Imptile (Legendary)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Legendary Creature
Legendary creatures are only available for hunting during Legendary Events. During a Legendary Event, the available creatures and the areas/caves they currently inhabit are posted on the home page.
This creature is not normally available.



On the outside Imptile is a happy chattering creature that appears eager to please others or even tell jokes. But underneath its scaly skin lies the true nature of Imptile, one of trickery, deception and cold blooded killing. Imptile is known to lure his unsuspecting victims into his cave home with promises of shelter or food. It is here he will rob them of any valuables and kill them, although not often in that order...


Name: Imptile (Legendary)
Class: Reptile
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 925


XP: 5,222 5,938
Attack: 2,371 2,555
Defense: 13,111 13,289
Armor: 164 244
Damage: 4,450 4,612
HP: 20,068 20,732
Gold: 229 371


Piercing Strike: 60 80
Reinforced Armor: 10 20
Critical Hit: 60 80
Dodge: 20 30
Disarm: 20 30
Hypnotize: 40 60


Imptile Skin
Recipe of Imptiles Scaly Gloves
Recipe of Imptiles Tooth Trinket


Mount Riangi Mines
Elriak Depths (Cavern)
Inferno Abyss (Chasm)
Barbas Isle (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 13,289 2,555 4,612 20,976 10,610 7,155 5,427 4,391 3,700
Target Stats: 14,689 2,825 5,098 23,173 11,715 7,896 5,986 4,840 4,077