentinel Amulet
8599 Deep Sentinel Ring