4900 Ring of Irith
4901 Helmet of Narxaz
4902 Armor of Ondoz
4903 Gloves of Saar
4904 Boots of Tarmiz
4905 Bladed Mace of Harsor
4906 Shield of Athshan
4907 Ring of Surmid
4908 Amulet of Rallsol
4909 Rune of Lomkall
4910 Saber Horn
4912 Guardian Fang
4913 Soul Orb
4914 Simple Bauble
4915 Driving Whip
4916 Burning Shackle
4917 Bone Key
4918 Troll Loot
4919 Orc Slayer
4920 Helmet of Xardroth
4921 Armor of Rothsar
4922 Gloves of Arthak
4923 Boots of Jothguth
4924 Sword of Tindrass
4925 Shield of Aggthon
4926 Ring of Ruthphol
4927 Amulet of Longrull
4928 Rune of Solsor
4929 Helmet of Noryus
4930 Armor of Isdrin
4931 Gloves of Culldan
4932 Boots of Dolsan
4933 Star of Sortuluzan
4934 Shield of Idmort
4935 Ring of Zull
4936 Amulet of Yasthon
4937 Rune of Estorun
4938 Helmet of Zoltor
4939 Armor of Osfidor
4940 Gloves of Northuz
4941 Boots of Ogaz
4942 Longsword of Rathdoz
4943 Shield of Gadlob
4944 Ring of Molleth
4945 Amulet of Krillsith
4946 Rune of Ithgan
4947 Helmet of Tholjin
4948 Armor of Lott
4949 Gloves of Trodkan
4950 Boots of Dithclod
4951 Rapier of Gosteb
4952 Shield of Hathlok
4953 Ring of Vorton
4954 Amulet of Konsill
4955 Rune of Nosfoll
4957 Tursas Sea Helm
4958 Tursas Sticky Mitts
4959 Tursas Mantle
4960 Tursas Tentiflail
4961 Tursas Coil
4962 Tursas Frozen Eye
4963 Tursas Dactylus
4964 Crab Meat
4965 Carapace Shell
4966 Carapace Shield
4967 Helmet of Charlik
4968 Qawi Barbed Spear
4969 Deep Fur Armor
4970 Ice Clan Gloves
4971 Qawi Seal Tooth
4972 Amulet of the Sun
4974 Sea Serpent Amulet
4975 Helmet of Zardras
4976 Frosted Plate
4977 Ice Scored Axe
4978 Spark of Life
4979 Rune of Thull
4980 Amulet of Golsinvor
4981 Ring of Uzdrill
4982 Gloves of Marsith
4983 Hunters Edge
4984 Serpent Saber Tooth
4985 Qawi Saber Blade
4986 Helmet of Lomgrill
4987 Armor of Sarr
4988 Gloves of Zath
4989 Boots of Parkon
4990 Dagger of Dorthan
4991 Shield of Thurdish
4992 Ring of Sandor
4993 Amulet of Lansull
4994 Rune of Kirqwain
4995 Helmet of Korvinfol
4996 Armor of Lorah
4997 Gloves of Harkondos
4998 Boots of Sorthan
4999 Barbed Dagger of Krusfor